Dublin Republican Club

Leadership Team Meeting – Thursday, April 2, 2015

7:00 PM @ Shades at Muirfield

Dublin, Ohio


Attendees: Charles McClenaghan, President, JD Kaplan, Vice-President & Director of Communications, Dennis Damon, Co-Chair Events Committee, Steve Brown, Events Committee, Reagan Brown, Chair Young Republicans Dublin Scioto High School, Zacch Ashcraft, Membership Chair and Kristen Bussell

The meeting was called to order by Chas McClenaghan at 7:05pm


I. Lincoln Reagan Dinner Review

* Why did we not have as big of a table as the years previous?

* Solution: Our members need to be more informed of what events we are participating in and when they are. We need to start making more calls to our members to remind them of our monthly meetings where they can learn about the event we are attending.

* Reagan Brown told the group of her experience at the dinner and how she and her group were able to meet many amazing community leaders they would otherwise not be able to meet. She and other Young Republicans (including Anna Reyes, Cory Trotti, Madysen George, Brittany Hinkle and Alex Sopher) were some of the attendees who represented our group at this year’s dinner.

II. Thank You Letters to Our Members

* Charles McClenaghan recommended that new members and existing members who renew should be sent a thank you letters.

* Kristen Bussell adds that the letters should be rewritten from the previous ones we have sent out.

* JD Kaplan reminds us to send out the cards to the members who have recently paid.

III. Planning the First Young Republican Meeting

* Reagan Brown, President and Founder of the Young Republicans tells the group that the first meeting will be this Saturday at 2. At the meeting officers will be elected and the mission statement will be created.

* Charles and JD agree it is the young group’s responsibility to create the parameters each member must uphold to continue to have membership to the club.

IV. Call Membership For Meeting in May

* Charles decided for the Leadership Team to make calls to Members. A list was assigned to each attendee and that calls to promote the 4/9/2015 meeting began immediately after (during) the meeting.

V. Membership Meeting in May

* Dennis explained to the group that it will be the second Thursday in May, the 14th, and Jon Husted Ohio, Secretary of State will be speaking. Dennis Damon will be unable to attend so Steven Brown, Co-Chair on the events committee will help organize that meeting in Mr. Damon’s place.

VI. Meeting in June

* JD and Charles discuss with the group the possibility of a Membership Meeting in June.

* Zacch he may be able to contact the Buckeye Inst. to get a speaker.

* Charles mentions the idea of a possible debate style meeting. A representative from each side of the argument will debate while there is moderator guiding the discussion.

VII. Zacch’s Plans for Future Events

* Zacch concludes this discussion with some ideas for the future: Membership BBQ, Membership baseball game, or a trip to the zoo.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted: Reagan Brown Substitute Secretary