Ling Long
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information:
IowaStateUniversity / Email:
Ames, Iowa50011, USA. / URL:
Current Research Interests:
- Number Theory and its applications
- PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, University Park, PA
Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2002
Thesis: Modularity of elliptic surfaces
Thesis Advisor: Wen-Ching Winnie Li at PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
Joint Thesis Advisor: Noriko Yui at Queen’s University
- TshinghuaUniversity, BeijingChina
B.Sc., Major in Mathematics and Minor in Computer Science and Engineering
Employment History:
2002–2003 / General Member , Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ).
Summer 2002 / Liftoff Research Fellow, Clay Mathematical Institute
Research Grants:
- NSA Young Investigators Grant:
– Noncongruence modular form, PI, $30,000.00, 2008-2010.
- AIM-NSF Grant Award:
–Noncongruence modular form and modularity, AIM workshop in August 2009, Principal Organizer, $40,000 (estimated).
- Number Theory Foundation Grants:
– Number Theory Seminar at ISU,PI, $2,000, 2005-2007
- AWM-NSF Award:
– Mentoring Travel Grant, $4,000, 2005-2006
- ISU Faculty Senate Foreign Travel Grant, summer 2006
- NSF Grant No. DMS 97-29992, 2002-2003
- Clay Mathematical Institute
– Liftoff Research Fellowship Grant, $4,000, 2002.
Professional Memberships:
- American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- AssociationofWomeninMathematics (AWM)
Published/Accepted Papers:
[1]OnAtkinand Swinnerton-Dyercongruencerelations(3),JournalofNumberTheory,doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2008.02.014, in press, (17pp).
[3]Onmodularformsforsomenoncongruencesubgroupsofthemodulargroup,(withChris,Kurth),DOI:10.1016/j.jnt.2007.10.007,JournalofNumberTheory, in press, (21pp).
[6]†ReciprocityforStirlingandmulti-restrictednumbers(withJiYoungChoi,Siu-HungNgandJonathanSmith),JournalofCombinatoricsTheory,seriesA,Volume113 (2006)1050-1060.
[9]Modularformsfornoncongruencesubgroups,(withWen-ChingW.LiandZifengYang),Quarterly JournalofPureandAppliedMathematics,Volume1,No.1,205-221,2005.
International Collaborations
§ Original research articles in book series/refereed major conference proceedings
† Inter-institutional Collaborations
‡ Expository articles in book series/refereed major conference proceedings
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Selected Financial Support for Conferences or Scholarly Visitations:
- Travel and local expenses (2 days) covered by number theory seminar fund of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March, 2008
- Travel and local expenses (5 days) covered by AIM for attending ``Computing arithmetic spectra" workshop, American Institute of Mathematics, March, 2008.
- Travel and local expenses (3 days) covered by Midwest Number Theory Days conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2008.
- Travel and local expenses (3 weeks) covered by MorningSide Institute, Beijing, China, July, 2007.
- Local expenses (1 day) covered by CapitalNormalUniversity, Beijing, China, July 20, 2007.
- Travel and local expenses (14 days) covered by the Center of Mathematical Sciences at Zhejiang University, China, June 10-24, 2007.
- Travel and local expenses (7 days) covered by Shandong University, China, June 3-10, 2007.
- Travel and local expenses (2 days) covered by the University of Hong Kong, May 31-June 1, 2007.
- Travel expenses and local expenses (18 days) covered by the NationalCenter for Theoretical Sciences, Tainan, Taiwan, May, 2007.
- Travel and local expenses (3 days) covered by the Clemson University, April 2007.
- Registration fee covered by the host to attend the Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, December, 2006.
- Local expenses (5 days) covered by Banff BIRSconference center for attending ``Modular Forms and String Duality" workshop, June, 2006.
- Faculty Senate Foreign Travel Grant, summer 2005
- $4000 NSF-AWM mentoring travel grant, summer 2005 and 2006.
- Travel and local expenses (2 days) covered by the number theory seminar fund of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2005.
- Travel and honorarium covered by the mathematics colloquium fund of University of Iowa, March, 2005.
- $500 NSF travel grant for attendingCanadianNumber Theory Conference VIII,University of Toronto, Canada, June, 2004.
- Travel and local expenses (2 days) covered by the number theory conference fund of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2004.
- Travel, local expenses and honorarium (3 days) covered by the number theory seminar fund of Louisiana State University, April 2004.
- Travel, local expenses and honorarium (2 days) covered by the number theory seminar fund of University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2004.
- Travel and lodging (4 days) covered by Arizona University for attending Arizona Winter School, March 2004
- Travel and local expenses (2 days) covered by the number theory seminar fund of Johns Hopkins University, February 2004.
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Presentations since Fall 2003:
Invited Conference Talks:
- On Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruences, AMS sectional meeting, Louisiana State University, March 29.
- **On Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruences}, Midwest Number Theory Days, March 7-8, UIC.
- Modular forms for certain noncongruence subgroups, San Diego AMS general meeting, January 2008.
- Modularity of algebraic varieties, Fields institute workshop on arithmetic and geometry of algebraic varieties with special emphasis on Calabi--Yau varieties and mirror symmetry, Nov. 2007.
- Noncongruence subgroups of the modular group, International congress on algebra and combinatorics (ICAC),Beijing, China, July 9, 2007.
- **Modularity of noncongruence cuspforms, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) conference on Galois Representation and Function Field Arithmetic, Taiwan, May 17, 2007.
- **On the Coefficients of Noncongruence Modular Forms, Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Dec. 11, 2006.
- **Modular Forms for Noncongruence Subgroups, Banff BIRS conference on Modular Forms and String Duality. Banff, Alberta,Canada, June 5, 2006.
- The modularity of certain elliptic modular surfaces, Weekend workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, March 2006.
- Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruence and the modularity for certain noncongruence cuspforms, AMS general meeting, San Antonio, January 15, 2006.
- The Picard-Fuchs equations of certain one-parameter families of K3 surfaces, Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, Fields Institute, Canada, March 6, 2005.
- **On cuspforms of non-congruence subgroups, Illinois number theory conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 21 2004.
- On cuspforms of non-congruence subgroups, Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, Fields Institute, Canada, November 2003.
Invited Collouium/Seminar Talks:
- **Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms, Number Theory Seminar, UIUC, March 27.
- **Modular forms for congruence subgroups, BeijingCapitalNormalUniversity, Invited talk, Beijing, China, July, 2007.
- **Modular forms for noncongruence subgroups, MorningSide institute, China, July 9, 2007.
- **Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms, Zhejiang University, China, June 16, 2007
- **Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms,Shan Dong University, China, June 6, 2007.
- **Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms,Hong KongUniversity, June 1, 2007.
- **Modular forms for some noncongruence subgroups, NationalCenter for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), Taiwan, May 22, 2007.
- **Finite index subgroups of the modular group and their modular forms,ClemsonUniversity, April 13, 2007.
- **Eisenstein series and representing natural numbers as sum of integer squares, number theory seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2005.
- **Modular forms for noncongruence subgroup of $SL_2(Z)$, colloquium talk, University of Iowa, March 30, 2005.
- **On Atkin-Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations, algebra and number theory seminar, LouisianaStateUniversity, April 19, 2004.
- **On cuspforms of non-congruence subgroups, number theory seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 15 2004.
- **On Atkin-Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations, number theory seminar, JohnsHopkinsUniversity, February 2004.
Contributed Talks:
- A short proof of Milne's formulae for sums of integer squares, ArithmeTexas, University of Texas at A\&M, April 3rd2005.
- **On Atkin-Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations, Canadian Number Theory Conference VIII, University of Toronto, Canada, June 20, 2004.
Departmental Seminar Talks:
- Zeros of Eisenstein series, Hypergeometric seminar, March 5 and April 16, 2008.
- Triangular groups and Hypergeometric series, Hypergeometric seminar, Oct. 2007.
- Hypergeometric series and Mahler measure, Hypergeometric seminar, Sep. 2007.
- Fermat curves and modular curve, algebra/combinatroics/number theory seminar, IowaStateUniversity, Sep. 2007.
- Continued fractions and their applications, ISU Math Club seminar, January 2007.
- Finite index subgroups of PSL(2,Z) and their modular functions, Combinatorics/Algebra/Number Theory seminar. Nov. 2006.
- $q$-hypergeometric functions and $q$-identities, Algebra/number theory seminar, IowaStateUniversity, February 6, 2006.
- Modern approaches to counting problems, IowaStateUniversity undergraduate math club talk, Oct. 30, 2005.
- Multi-restricted Stirling numbers, Combinatorics/Algebra/Number Theory seminar, Oct. 24, 2005.
- Modern approaches to counting problems-partition and sum of integer squares, IowaCollegiate Mathematics Competition special lecture, IowaStateUniversity, April 2005.
- Introduction to elliptic curves, Graduate colloquium, February, 10, 2005.
- From congruence to noncongruence modular forms, algebra and combinatorics seminar, November 29, 2004.
- Representing natural numbers as sums of integer squares, algebra and combinatorics seminar, IowaStateUniversity, March, 2004.
- Elliptic surface, $A-D-E$ Dynkin diagrams and their applications, algebra and combinatorics seminar, December 2003.
- Modular forms of congruence and non-congruence subgroups, Colloquium talk, August 2003.
Other Participated Conferences:
- **AIM workshop on ``Computing arithmetic spectra", March 9-14, 2008.
- Modularity of GL2 and Beyond, Mathematical Science Research Institute, Nov. 2006.
- **Arizona Winter School 2004, University of Texas at Austin, March 2004.
Visitors Hosted:
- Winnie Li (PennsylaniaStateUniversity), Dec. 2003.
- HelenaVerrill (LouisianaStateUniversity), April 2004.
- Ken Ono (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Nov. 2004.
- Karl Mahlburg (University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2005.
- Charles Doran (University of Washington, Seattle), April 2005.
- Stephanie Treneer (UIUC), April 2005.
- Yangbo Ye (University of Iowa, Sep. 2005.
- Jerome W. Hoffman (LouisianaStateUniversity), Oct. 2005.
- Raghuram, (U of Iowa), Nov. 2005.
- Ye Tian, (McGillUniversity), Mar. 2006.
- Bruce Berndt (UIUC), Mar. 2006.
- Jayce Getz (University of Wisconsin), April 2006.
- Kathrin Bringmann (University of Wisconsin), April 2006.
- Muthu Krishnamurthy (University of Iowa), Oct. 10, 2006.
- Tong Liu (University of Pennsylvania), Feb 2007.
- Bin Zhang, (SichuanUniversity), March 2007.
- Tim Huber (UIUC) March 2007.
- Neal Koblitz(University of Washington), March 2007.
- Matt Pananikolas (Texas A&M), April 2007.
- Mehmet Haluk Sengun (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Jan.2008.
- Ae Ja Yee, (Penn.StateUniversity), April 2008.
- George Andrews, (Penn.StateUniversity), April 2008.
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Scholarly Visitations:
- MorningSide center, Beijing, China, July 2007 (local expenses covered by the host).
- Center of Mathematical Sciences at Zhejiang University, China, June 10-24, 2007 (travel and local expenses covered by the host).
- Shandong University, China, June 3-10, 2007 (stipend, travel, and lodging covered by the host).
- NationalCenterfor Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan, May 12-30, 2007 (stipend, travel, and lodging covered by the host).
- Penn.StateUniversity, May 16–June 15, 2006. (travel and local expenses covered by an NSF-AWM Travel Grant in part).
- Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques(IHES), Paris, France, July 22–August 19, 2005. (lodging and local expenses covered by IHES).
- Penn.StateUniversity, May 16–June 15, 2005.(travel and local expenses covered by an NSF-AWM Travel Grant).
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Conferences Organizer:
- Modular Forms and Modularity,
AMS General Meeting at San Diego, January 2008, Co-organizer.
- Noncongruence modular forms and modularity,
American Mathematics Institute (AIM) workshop, August 2009, Principal Organizer.
Referee for Journals/Agencies:
Journal or Agency \Year / 08 / 07 / 04Proceedings of American Mathematical Society / 1
International Journal of Number Theory / 1
Applied Mathematics and Computing / 1
The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics / 1
Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A / 1
IFIP SEC 2008 Conference proceedings / 2
University Committees:
- Faculty senator (Spring 2007-present).
- Faculty mentor for Dinhvan Ha, the McNair Scholars Program (2005-2007).
College Services:
- Organizer of the following joint events
LAS Miller lecture / George Andrews, Penn.StateUniversity, president elect of American Mathematical Society / April 2008
LAS Miller lecture / Neal Koblitz,University of Washington / March 2007
Mathematics/Computer Science colloquium / Bruce C. Berndt, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign / March 2006
Mathematics/Physics Colloquium / Charles Doran,Universityof Washington / March 2005
LAS Miller lecture / Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin / November 2004
- 3 Computer Science Master Degree Program of Study Committees.
Departmental Committees:
- Colloquium co-chair (Fall 2004-present).
- Student Advisor, Pi Mu Epsilon Undergraduate Math Club (Fall 2007).
- Algebra Qualifier Committee (Fall 2008-present).
- Program of Study committees (2003-present):
Master / Program / Ph.D. / Program
Chair / 1 / Mathematics
Co-Chair / 1 / Mathematics
Member / 1 / Mathematics / 4 / Mathematics
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Graduate Advising:
Major/co-major Professor of the Ph.D. Students:
- Chris Kurth, Mathematics, in progress.
- Joohyung Kim, Mathematics, (Ph.D. 2005).
Program of Study Committee member of the following students:
Ph.D. Students:
- Ruben Aydinyan, Mathematics, (Ph.D. 2004).
- Key One Chung, Mathematics, (Ph.D. 2007).
- James, R. Fiedler, Mathematics, (Ph.D. 2007).
- Gargi Bhattacharyya, Mathematics, (Current).
Master Students:
- Fanghui Qing, computer science, (Master 2005),
- Dean Lin,, computer science, in progress
- Bachar Chama, , computer science,in progress.
Programs Attended to Advance Teaching:
- Large Class Faculty Learning Community, Fall 2007- Spring 2008, $1,500 stipend awarded, sponsored by Centerfor Excellence in Learning and Teaching, IowaStateUniversity.
- Teaching partner program, Spring 2005, sponsored by Centerfor Excellence in Learning and Teaching, IowaStateUniversity.Senior partner, Steve E. Jungst Natural Resource Ecology andManagement Department.
Curriculum Development Activities:
- Developed an undergraduate number theory course (350)cross-listed to computer science department.
Courses Taught since 2003:
Graduate Courses:
S 2008 / Abstract algebra II 505, IowaStateUniversityF 2007 / Abstract Algebra I 504, IowaStateUniversity
S 2006 / Topics in Algebra and Number Theory 690G,IowaStateUniversity
S 2005 / Number Theory and Its Applications 690Z,IowaStateUniversity
F 2004 / Galois Theory and Commutative Algebra 690Z,IowaStateUniversity
Undergraduate Courses:
F 2008 / Introduction to proofs 201, IowaStateUniversityF 2007 / Calculus I 165, IowaStateUniversity
S 2007 / Number Theory 350, IowaStateUniversity
F 2006 / Abstract Algebra I 301,IowaStateUniversity
S 2006 / Number Theory 350, IowaStateUniversity
F 2005 / Introduction to Mathematical Ideas 105, IowaStateUniversity
F 2005 / Abstract Algebra I 301,IowaStateUniversity
F 2004 / Abstract Algebra I 301,IowaStateUniversity
F 2004 / Linear Algebra 317, IowaStateUniversity
F 2003 / Calculus I 165, IowaStateUniversity
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