Eco-Schools Action Plan Name of school - Mosspark Primary School

Eco-Schools Topic: Biodiversity Date Range of this Plan: 2014 - 2016

Action / Who's in charge? / When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) / How can we monitor it? / How will we know when we're successful? / How much will it cost? / Did it work?
Any ideas for the future?

Tell the whole school about Biodiversity and how important it is.


Eco Committee


Whole school assembly and ongoing through class topics


Photos/ video of Assembly, plans for related topics


Whole school will know what Biodiversity means.



Hang bird feeders in wildlife area and on trees near school. /

Eco Coordinator


Begun February 2015



Survey birds using the feeders /

Bird feeders are up in wildlife area and on trees at front of school and birds are using them.


Price of bird food. – feeders are made from recycled materials


We definitely saw an increase in birds. We need remember to refill them maybe at a set time each week.

Make bug hotels
Make bird houses and a bird bath /

Kerrie Fitzsimons and P1 to P3

Eco Committee /

Bug Hotel completed May 2014

Bird Houses + baths begun February 2015 /

Photographs and survey types of animals using them.


Birds will make use of bird bath or bird houses and minibeasts will use Bug Hotel


Nothing = all materials are recycled – old wood, palettes, canes, bricks, straw, etc.


Our bug Hotel has had visitors. We saw wasps, woodlice and a bee has laid eggs and sealed them with mud.

Make a survey of the types of wildlife in our school grounds. Take part in Great RPSB birdwatch. /

Wildlife / Eco committee


RSPB Birdwatch – January 2015

Survey of school grounds’ wildlife ongoing from Jan 2015 /

Count types of wildlife in school grounds


A larger variety of birds and minibeasts are using the school grounds.




We took part in the RSPB survey and will continue to watch and count birds and other wildlife.

Grow insect friendly plants in our gardens


Eco Coordinator

Kerrie Fitzsimons /

Ongoing – begun May 2014 – replanted May 2015


Record types of wildlife, like bees that are attracted to wildlife area.


More insects are attracted to our gardens.


Price of wildlife-friendly flower seeds.


Lots of bees visited our sunflowers and other flowers. We started a new wildflower garden at front too.

Our overall aims for this Topic are: To increase the biodiversity in our school area by creating good habitats, planting a wildlife garden and feeding birds.