Cell Cycle Mini-Poster Project

Directions: You will create a mini-poster which follows 4 chromosomes through the process of mitosis. You will be quizzed on the poster upon its completion so be careful and pay attention to your work. DETAIL, NEAT, COLORFUL POSTERS!

Poster Requirements:

1. You must have the following title: The Cell Cycle

2.  4 chromosomes are represented….each a different color (one yellow, one blue, one green, and one orange).

3.  You must have 14 pre- labeled diagrams representing the cell cycle :

Interphase (2 boxes): look in your notes for description of what to draw. Note that you want the boxes that have one cell (which one comes first?)

Early prophase: Chromatin is now replicated chromosomes (4 different colors). 2 Pairs of centrioles begin to move to opposite ends of the cell. Spindle fibers begin emerging from centrioles.

Middle prophase: Nuclear envelope starts to break down and the nucleolus disappears. Spindle fibers elongate and are reaching for the chromosomes. Centrioles have almost reached the ends of the cell.

Late prophase: Centrioles are now on opposite ends of the cell. Spindle fibers now have extended long enough that they and have attached to the centromere of each sister chromatid. Nuclear membrane is gone for the most part at this point.

Early Metaphase: Spindle fibers are now firmly attached to the centromeres of each chromosome. The “tug of war” has begun and the spindle fibers are “violently pulling” the chromosomes towards the center of the cell. Show them starting to move toward the middle of the cell.

Late Metaphase: The spindle fibers have pulled the chromosomes and they have finally lined up at the metaphase plate in the correct orientation (check your spindle attachments).

Early Anaphase: Centromeres split and spindle fibers start pulling the sister chromatids apart to become individual chromosomes. The sister chromatids are being pulled to the opposite sides of the cell ( the poles). Draw an arrow showing the direction they are being pulled!

Late Anaphase: The sister chromatids are now individual chromosomes (single propeller) and have now almost reached the end of the cell and are closest to the centrioles (which have reeled them in).

Early Telophase: Nuclear envelop starts to re-forms around nucleus and the chromosomes now start to uncoil (deflated balloons) not quite chromatin yet. cell starts to pinch in a little. Spindle fibers have broken down and are not around the centrioles.

Late Telophase: Nucleolus has reappeared in each new nucleus. The chromosomes are now chromatin (squiggles and should look like chromatin in first interphase picture). Cell starts to pinch in (this has been done for you).

Early Cytokinesis: Cleavage furrow begins to form causing more of the cell to pinch in.

·  animal cells: cell membrane pinches in even more to produce a cleavage furrow & finally divides

·  plant cells: the cell pinches in even more to produce a cell plate, a new cell wall.

Late Cytokinesis: 2 daughter cells are now formed each with their own distinct nucleus, nucleolus, chromatin, and a set of centrioles at the ends of the cells.

**Under each circle write a description of what is happening**

(your own words)