Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa


Stavros Niarchos Foundation Scholarship


(available to students)


The Stavros Niarchos Foundation established the scholarship in 2012, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Greece-Canada relations, with the aim to assist Greek students at a critical time for Greece in pursuing graduate work at the University of Ottawa.

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is one of the world’s leading international philanthropic organizations, making grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and medicine, and social welfare. The Foundation funds organizations and projects that exhibit strong leadership and sound management and are expected to achieve a broad, lasting and positive social impact. The Foundation also seeks actively to support projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as effective means for serving public welfare.

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation and the University of Ottawa wish to thank Robert Peck, Canada’s Ambassador to Greece (2011- ) for his key role in establishing the SNF Scholarship.


The purpose of this fund is to award a scholarship to a Greek citizen with permanent residence in Greece who has been accepted to attend the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) to pursue a Master’s degree.


Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must:

1. be a Greek citizen with permanent resident status in Greece;

2. be accepted and thereafter registered as a full-time Master’s student at uOttawa, in one of the following faculties: Engineering, Law, Medicine or Social Sciences;

3. have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 8.0/10, based on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) calculation method for admission to a graduate program.

Value of the award: Variable, according to the amount available in the fund and at the discretion of the selection committee.

Number of awards: Variable, according to the amount available in the fund and at the discretion of the selection committee.

Frequency of the award: Annual

Renewable: One year (must maintain good academic standing, full- time status and GPA of 8.0/10)

Level or program of study: Master’s

Contact: Awards Office, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS)

Admission Application deadline: March 1st, as determined every year by FGPS

NOTE: In order to be eligible for this Scholarship, potential candidates must submit and provide a completed admissions application package before March 1st in order that they may receive at minimum a conditional offer of admission from uOttawa by April 1st. Candidates can apply for admission online through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) (accessible on the University of Ottawa website at http://www.grad.uottawa.ca/Default.aspx?tabid=1624 )


No application is required. All eligible candidates will be nominated to the FGPS. The FGPS will contact all eligible candidates to request additional documentation, such as, but not limited to a copy of proof of citizenship and residency; CV; research or program statement; and/or university transcripts. These documents may not be required if already submitted with the application for admission.

NOTE: If the Selection Committee determines that there are two or more equally qualified candidates, the final selection will be based on financial need. In this case, in order to determine the recipient, additional financial information would be requested from the finalists in accordance with uOttawa’s Financial Aid & Awards practices and procedures.



The selection committee will be composed of members from the FGPS Scholarship Committees.


The Awards Office of the FGPS will:

1. verify that the recipient is in good standing;

2. submit applications to the FGPS Scholarship Committee for selection of the recipient;

3. confirm the granting of this award in writing to the recipient and to the Faculty; and

4. arrange to have the amount credited to the recipient’s University account.


1. Every year, the FGPS will recommend that each recipient acknowledge the scholarship in a letter to the donor contact, the delivery of which will be coordinated by the Development Office.

2. The Development Office will share the recipient name which will be included in the annual financial endowment report.

3. The donor will be invited to participate in the University’s Donor Recognition and Stewardship Program.


1. All donations should be sent to the Development Office for credit to the appropriate accounts (endowment or expendable). All cheques should be made payable to the University of Ottawa.

2. The Development Office will send a letter of acknowledgement with a tax receipt to all donors.

3. The University of Ottawa may invest the capital in accordance with the approved University policies.

4. The portion of the income allocated for the purposes of the fund will be credited to an expendable account of the endowed fund at FGPS, in accordance with Policy #111 Non-expendable Endowment Funds.

5. The financial year of the fund is from May 1 to April 30.

6. At the end of each University fiscal year, Financial Services will notify FGPS of the amount available for the purposes of the fund.


If future circumstances make it impossible or impractical for the University of Ottawa to continue using the fund for the stated purposes, the University will endeavour to contact the donor to explore other purposes for the fund. If the University is unable to locate the donor, the University may use the fund in the way it deems most beneficial for the institution, but must adhere as closely as possible to the spirit of the fund and to the donors’ original intent.


Donor: SNF USA, Inc.

645 Madison Avenue, Suite 2200

New York, NY 10022 USA

Tel: 212-486-7482

E-mail: s.

Faculty of Graduate Awards Office

and Postdoctoral 115 Séraphin Marion Street

Studies: Tel: 613-562-5742 Fax: 613-562-5992


Development Office: Director, Scholarships and Stewardship

190 Laurier Avenue East

Tel: 613-562-5800 ext. 3877 Fax: 613-562-5127

Scholarships and Agreements Officer

190 Laurier Avenue East

Tel: 613-562-5800 ext. 3694 Fax: 613-562-5127

Financial Services: Assistant Director, Research, Trust and Endowment

029 - 550 Cumberland St.

Tel: 613-562-5800 ext. 1509 Fax: 613-562-5988

Last Update: December 5, 2012

University of Ottawa

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5


Stavros Niarchos Foundation Scholarship – Terms of Reference – page 1