Minutes of theMeeting of the
Moresby Parish Council
held on the 5th February 2018
Moresby Rugby Club
1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr Lawson, Cllrs Boyes, Coward, McGuirk, Ogilvie, B Parke, Pritchard, Troughton Ward/County Cllr Barbour, and the Clerk.
2 Apologies and Announcements: There were apologies from Cllrs Horricks and
L Parke
One member of the public was present.
3. Approval of the last minutes: The minutes of the January 2018 meeting were agreed
4. Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that a declaration would be made should an item arise on the agenda. At this point councillors present completed a new style notification of interest form as requested by the district council monitoring officer.
5 Police issues.The clerk said that there was no apology or report from PCSO Hollie Dennis. He said that the information on were the December 2017 figures. There were 5 logs. These were a possession of drugs at an address given a Winston Close and 4 logs of incidents on or near Moresby Parks Road. It was agreed that a request should be made of the number of occasions that the safety camera van had been on site in Moresby Parks and whether as result any tickets had been issued.
6. Public Participation
a) A member of the public asked about progress towards a crossing patrol at the junction of School Brow and Moresby Parks Road He said he had spoken to the Member of Parliament when she held surgery in the village. The clerk said that if he had not heard anything further and his question had been directed to the M P then he should take the matter up with her.
6bWard and County Councillor Ward Cllr Barbour said that the derelict caravan had been removed and the district council’s submission to the Boundary Commission on the stage one consultation should be finalised at a special full council later in the week. He said that whilst the Moresby parish would not be split it was likely that the new ward would also cover Frizington. He said that the dog warden had promised to continue to patrol the area on the Back Lanes where it was thought that dog fouling was prevalent. Turning to county council issues he said the pot holes on School Brow had been partially repaired but not to universal satisfaction. He had been told that the Howgate sign had been ordered. He said there were to be three new speed bumps on Moresby Parks Road at each end and not four as he had reported earlier. He said work continued on new footway and street lighting. He said that he would again request action be taken on the overhanging branches on the footpath beyond the Steel Brow junction. He said that crossing patrol assessments are being undertaken through out Copeland. He would raise the issue outlined by Mrs Boyes at the last meeting concerning reflectors on poles at the junction of the main road and the Middle Ghyll Lonning. He said he understood that the clerk had the contact details for the public transport infrastructure officer about a bus shelter at Howgate. He said he had made officers aware of the continuing problems with HGV’s on Gallows Lonning and would raise the sight lines issue mentioned by Mr Parke at the next meeting of the Highways Working group.
7. Planning Applications
a Construction of 5 detached houses land at St Michael’s chapel Moresby Parks There were no objections to this application but the council agreed that the planning panel needed to be satisfied that the sight lines to the development were adequate given that this would be another junction to a busy road where speeding was prevalent, that the drainage was adequate, that there could be no flooding issues and that the roads and lighting in the development would be to an adoptable standards with broadband connections to each dwelling.
b) School Brow Development There was no information concerning the decision letter
8 Clerk’s Report
a) Defibrillator The clerk said no information had been received concerning the power requirements to the kiosk and he would ask the Heartbeat Trust for the latest position
b) Allotments and Cumbria Exchange The clerk said he and the chairman had spent time on the allotments and had identified an empty plot He said he would contact the resident who had enquired and offer the plot to him On a wider front the chairman said that at least one and probably two plots could be brought into use if bushes and self-setter shrubs were cleared The clerk said that there may be a project which would help and he would make enquiries
c) Social Isolation It had been agreed at the last meeting to ask an officer from Age UK to attend a meeting and she would speak at the March 2018 council meeting.
d) Whitehaven Citizens Advice The organisation had asked for a donation towards costs and it was agreed to send £100.
9 Correspondence None
10 Cheques for payment of expenditure
101287J C Shaw(Expenses)£21.41
101288Parton Village Hall(Play Area)£200.00
101289J C Shaw(Salary January 2018)£200.00
11 Parish Councillors Items (issues to be noted)
a) Mrs Boyes said that a litter pick along Moresby Parks road especially beyond the speed restriction signs might be appropriate in the better weather. It was noted that some work had been undertaken by the Commercial Park
b) Mrs Boyes said that there was a lot of mud on the road at Howgate Cllr Barbour said he may be able to act
c) Mr Parke said that the drainage outside the shop was deficient and it wet weather the surface water was not getting away
d) Mr Parke asked about the lighting on the path from Moresby Parks road to Rowntree Crescent. The clerk agreed to pursue the issue together with the problems of the surface of the path
e) Mr Parke said that there were areas on the old railway line public right of way where action was required
f) Mrs Pritchard asked if a dog bin could be placed on the Old Pit Lane beyond the last bungalow. The clerk said he would make enquiries but it may be that the council would not empty given that it was away from the highway
g) Mrs Ogilvie said that there were a very large number of molehills especially on School Brow and Rectory Brow Mrs McGuirk said she had spoken to the molecatcher and would do so again.
h) Mrs Ogilvie said she had been approached by residents about the speeding on Eagles Way.
i) Mrs Coward said that the land behind the Walkmill bungalows was being used for fly tipping. The clerk aid that he would contact the district council.
j) The chairman said that he had been approached by the shop keeper concerned that ill found rumours about the closure of the shop were circulating. The chairman had told the shop owner that they had not emanated from the council who were very supportive
k) Mr Troughton said he had spoken to a resident concerned with Broadband speeds within the parish Mr Troughton said he would take the matter up once more with Connecting Cumbria
l) Mr Troughton referred to the boardwalks in the Walkmill Country Park. He said those on the popular path beside the pond were in reasonable condition but work was required on those in the area beyond the valley at the far side of the park
The meeting closed at 8.00 pm. The next meeting was fixed for 5th March 2018