Sustainable Development Fund - SDF
Activity Completion Report

Note: Please delete the plum italics before submitting the report.


Organisation and contact details

Organisation name
Contact person name
Contact person position
Contact person phone
Contact person email

Activity information

MFAT Activity Number
Activity Title
Intended outcomes

Funding arrangement information

Funding arrangement start and end dates
Total cost

Completion report preparation

Prepared by
Others involved or consulted
Date report submitted

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary should be comprehensible as a stand-alone document. It should outline the main achievements of the Activity, brief comment on performance against the five DAC evaluation[1] criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability) and a summary of risks that emerged (including Health and Safety risks) and how (if) they were dealt with. Key financial issues should also be detailed.

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Background and context

Brief narrative of the Activity’s identification, design and implementation and the changing institutional, social and physical environment in which it was working

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Assessment against DAC evaluation criteria


Whether and to what extent the activity has addressed the needs and priorities of the target groups, and is aligned with relevant partner and country policies and priorities

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Whether and to what extent the Activity has achieved the intended outcomes. This should reference a report of actual performance against the Results Framework (see Appendix C).

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Narrowly defined, efficiency means the extent to which the programme could have been implemented at less cost without reducing the quality or quantity of the benefits. More broadly, assessment of efficiency should include consideration of whether the intervention provided value for money.

Describe any necessary changes to the governance and management arrangements between NZ, partners, contractors and other donors (where applicable).

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To the degree possible, include assessment of the likely impact (positive and negative, planned and unplanned) of the Activity. Include available evidence on changes in the economic, social and political situation and status of beneficiaries.

Note: the Activity Completion Report is not expected to perform the function of a rigorous impact evaluation. However, every effort should be made, drawing on data available and the Results Framework, to draw what conclusions are possible.

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Assessment of the likely sustainability of any benefits of the Activity based on an analysis of relevant institutional, environmental and other contextual factors. Cross-cutting issues can be of particular importance in making this assessment. Reference should be made to the Activity’s exit strategy.

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Risk Management

Reflect on how risks were managed and the effectiveness of identification, mitigation and adaptation measures. Include specific information on health and safety risks.

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Cross-cutting issues

Reflect on how effectively the cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights, and environment were incorporated into Activity implementation.
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Monitoring and Evaluation Issues

Reflect on the quality of the Results Framework and its implementation, including the degree to which it aided activity management and eventual assessment of quality.

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Governance and Management Issues

Reflect on the quality of the governance and management arrangements for the Activity, including identifying any key issues that arose and how they were addressed.

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Lessons should clearly set out to whom they are directed, e.g. implementing organisation, partner government, MFAT or technical specialists.

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Overall judgement and critical issues

This section should reflect the performance of the Activity against the five DAC evaluation criteria above. Any recommendations should clearly state to whom they are directed.

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Final actual expenditure against budget

Attach the completed financial report. Include reporting on disposal of assets, where relevant; explain significant variances; and describe the total balance of funds remaining and their proposed use.

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Appendices (checklist)

This report includes the following appendices to be completed:

  • Appendix A: Asset Register - showing where, how and why Activity assets have been disposed of, where relevant
  • Appendix B: Exit Action Plan
  • Appendix C: Achievements against Results Framework - showing achievements against targets as documented in the Results Measurement Table
  • Appendix D: Financial Acquittal Report - including information for the life of the Activity

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17 January 2017. Version Approved by Philip Hewitt, Unit Manager, Partnerships and Funds.

Appendix A: Asset Register

For all non-consumable capital items valued at NZ$1000 or more:

Asset Name / Purchase Price / Date of Purchase / Location Held / Asset Disposed (where relevant) Comment on where, how and why asset has been disposed of / Date Disposed

Appendix B: Exit Action Plan

Task to be continued beyond Activity completion / Necessary inputs / Timeframe / Responsible organisation / Capacity development required to support responsible organisation

Appendix C: Achievements against Results Framework

This table shows progress of the Activity against the intended outcomes and outputs defined in the results framework.

All data should be sex disaggregated where appropriate.

From agreed results measurement table in the Activity Design Document / Data up to and including this reporting period
Outcomes and outputs / Indicators for measuring performance / Baseline data / Planned targets / Actual measurement (against targets using indicators) / Variance explanation / Actual methodology and data sources
Outcome 1
Output 1.1
Output 1.2
Output 1.3 etc
Outcome 2
Output 2.1 etc

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Appendix D: Financial Acquittal Report

Name of Organisation

Date of Acquittal Report

SDF # / Name of Project:


Period covered by the acquittal From: To:


1. Financial Statement

Balance of funds carried forward NZD 0

MFAT funding for the period NZD 0

Other income (other funders)NZD 0

Other income (interest) NZD 0

FX (gain/loss) NZD 0

Total income NZD 0

Less total expenditure NZD 0

Balance of funds on hand (as at Activity Year End) NZD 0

2. Reconciliation of expenditure against agreed Costed Outputs Table

(Please attached detailed spread sheet budget)

Output # & description / Budget
Amount for period / Actual Expenditure for period / Amount of over / under expenditure /  % variation to budget

3. Statement

I declare that the above information is true and correct and confirm:

1.MFAT funds were received and used only for the agreed purpose(s), and

2.All conditions attached to MFAT’s funding have been met, and

3.MFAT funds have been fully utilised for the intended purpose, OR

There are unspent funds and I understand that MFAT may deduct this amount from the next tranche payment OR a cheque is attached returning these funds to MFAT.

Full Name (in block capitals) / Title / Position (e.g.CEO)
Signature / Date

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[1]Development Assistance Committee