Course Outline/Evaluation

SCH 4U—Chemistry, Grade 12, University Preparation


This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, the structure and properties of matter, energy changes and rates of reaction, equilibrium in chemical systems, and electrochemistry. Students will further develop their problem-solving and investigation skills as they investigate chemical processes, and will refine their ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in everyday life and on

evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.


Unit A: Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration

  • demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas

of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating);

  • identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the
contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.
Unit 1: Organic Chemistry
  • assess the social and environmental impact of organic compounds used in everyday life, and

propose a course of action to reduce the use of compounds that are harmful to human health and

the environment;

  • investigate organic compounds and organic chemical reactions, and use various methods to represent

the compounds;

  • demonstrate an understanding of the structure, properties, and chemical behaviour of compounds

within each class of organic compounds.

Unit 2: Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction
  • analyse technologies and chemical processes that are based on energy changes, and evaluate them

in terms of their efficiency and their effects on the environment;

  • investigate and analyse energy changes and rates of reaction in physical and chemical processes,

and solve related problems;

  • demonstrate an understanding of energy changes and rates of reaction.
Unit 3: Chemical Systems and Equilibrium
  • analyse chemical equilibrium processes, and assess their impact on biological, biochemical, and technological systems;
  • investigate the qualitative and quantitative nature of chemical systems at equilibrium, and solve related problems;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the concept of dynamic equilibrium and the variables that cause shifts in the equilibrium of chemical systems.
Unit 4: Electrochemistry
  • analyse technologies and processes relating to electrochemistry, and their implications for society, health and safety, and the environment;
  • investigate oxidation-reduction reactions using a galvanic cell, and analyse electrochemical reactions in qualitative and quantitative terms;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the principles of oxidation-reduction reactions and the many practical applications of electrochemistry.
Unit 5: Structure and Properties
  • assess the benefits to society and evaluate the environmental impact of products and technologies that apply principles related to the structure and properties of matter;
  • investigate the molecular shapes and physical properties of various types of matter;
  • demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure and chemical bonding, and how they relate to the physical properties of ionic, molecular, covalent network, and metallic substances.


The mark will be calculated according to the following breakdown:

Term Summative Evaluation:70%

The evaluation fall into the following categories:



(include but not limited to)
Knowledge/Understanding / 28% / Tests, quizzes, assignments, projects
Thinking/Investigation* / 14% / Investigations, labs, assignments, quizzes
Communication / 14% / Lab reports, projects, assignments, quizzes
Application / 14% / MC assignments, projects, research rpt, tests

*Part of lab mark depends on the following: (i) Organizing the set-up (ii) Working together and sharing duties (iii) Following the procedure (iv) Manipulating the equipment (v) Cleaning up your workstation (esp. the sink)

Final Summative Evaluation:30%

These evaluations are to be completed in the final weak of classes. They may be in the form of an examination, performance task, and or any other method of evaluation suitable to the course content.

Learning Skills:

Students will also have the SIX (6) Learning Skills evaluated: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative and Self-Regulation.

Attendance/Missed Evaluation Items:

  • Classroom attendance and punctuality are of the utmost importance. There is a lot of material to cover and any late arrivals or poor attendance will certainly hinder performance in this course.
  • Surprise quizzes will be held at the beginning of the period. Students coming late to class will not have additional time to complete the quiz, and in fact, may miss it completely. Missed quizzes will count as ZERO evidence (0A).
  • YOU must come to class prepared with writing utensils, notebooks, textbooks, course handouts, calculators etc…
  • YOU are responsible for obtaining and completing any notes, tests, quizzes, assignments and any other classroom activities missed during ANY absences from class.
  • Tests, assignments and other assessment and evaluation activities that are skipped are awarded ZERO.
  • Any assignment handed to the teacher after the class set has been marked and returned will NOT be marked.
  • If you miss a lab, test or quiz, it is up to YOU to go out of your way to find the teacher to “make up” for the missed opportunity. Missed activities will be written/performed dependent on teacher availability. (A signed note is required)
  • Any student that plagiarizes work or allows their work to be copied, will receive a mark of ZERO for that activity.

Text(s):Chemistry 12 (Nelson/McGraw-Hill)/Worksheets