Mme. Turgeon Div 6 & Mme. Simpson Div 5

Niveau 6/7 – Immersion FrançaiseÉcole South Park School

Overview for September – December 2015

Mathematics 6:

This term students in grade 6 will be studying the following concepts:

  1. Number sense: Studentswill explore small to large numbers, factors and multiples, prime numbers, divisibility rules as well as using the priority of operations.
  2. Patterns and Irregularities: Students will learn to recognize patterns using graphs and tables. They will also work through problems using Value Tables.

Mathematics 7:

This term the students will be learning and applying divisibility rules, learning to use and create simple algebraic formulas and equations. They will also start working on equations with whole numbers (positive and negative).


Mme Turgeon will be exploring Chemistry with both classes. This study will involve both group and individual work.

  1. Students will be able to explain the characteristics and properties of matter
  2. Using the scientific method students will measure and control variables, observe, measure and record data with accuracy through simple experiments.
  3. Will communicate findings using scientific language

Social Studies:

In social studies, with Mme Simpson, the students will begin by looking at the government of Canada at the federal level. They will take part in Student Vote and cast their vote on Oct. 18th. They will then look at what constitutes a civilization. They will be given the opportunity to create their own imaginary civilization. They will then enhance their research and analytical skills by reviewing the history of Easter Island.

French Language Arts:

In French Immersion Language Arts, learning new and using French vocabulary is found in all subjects.

  1. Students will be provided with many opportunities to present orally, communicate, and share ideas and experiences in French.
  2. Students will be reviewing grammar rules to solidify their skills, using dictionaries and technology to expand their learning. Dictées will focus on words learned during other subjects and applying and understanding the function of words in sentences. They will negotiate and co-construct the final spelling with a partner and dictionaries.
  3. Building vocabulary imbedded in all subjects
  4. Will be applying comprehension, prior knowledge, summarizing strategies during reading various texts and books.
  5. Students will be conducting Novel studies with various French Novels.

English Language Arts (Div 6):

  1. The students will study important components of English Grammar and will practice their application by writing short essays of various genres.
  2. Will study a novel and demonstrate understanding of the main idea as well as will create a variety of small written and oral communications to record their views, opinions, values and beliefs.

English Language Arts (Div 5):

The students will begin a unit on Grammar looking at the different types of words. They will also be writing various pieces using research strategies and then creating interesting paragraphs with the information found. Finally, the students will be examining persuasive writing and creating a persuasive oral presentation on a topic of their choice.

Physical Education:

  1. Demonstrate activity-specific skills in a variety of alternative environments (volleyball, more specifically)
  2. Demonstrate ways to send and receive an object with increasing accuracy, alone and with others
  3. Follow rules, routines and procedures of safety
  4. Demonstrate etiquette and fair play
  5. Practice various physical activities of short duration throughout the week (walking, short runs, skipping, cooperative games…


The students are learning to sing in tune using tonic solfege such as soh, me and lah. They will be singing, dancing, and playing music from other cultures on the Orff instruments (ie. xylophones) and rhythm instruments (ie. Drum).

Personal Planning – Career Education:

  1. Set, achieve and revisit personal goals, school and family goals
  2. Use time management and planning strategies for their school life