SEG Functional Spec – SEGEL.VBS


Version 0.1


This script is designed to Enhance Liberator by providing additional functionality and performing steps both before and after running Liberator. It uses the Autoptch engine to allow for easy updates or modifications in the field. SEGEL is designed to resolve issues in upgrade situations. It is not fully QA’d for new instalaltions

SEGEL has now been modified for use with 9.5.3. There is a separate version named SEGEL953 which should be used


This script is in testing by SEG. USE AT OWN RISK.


SEGEL will run Liberator as part of its functionality. Therefore all systems should be backed up and the Delphi upgrade media should be downloaded and extracted. SQL Server must be service packed as necessary for the running of Liberator.

SEGEL should be extracted to the root of the Delphi media folder (i.e. X:\NI_Media\952SP3_ServerSetup). It will create a new folder named SEGEL.

The current AP should also be extracted to the same location. The folder structure should look as follows:


SEGEL953 now has a SEGEL.ini file which can be modified to allow for less input from the SEGEL user and streamline the processing of the steps.


SEGEL makes changes to some standard liberator files. When a standard file is modified, a copy of the original is made first and named <filename>-orig. This orig file can be renamed and the original functionality restored by deleting the modified file and removing the “-orig” section of the filename.

SEGEL is started by just double clicking the SEGEL.vbs file in the SEGEL folder.

The current version will perform the following steps:

  • check for dtsrun.exe (to make sure that the SQL2005 Backward compatibility tools are installed properly. If this step fails and the tools are installed, reboot the server, as the path is probably not updated properly.)
  • Request the SA password.
  • Modify the Autoptch.cmd files to use the local server name and the SA account rather than trusted credentials (this includes modifying the Autoptch.cmd file for the AP also
  • Run the PreupgradeAutopatchstep which will perform the following steps:
  • Export the list of custom detail sets into a Temp Table in the NSS_DATABASE
  • Expand the size of the TempDB to 500MB
  • Enables CLR and xp_cmdshell
  • Runs the BEOFIlenames query and creates the BEOFilenames.txt (in the Segel folder) which shows all the BEOs configured in Delphi
  • Run Liberator (setup.exe)
  • Copies the DelphiDBUpgrade.log to the SEGEL folder and parses it for errors. (this is the DTS out file from the upgrade)
  • Run the PostUpgradeAutoptch, which will perform the following steps
  • Import the Custom Detail sets back into the Merge Table
  • Enables CLR and xp_cmdshell
  • Checks for the registry location of the Delphi share, then modifies the CACLS and Share ACLS on that folder
  • Runs the Post95Upgrade.sql script.
  • Copy the Delphi Autopatch supplied provided in the Serversetup folder to the new DELPHI folder and then run the AP against Delphi
  • Modify the Install.ini in the workstation setup folder to have it run silently, with no user input
  • Copies Diagrams folder and all Details, Forms, BEOs, Bqtchecks, MV Queries to new folder (using external call). This step can be performed
  • runs bepupgrade.vbs (BEOUpgradeTool.
  • At the end it willpopup a message box to let you know it has finished.


SEGEL creates a log file in the SEGEL folder named segel.log

It also creates .OUT files for any SQL queries it runs in the OUTs folder

Please check these files for any errors after Segel has completed.

2006 Newmarket International, Inc.Page 1 of 2