XXX Nuclear Facility

6021 University Blvd., Suite 500

Ellicott City, MD 21043

Phone (123)123-1234

Fax (123)123-1234

131I Radionuclide Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Report (SAMPLE) 1

NOTE: This is a SAMPLE only. Protocols submitted with the application MUST be customized to reflect current practices of the facility.

XXX Nuclear Facility

6021 University Blvd., Suite 500

Ellicott City, MD 21043

Phone (123)123-1234

Fax (123)123-1234

Patient Name: Doe, John

ID Number: 123456

Date of birth: 4-2-33

Sex: Male

Height: 73 in

Referring physician: Dr. Jones

Clinical indications: Hyperthyroid

Date of the treatment: 4-1-17

Radiopharmaceutical: 10.1 mCi 131I Sodium Iodide PO

131I Radionuclide Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Report (SAMPLE) 1

NOTE: This is a SAMPLE only. Protocols submitted with the application MUST be customized to reflect current practices of the facility.

XXX Nuclear Facility

6021 University Blvd., Suite 500

Ellicott City, MD 21043

Phone (123)123-1234

Fax (123)123-1234

Weight: 201 lb

131I Radionuclide Therapy for Hyperthyroidism

Indications/History: Hyperthyroid with elevated 131I uptake. Hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ Disease, Radioactive uptake value of 70% on 3-7-12. Biochemistry: Suppressed TSH and elevated free T4 and T3.

Pregnancy Status: N/A Male patient

Breast Feeding Status: N/A Male patient

Procedure: Patient was provided a detailed explanation of the risks and benefits of the procedure and signed written informed consent. Patient was administered 10.1 mCi I-131 sodium iodide orally for treatment of hyperthyroidism.

There were no immediate complications. Detailed instructions for radiation protection were provided.


1.  Administration of 10.1 mCi 131I sodium iodide orally for treatment of hyperthyroidism.

2.  The further treatment plan is to see the patient in the nuclear medicine clinic (visit with Dr. XX) at 8 weeks post-therapy.

3.  Medication(s) prescribed: continue propranolol 80 mg tid for 4 weeks, then decrease to 40 mg tid for 4 weeks.

Electronically signed by Maria Costello on April 2, 2017 at 10:30 AM

131I Radionuclide Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Report (SAMPLE) 1

NOTE: This is a SAMPLE only. Protocols submitted with the application MUST be customized to reflect current practices of the facility.