Center Grove Middle School(s) North and Central

Student Handbook Revisions for 2009-2010

Submitted by Matthew Taylor, CGMSN Assistant Principal

(with agreement and committee work done by Matthew Kaiser,Julie Lawson,

Jack Parker, Nora Hoover, and Vicki Stephens)

May 11, 2009

****PLEASE NOTE: All revisions and additions appear in boldface type.


Change the last sentence in this paragraph to read:

The Alert Now Automated Calling System, along with the following radio and television stations are notified of emergency closings:

(RATIONALE: The Alert Now Automated Calling System was utilized to notify parents of school closings and other emergency information during the 2008-2009 school year, and this revision more clearly states this as an option when students and parents read the Student Handbook.)


Add the following sentence at the end of this section:

Center Grove Community School Corporation recognizes that our

student-athletes are “students” first, and expects that student-athletes

conductthemselves with appropriate behavior at all times. Students

who misbehave may face school, as well as, athletic consequences, at

the discretion of coaches, athletic directors, and middle school


(RATIONALE: This addition to the Athletics section of the Student

Handbook more clearly states that in addition to academic and age

requirements to participate in athletics, students must adhere to the middle

school codes of conduct. Student-athletes who choose to misbehave may

receive school and athletic consequences, depending on the nature of the

misbehavior, at the discretion of athletic staff and administration.)


Remove this section from the Student Handbook. This is per

Dr. Long’s suggestion as the Corporation Policy regarding residence

and tuition requirements have been updated.


Change the paragraph to read:

Students tardy to school are to report to the Student Services Office to sign in. If a student is tardy to school 5 DAYS per semester, a letter will be sent to inform the student and their parents that additional tardies to school will result in consequences, including lunch detention(s), before or after school detention, Friday Evening School, and In-School Suspension.

(RATIONALE: The changes being made to the Tardy to School section are designed to provide more specific language for students and parents, and to meet the concerns of administrators and staff members about students who are repeatedly tardy to school. These revisions are our attempt to more clearly state the types of consequences students may face if they choose to repeatedly be tardy to school.)


Change the HEALTH SERVICES information on pages 14-16 to

updated information from Carla Slauter, CGCSC Health Services

Coordinator. Please see these changes in the enclosed attachment.

(RATIONALE: The changes being made to the Health Services section

of the Student Handbook are Carla Slauter’s effort to ensure that all

elementary and middle school handbooks reflect the same health policies.

She has updated, added or deleted information as it relates to the health

practices that are currently followed by our Nurses and Clinic Assistants.)


Insert new rule (now #15) after Rule 14 “Gum is not allowed anywhere

in the building:”

15. Energy drinks are not allowed in the school building, including the


(RATIONALE: In the 2008-2009 school year, there have been several

instances where students brought 24 ounce cans of “energy drinks” to drink at school and to the cafeteria to drink for lunch. These drinks contain little nutritional value, and contain large amounts of caffeine, which can be detrimental to student health and their ability to learn in afternoon classes.)

Re-number previous rule #15 (All lockers are a privilege….) to rule #16.

Re-number previous rule #16 (Inappropriate or disrespectful….) to rule



Change the paragraph to read:

To promote consistency and student responsibility, Center Grove Middle School North has instituted a school-wide student responsibility log. Included in the log will be homework, tardiness, supplies, and citizenship. At various times throughout the school year, a student will start a new log. Consequences for the Center Grove Middle School North school-wide student responsibility log include, but are not limited to: Warning; Student Conference; Parent Contact; Lunch Detention(s); Letter Home; Counselor Conference; Loss of Classroom, Hallway, or Locker Privileges; After School Detention; Friday Evening School; Mandatory Tutoring Sessions, Administration Conference; In School Suspension; and Out of School Suspension. When a student has reached the last step of the responsibility log, a discipline notice is written and In School Suspension is assigned by the administration. Students are then placed on a responsibility contract with administration. Out of School Suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion could be assigned to students who reach the last step of the responsibility contract with administration.

(RATIONALE: The changes being made to the Classroom Policy section are a result of recommendations from Middle School North’s Responsibility Log committee. These revisions are designed to provide language for students and parents, and to meet the concerns of administrators and staff members about students who advance through the steps of the Responsibility Log in a short period of time. Please note that Middle School Central does not use a school-wide Responsibility Log; instead, their academic teams perform this function.)


Change the following paragraph in between item “20” and Students that have questions about particular types or items of dress should talk...

Unless the dress code violation warrants greater consequences,

students who violate the dress code will be given an opportunity to

change into clothing that the school provides, and that fits within the

school dress code.Repeated violations of the dress code,

however, will be treated as insubordination, which will result in

consequences from school administrators.

(RATIONALE: In 2008-2009, students, this paragraph indicated that, “At the discretion of the administrator, this may be clothing that the school provides or that parents/guardians bring them that day.” There were several instances where parents felt that due to this language, their child had an option to wear clothing that a parent/guardian would bring them, and the result was that students missed valuable instructional time while waiting in the office for their parents to bring them clothing which fit within the dress code. Thisrevision clears up any misunderstanding on the part of parents, and ensures that students will be able to return to class quickly.)



Change the beginning of this section to:

The harassment or threatening of other students or members of the staff, or any other individuals, is not permitted. This includes any speech or action that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment. Students shall not be subjected to verbal or physical harassment, mental orphysical discomfort, intimidation, embarrassment, ridicule, bullying, or demeaning activities by any other individual student or group of students. Students who experience such harassment or intimidation for any reason, including, but not limited to, racial or sexual harassment, should report the incident to a guidance counselor or school administrator immediately for investigation.

Add the “Extortion” section after “Cyber Bullying:”


Extortion is defined as threatening, intimidating, or coercing any student for the purpose of, or with the intent of, obtaining money or anything of value from the student.

(RATIONALE: In 2008-2009, MSN and MSC had a few incidents of racial harassment, and were looking for more specific language to address this behavior. Dr. Long suggested we adopt the language from CGHS with regard to harassment and intimidation.)


Change the paragraph to read:

The consequence will depend upon the nature of the offense, but not

limited to the following disciplinary actions: five days of lunch detention, Friday Evening School, In-School Suspension (1-5 days), Out-of-School Suspension (1-10 days), and a recommendation for expulsion for the remainder of the school year.

Remove Alternative School Assignment from the DISCIPLINE OPTIONS.

(RATIONALE: The changes being made to the Discipline Levels section are a result of our inability to offer the Alternative School Assignment because the Alternative to Suspension program was suspended at the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year.)


Change Rule “1” to the following:

  1. Behavior that injures, endangers, or presents substantial risk of injury to the student or another person.

(RATIONALE: In 2008-2009, MSN and MSC had a couple of incidents where students had items in their possession which endangered another student, and this revision more clearly states our concern during these incidents.)

After Rule 14 (Possessing, creating or distributing information in written or other form…) insert the following newrule:

(New Rule) 15. Sending, sharing, possessing or knowingly viewing pictures, text messages, emails, or other material of a sexual nature in electronic or hard-copy form.

(RATIONALE: Dr. Long suggested we adopt this language regarding “sexting.”)

Re-number Previous Rules “15-25” to New Rules “16-26.”


Change the paragraph to read:

Out of School Suspension (OSS), for 1 – 10 days, is assigned by the administration. Out-of-School Suspension shall be made only after the administration has made a thorough investigation and has then determined that such suspension is necessary to prevent interference with an educational function or school purposes. At the discretion of middle school administration, students who are assigned to Out of School Suspension have the opportunity to complete school work they missed, either during the time of suspension, or upon the student’s return, and can receive full credit for completed work. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ATTEND OR PARTICIPATE IN EXTRACURRICULAR OR SCHOOL SPONSOSRED ACTIVITIES FOR THE DAYS ASSIGNED OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION.

(RATIONALE: The changes being made to the Out of School

Suspension section are a result of teachers’ concerns that when students’

are suspended out of school they do not turn in their assignments in a timely manner. This revision more clearly states our expectation that if

assignments are collected for the student during their suspension, that they

are due to teachers upon their return to school.)


Remove the last paragraph in this section which indicates that

“parents have the right to appeal the decision of the person

conducting the expulsion meeting to the school board within 10 days

of the receipt of notice of the action taken.”

(RATIONALE: Dr. Long indicated to Vicki Stephens, Dean of Students

at Middle School Central, that this was no longer an option available to


CGMSN/CGMSC 2009-2010 Proposed Student Handbook Changes Page 1 of 6