School-based Violence Prevention in Urban Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean:An Action Guide

by Joan Serra Hoffman


The purpose of this manual is to provide local schools and communities in Latin America and the Caribbean with information on how to plan, develop, implement and evaluate violence prevention projects. It aims to help schools and communities identify and use their resources wisely, taking into account their unique circumstances and needs, and to form effective partnerships for action. Our goal is that this manual offer schools and communities some helpful—and above all, practical—advice, and resources

This Action manual brings together the best information we could find on best and promising practices, step-by-step approaches, and examples of international school and community violence prevention strategies. This document draws from and reproduces sections of the Resource Guide for Municipalities: Community-based Crime and Violence Prevention in Urban Latin America, as well as,Violence Prevention: An Important Element of a Health Promoting School and Local Action Creating Health Promoting Schools and Violence Prevention of the World Health Organization. It draws on the work of many agencies such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Education and non-governmental agencies, universities and schools in the Americas. The manual has been developed with the assistance of regional educators and violence prevention experts to reflect the local contexts, opportunities and challenges in schools and their surrounding communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Who should read this document?

Achieving peace and safety in schools requires the active participation of many. The most promising school prevention and intervention strategies extend beyond the schoolhouse door, involve the neighboring community agencies, civil society groups, community leaders, parents and residents – of all ages -- as well as government actors. This manual has been prepared to help those willing to advocate for and initiate violence prevention and safety promotion efforts through schools. This may include:

  • Members of the school community, including teachers and their representative organizations, students, staff, volunteers, parent groups, coaches, caretakers and school-based health and social workers.
  • Community leaders, local residents, local providers and members of organized groups interested in improving education, safety and well-being in the school and community.
  • Members of non-governmental agencies and institutions responsible for planning and implementing the interventions described in this document, including program staff and consultants of international education and development agencies who are interested in working with schools to promote safety.
  • Governmental policy-makers and decision-makers, program planners and coordinators at local, district (provincial) and national levels.

How should this manual be used?

The manual presents simple, concrete steps, outlined below, that schools and communities can take with varying investments of resources to prevent and reduce violence. The manual steps can be followed in sequential order, or can be used selectively to strengthen ongoing work in schools and communities. Although some of the activities may require specific training qualifications, most of them can be carried out by a school teacher and a small school team with imagination and initiative.

This manual has three components:

  • A primer on Violence Prevention: To be used for training, advocacy and mobilizing on violence prevention for teachers and other school staff members, parents, students, community partners and others.
  • A Step by Step Guide: To use as you lay the groundwork for violence prevention; carry out a safety assessment; and develop, manage, monitor and evaluate your violence prevention plan. This 5 stage approach is illustrated below.
  • Tools and Resources: To assist in the implementation of the step by step process described above.