You Are Already A Perfect You

by Dave Schmitz-Binnall

There is really only one goal in life: that is to be you, and to be you as well as you possibly can. Over the twenty odd years that I’ve been working with people on how to improve their lives I still find it exciting to see the way in which everything seems to start falling into place for them, once they find their true self and begin living out of that.

The problem is, most of us spend our lives trying to be something other than our true selves. We try to live up to what we think is expected of us – or – what we believe a person like us ought to be.

This expectation comes from all around us - society, parents, teachers, ministers, the media etc.We are surrounded by continual, relentless, and staggering pressure to “be a particular way”, to “look a particular way” to have “particular dreams goals and ambitions” to hold “particular beliefs, and values” to have a “particular type of job or profession” or a “particular level of education” and so on.

To make matters worse – by the time we are in our twenties, most of these expectations are so deeply embedded within our mind that we believe that they are our own ideas!

Most of us end up mistakenly believing that our true self is somehow inadequate, faulty, useless, or just plain bad. Instead, we create, in our minds, an image of an ‘ideal self’ which exemplifies everything that we think we ought to be. Now we dedicate the rest of lives to the pursuit of this ideal. Sadly, most of us are doomed to either fail in this pursuit, get stuck somewhere along the way, or sabotage ourselves. In some cases, we achieve the goals of the ideal self but still find our lives unsatisfying and unfulfilling.

The solution is to make what I call the return journey to our true self. Everyone can do this, with some help and guidance. Unfortunately, many people are scared to make this journey because they have come to believe (mistakenly) that there is something wrong with whom they really are, and that they will not like their true self.

My response to people who are afraid of rediscovering their true selves is to point out that God doesn’t create rubbish. We are not born into the world alienated from ourselves.

We are, in fact, born into the world as a perfect us. Uniquely talented and gifted - endowed with everything we need for a successful, happy fulfilled life. Thankfully, even though this person gets buried or suppressed, he/she is still there, it is not possible to destroy it.

In our coaching sessions, we will talk about ways to begin this journey, and how you can change the way you look at life so that you can increase your self-belief, self respect, self-confidence, and decrease your stress and anxiety.

Dave Schmitz-Binnall, MS, CHT