Myron Sheu is Assistant Professor of information systems at CaliforniaStateUniversity at Dominguez Hills. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses such as information systems theory and practice, advanced topics in information systems, database systems, advanced business programming, and data communications. He was Assistant Professor of computer science atSouth CarolinaStateUniversityfrom 1992 to1994 and taught computer networks, software engineering, database design, algorithms and data structures, programming languages, etc.
Between his two teaching positions, he gained extensive industrial experience by first being a senior consultant for high-tech companies for about two years and then working for Boeing Integrated Defense System as a systems and applications architectfor about six years. While practicing in industry, he played a significant role in system and tool acquisitions, helped set up system standards and security measures, implemented middleware, and designed the conversion of legacy applications to web-enabled systems.
He earned a Ph.D. in computer science in 1992 from OldDominionUniversity, an MBA in finance from CaliforniaStateUniversity at Long Beach, an MS in computer science from BrighamYoungUniversity, and a BS in computer application from ShanghaiIndustrialUniversity. In addition, he received several industrial certificates such as project management, systems engineering, systems administration, etc.
Accepted Articles
“Measured Decision Support to Online Customers – The Role of User Interface Management,” (coauthored with J. He) accepted with minor revisions for publication in Journal of Business Management and Change, October 2004.
Published Articles
“An Object-Oriented Knowledge Retrieval System to Facilitate Online Investment Decision Making,” (coauthored with P. Ammermann, M. Kiang, and J. Yur-Austin), to appear in Review of Business Research, Vol. IV, No. 1, 2004 issue.
“A Systematic Approach to Security Deployment in a Networking Environment,” (coauthored with L. Tang and R. Mukkamala), Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Security and Management, Las Vegas, June 2004, pp. 228 – 234.
"Relationship Factors Model for Enhancing E-Learning Process," (with M. Eyadat)16thAnnualCaliforniaStateUniversity – Production and Operations Management, Feb. 2004
“An Autonomous Knowledge Granulation Model for Cost-Effective Performance Analysis of Contemporary Information Systems,” (coauthored with Mohammad Eyadat), Proceedings of the 2003International Business Information Management Conference (IBIM '03), December 2003,Cairo, Egypt
“Intelligent Web User Interfaces,” (coauthored with James He), in Communications of International Information Management Association, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2003, pp. 1-15.
“Object-Oriented Intelligent Mechanism – Vital for the Success of E-Commerce,” (coauthored with James He), in Journal of Object Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, July-August 2003, online at
“A Reasoning Framework for Optimal Design Decisions,” (coauthored with Ravi Mukkamala and Stewart Shen), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 1, June 2003, pp 283-289.
“A Knowledge Representation Framework for Facilitating Online Investing,” (coauthored with Peter Ammermann, Jasmine Yur-Austin, and Melody Kiang), in Proceedings of the 12th Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 2001, pp 593-596.
"Representing Monitored Systems: A Critical Process in Data Collection," (coauthored with R. Mukkamala and S. Shen), Microelectronics and Reliability Journal, 34:8, England, May 1994.
"An Approach to Intelligent Monitoring," (with R. Mukkamala and S. Shen), Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Developing and Managing Expert System Programs (Washington, DC, September 1991), pp. 178-186.
"Intelligent Monitoring: An Effective Way to Facilitate Performance Analysis," (with S. Shen), Proceedings of the Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1991), pp. 880-887.
"A Flexible Hypermedia Tool for Information Management," (with S. Shen), Proceedings of the Symposium of AI Applications for Military Logistics, American Defense Preparedness Association (Arlington, Virginia, March 1991), pp. 220-225.
Program Committee Member for the 2004 International Conference on Security and Management in Las Vegas, June 2004.
Presentation of the paper, “A Reasoning Framework for Optimal Design Decisions,” to the 2004 International Conference on Security and Management in Las Vegas, June 2004.
Session Chair on algorithms and applications, SAM’04, Las Vegas, June 2003
Presentation of the paper, “A Reasoning Framework for Optimal Design Decisions,” to the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering in Las Vegas, June 2003.
Session Chair on Web issues and technology and applications and algorithms, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering in Las Vegas. June 2003.
Presentation of the paper, "An Approach to Intelligent Monitoring," to the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Developing and Managing Expert System Programs in Washington DC. September 1991.
Presentation of the paper, "Intelligent Monitoring: An Effective Way to Facilitate Performance Analysis," to the Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 22, No. 2, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. May 1991.
Presentation of the paper, "A Flexible Hypermedia Tool for Information Management," to the Symposium of AI Applications for Military Logistics, American Defense Preparedness Association in Arlington, Virginia. March 1991.
Academic Services
On-Campus Advisor to Information Technology Society, August 2002 – Present
Graduate Program Curriculum Committee, Jan. 2003 – Present
Microsoft Alliance Program Coordinator, October 2002 – Present
Scholarship Committee, March 2004 – Present
Center for Teaching and Learning Committee, Sep. 2004 - Present
Faculty Senate Member, Sep. 2002 – May 2003.
Mentor to InformationTechnologyAcademy, November 2001 – March 2002
Computer Science Curriculum Committee, South CarolinaStateUniversity, 1992 – 1994.
University Computing-Service Committee, South CarolinaStateUniversity, 1992 –1994.
Golden-Key National Honor Society
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Association for Computing Machinery
Association of Information Systems