“Zadar New Port Project”
Loan No.: FI 24.093
Project ID: 2006-0169
(LotI – Maritime works: Earthworks and secondary breakwater in the Port of Gaženica)
i) This Invitation for Prequalification follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published in the following media:
· “Official Journal of the European Union”, Notice number: 2007/S 222-269787 – dated 17 November 2007
· Croatian daily newspaper “Vjesnik” dated Thursday, 22 November, 2007
· the Croatian Official Gazette “Narodne novine” Number: 120, dated 21 November 2007
· the web site of the Port of Zadar Authority:
ii) Port of Zadar Authority (PZA), a state-owned port authority, has been granted loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) of 100.000.000EUR and from KfW of 120.000.000 EUR toward the cost of the Zadar New Port Project for a total amount of 236.000.000EUR. The Port of Zadar Authority (as the Borrower) undertakes to finance from its own resources the estimated balance amount of 16.000.000EUR.
Port of Zadar Authority (PZA) (hereinafter “the Employer”) intends applying the proceeds of a loan from the KfW (hereinafter “the Bank”) towards the cost of part of “Zadar New Port Project”.
The overall project scope is construction of an entirely new Zadar Ferryboat Terminal in Gaženica Port in the following lots:
· LotI – Maritime works: Earthworks and secondary breakwater;
· Lot II – Maritime works: Structures;
· Lot IIIa – Access roads and basic terminal areas infrastructure;
· Lot IIIb – Building and terminal surroundings
Within the execution of LotI, new land surfaces for port structures, infrastructure and buildings are to be created by reclamation in the Port basin.
iii) The Employer intends prequalifying firms and joint ventures to tender for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:
Lot I – Maritime works: Earthworks and secondary breakwater.
These works include undersea rock and marine sediment excavation of about 250.000 m3 for navigation acces, filling of about 1,8 million m3 of material for reclamation of about 20,5 ha of land, and the construction of a secondary (L = 270 m) breakwater.
Address of the Project Site: Port of Gaženica, Zadar, Croatia.
iv) Prequalification and tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the KfW is open to firms and joint ventures of firms from any country, subject to any specific eligibility criteria stated in the Prequalification Data.
Project expected time for award of Contract is October 2008. Expected time for contract completion is 12 months. This programme may be subject to revision.
Interested firms for this contract will be selected in accordance with restricted procurement procedures set out in the EIB “Guide to procurement” (edition: February 2004).
Applications for prequalification will be analysed against evaluation criteria relating to the Applicant’s experience, capability, and capacity, both in general and with specific reference to the nature and scope of Works proposed under the Contract. Specific evaluation criteria, to which applicants are required to respond in their applications for prequalification, are set out in the Prequalification Data
Following the evaluation of Applications for Prequalification, the Employer may invite tenders from the short list of prequalified Applicants.
At the time of submission of his Tender, any Tenderer shall be required to demonstrate that he is still in conformity with the criteria established for Prequalification.
The short-listing of prequalified Tenderers and any eventual award of Contract will each be subject to the Banks confirmation of no objection.
v) A complete set of Prequalification Documents may be purchased by any interested eligible Applicant every working day from 08.00 to 15.00 with effect from 29th May 2008., and until the last working day preceding the date specified in the Prequalification Data for the latest delivery of completed Applications, upon written application to the Employer’s address given at ¶(vii) below and payment of a non-refundable fee in the amount of HRK730,00 to the giro account of the Employer number: 2407000-1100076352 for local applicants, or for foreign applicants the amount of EUR100,00 to the foreign currency account number: Swift code: OTPVHR 2X; IBAN: HR1224070001100076352) at “OTP BANKA HRVATSKAd.d.” Zadar, Domovinskog rata3, in all cases quoting the abovementioned contract as reference. If requested, the documents will be promptly despatched by courier, at the Applicant’s cost, but no liability can be accepted by the Employer for loss or late delivery.
vi) The prequalification documents must be duly completed and delivered to the address given in the Prequalification Data (in a hard copy version only), on or before the date 30th June 2008. 14.00 hrs local time. Documents which are received late may be rejected and returned unopened.
vii) Interested firms may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the prequalification documents at, the following office:
Contact name: Ms. Jelena Bakočević
Executing agency: Port of Zadar Authority
Address: Liburnska obala 6/1, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Tel: +385 -23-201 -207
Fax: +385-23-201-222