Santiago Canyon College

College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)

MINUTES – February 26, 2008

Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez

Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez, Connie Wilson, John Smith, vacant, vacant (alt)

Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards, Sheryl Martin, Janell McWilliam (absent), Margaret Bennett (alt)

Student: Sean Dadashi Technology: Curt Childress Communication: AnnMarie Librescu Guest: Mary Ann Talano

Approved 3/11/08

1. Approval of Minutes, 2/12/08 / Motion to accept minutes as presented (Cucovatz/Vargas) passed unanimously.
1. Guest Introduction
2. SCC Partners in Education Award Nomination, Chancellor’s Ball 2008 (Oct 24, 2008): Juan Vázquez
3. Council Membership Change / Mary Ann Talano, student activities coordinator at MSAC, was introduced to the council. She is job-shadowing with John Hernandez as part of her doctoral program at USC.
Suggestions for nomination: Beckman Foundation; Seville Corporation.
Laura Wirtz has withdrawn as a member of the Council. Laura was complimented on her diligence and contributions to the council. / The council agreed to nominate the Beckman Foundation for the Partners in Education Award. Possibly nominate Seville for TGIF recognition.
A new Academic Senate representative will be appointed by the senate.
1.  Associated Student Government: Sean Dadashi
2.  Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
3.  Classified Advisory Group: Zina Edwards
4.  Communications: AnnMarie Librescu
5.  Technology: Curt Childress
6.  Budget/Facilities/Safety/ Admin Services: Steve Kawa
7.  Curriculum and Instruction Committee: Linda Cucovatz
8.  Academic Affairs/Accreditation: Mary Halvorson
9.  Student Success Committee/Student Services: John Hernandez
10.  Educational Master Plan Committee/Academic Senate: Rosi Enriquez
11.  President: Juan Vázquez
12. Other / ·  Distributed Calendar of Activities for Spring 2008
·  African-American history celebration, 2/28, 11am-2pm
·  Deadline for senator applications, Monday, March 3
·  ASG Town hall, Wednesday, March 5, E-203, 1pm
·  Student Services Fee – report indicates that income from student service fees was lower this year than last – the ASB is continuing to look at ways to motivate students to pay the fees.
·  OEC ASG raised $450 during their Valentine’s Day fund raiser. The ASG is looking for additional ideas to raise funds.
·  Five full-time faculty and two deans will be attending the ACCE conference – the conference deals with issues pertaining to continuing education.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 4.
·  Science Building Groundbreaking invitation has been sent to employees via e-mail – Tuesday, March 25, 10:30 a.m.
·  Softball Field Celebration – planning is underway but date has not been set.
·  Juan Vazquez announced that the 2006 SCC Women’s Soccer team has been selected as a California Community College Commission on Athletics and California Community College Athletic Association Scholar Team Recipient.
·  The new SCC Athletics Director was approved at last night’s board meeting; Martin Stringer.
Awaiting official word from the chancellor regarding “throwing the switch” for Datatel; possibly postponing to summer 2009.
·  Budget: Memo sent to managers requesting rationale be included with each purchase requisition sent to their appropriate vice president. These will accompany the request so the president has background when the requisition is taken to Chancellor’s Council. Categorical funds – any money left over – try to cover items that would normally be used from the general fund.
·  Facilities: Loop road is no longer available for parking because of the dirt road conditions after the rain. The dirt delivered to SCC has been determined to have too high of a clay content (by a geologist) so approved dirt will be substituted. Additional construction office trailers are scheduled for delivery.
·  Safety: Evacuation drills and tabletop Incident Command System exercises will be occurring during the spring semester. Thirty radios, 8 for OEC and 22 for SCC, have been purchased.
·  Numbered vinyl signs have been placed on the light poles at SCC for easy location identification. Signs will also be added to the A/B quad and Strenger Plaza.
·  Council passed new grade grievance policy from the Academic Senate. The policy also needs to be approved by the SAC curriculum and instruction council to be included in the next catalog. The new policy added a time limit for students to submit a grievance (one year after the grade is awarded).
·  The Technology Committee developed a statement on computer usage at SCC that will appear in the next catalog. Catalog deadline is March 24
·  Setting up an on-line demonstration, curricnet, of the process for submitting curriculum.
·  Enrollment status was presented.
·  2008-2009 credit instructional calendar was approved at last night’s board meeting.
·  The third draft of the accreditation report will be available for review by the college prior to printing.
·  CTE Summer Institute materials were distributed. CTE is applying for renewal of the grant. Along with surveying/mapping, they are adding water utility science, project management, arborist and public works to their program.
·  Outreach hosted the annual High School Counselor Breakfast with over 70 in attendance from high schools in and out of the SCC service area.
·  Health and Wellness concluded the alcohol grant with the County of Orange.
Faculty want to continue working on scheduling process (alternative ideas for scheduling).
Distance Education Task Force is working on an outline for on-line student orientation (centered around Blackboard).
Enrollment is up from last spring.
Board Safety and Board Facilities meetings are set for next Monday.
Continuing to survey safety needs on campus.
John Smith will be traveling to Sacramento with a contingent visiting the legislature. / Contact Steve Kawa with input regarding locator signage on campus.
Parking lot signage, including building address on the back of the building, needs to be installed at OEC.
Statement will be brought to the next College Council meeting, Tuesday, March 11.
Curriculum process will be gone through step-by-step at dean’s meeting, all are welcome.

Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement

Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.

Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, high school diploma program, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by College Council 10/23/07)