3 Months Prior:
Start a Retirement folder for the Retiree.
Interview the retiree to complete the Retirement Worksheet pages 1 & 2.
Have Retiree complete the Retirement Worksheet pages 3 & 4. Ask retiree for his/her preferences: date, time, location and layout of ceremony and reception, uniform, retiring official, distinguished guests.
Have retiree select the shadowbox style desired.
Request U.S. flag be flown over capitol.
Request Décor 6.
Initiate Retirement Award (Supervisor/Superintendent/Flight Commander).
2 Months Prior:
Schedule Chaplain
Schedule Photographer/Videographer (AF Form 833)
Schedule Honor Guard
Reserve facility for ceremony
Inclement weather location (if outdoors)
Submit Retirement Award (Supervisor/Superintendent/Flight Commander).
1 Month Prior:
Prepare guest list
Draft invitation
Distribute Retirement Folder/Donation Envelopes to work centers.
3 Weeks Prior:
Send out invitations
Draft program
Draft script
Coordinate news releases/media with Public Affairs
Call Unit Awards Monitor for status of decorations
2 Weeks Prior
Finalize script
Send program to printer
Set dates for practice with key personnel, CCF and/or CCQ
Purchase guest book
Determine narrator and aide
1 Week Prior
Forward retirement package to retiring official for review
Coordinate introduction of distinguished guests, if any
Finalize Public Address, Podium, & bleacher requirements
Confirm decoration submission
Three Days Prior:
Schedule apptmt with commander for final review/"dry run"
Coordinate seating arrangements
Get Cashiers Check/Gift Certificate with Donated money
Reconfirm the following:
Honor Guard
1 Day Prior:
Schedule apptmt with commander for final review & "dry run". All players
Arrange for refreshments for reception
Purchase bouquet of flowers for spouse
Arrange for seating
Retirement for: Retirement Date:
Ceremony Day:
Final review & "dry run"
Detail squadron personnel to be escorts for VIPs and spouses.
Detail personnel to set-up facility, move chairs
Military Band/Music present
Honor Guard present
Flags (U.S., State, Distinguished Visitor) present
Flag bases present
Chaplain present
Photographer/Videographer present
Sound System Checked
Video Projection System Checked (don’t forget batteries for Remote)
Retirement Programs – Colored for Retiree Guests
Retirement Programs – Black/White for all other guests
Refreshments – Food (Cakes, Cookies)
Refreshments – Drinks (Coffee, Punch/Juice, Water)
Refreshments – Support (Plates, Napkins, table covers, hot & cold Cups)
Confirm the Following items are on-hand for the Presentation:
Federal Awards – Medals w/attaching clip
Federal Awards – Citation in binder
State Awards – Medals w/attaching clip
State Awards – Citation in binder
Copy of Retirement Order
Honorable Discharge Certificate, Air National Guard (NGB Form 438a)
Certificate of Retirement, AF Chief of Staff - Air Force (DD Form 363AF)
Certificate of Retirement – Oregon Air National Guard
Letter of Appreciation – U.S. President
Letter of Appreciation – Governor
Letter of Appreciation – Mayor
Certificate of Authenticity – Flag flying over U.S. Capitol
Donated Money Cashiers Check/Gift Certificate
Retirement Forder w/ signature cards, Color Program, Color Invitation
Gifts from co-workers
Certificate of Appreciation (for Wives) (AF Form 1344)
Certificate of Appreciation (for Husbands) (AF Form 1346)
Certificate of Appreciation, Chief of Air Force Reserve(AF Form 423)
Develop program to include squadron mission statement
Retirement for: Retirement Date: