Welcome to Family and Consumer Sciences

Skills learned in these courses, such as nutritious food preparation, parenting, sewing, interior design, and budgeting are useful throughout life. Classes offered prepare students to be independent individuals.

Clothing and Textiles Core*

Fall Semester only

This course focuses on fashion trends, developing students’ own sense of style, careers available in the clothing and textiles industry, and expanding students’ sewing skills. Students will complete an independent sewing project of their choice by the end of the course.

Housing and Environment Core*

Spring Semester only

This course focuses on students’ gaining independence. Housing options, personal budgeting, career inventories, environmental concerns, and the skills necessary to move out on their own are covered in the first half of the class. Interior design elements and a room design and construction project complete the experience.

Foods and Nutrition Core

Fall Semester only

This course focuses on the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare nutritious foods for a healthy lifestyle. Students will cook breakfast, lunch, snack, and party foods as well as learn how to make the basics healthier. Students will also complete an analysis of their diet by keeping food records and entering the data into a nutrition analysis program in the computer lab.

Culture and Foods Core

Spring Semester only

This course takes students’ basic cooking skills to the next level by “touring” through different cultures, preparing and enjoying the foods from them as they go.

Human Development


This course helps prepare students for personal and/or professional experiences with children from conception through age 10. Students intern in a pre-K or elementary classroom throughout the year, supported by lessons and activities conducted at Schreiber. Students will also complete a parenting simulation with a computerized doll during a unit on teen pregnancy in the spring.

For more information and pictures of our students in action, please visit the Family and Consumer Sciences Department website, accessible through the Schreiber High School homepage.

*These courses may be used to satisfy the art/music requirement.