Curriculum Vitae
Project acronym / ICSUTB
Abbreviated name of the organization / SUT
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Besnik Rexhepi
Address(es) / nn, Ilindenska, 1200, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
Telephone(s) / 0038944356500 / Mobile: / 0038972595911
Fax(es) / 00389356750
E-mail /
Nationality / Albanian
Date of birth / 04.06.1978
Gender / Male
Position / role
In the project / Project manager
Work experience
Dates / From January 2005 to March 2005
Occupation or position held / State official - administrator
Main activities and responsibilities / Technical support
Name and address of employer / Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. Boulevard “Goce Delcev” no 18 MRTV building (10,11,12) floor 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Type of business or sector / Department on nature protection
From April 2005 to August 2005
State official – administrator
State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia. Street Grigor Prlicev nr 3 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Laboratory for conservation and Restoration
From February 1997 to September 2004
Technical laboratory
In vitro cell culture
University of Tetova, nn, Ilindenska, 1200, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
Department of Biology
From October 2004 to December 2013
Assistant & Technical laboratory
Leader of Department of Botany
State University of Tetova, Street Ilindenska nn, 1200 Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia
Study Programme of Biology
Education and training
Dates / From August 2013-current
Title of qualification awarded / PhD candidate, University of Tirana
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / -English language, Albanian language, Balto-Slavic: Macedonian language, Serbian language, Croatian language, Bulgarian language and Slovenian language
-Learning Ethno-biology
-Ethnobiology: cross-cultural food and medical ethnobotany
-Ethnomedicine: folk medical practices
-Human ecology: local knowledge and its mechanism of adaption
-Ethnoveterinary among pastoralists
Studied areas/communities
-Linguistic and/or religious minority groups and cultural boundaries in South-Eastern Balkan
-Migrant communities in Balkans
Potential areas of relevance
-Culturally sensitive public health/nutrition policies
-Sustainable small-scale food chains and herbal markets
-Rural development
-Community-based bio-conservation strategies
-Cultural heritage
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Tirana
Non-profit educational institution of higher education
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Albanian
Other language(s) / English language, Balto-Slavic: Macedonian language, Serbian language, Croatian language, Bulgarian language and Slovenian language
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English / (C1) / Proficient user / B2 / Independent user / (A2) / Basic user / (B1) / Independent user / (B2) / Independent user
Balto-Slavic / (B1) / Independent user / B2 / Independent user / (A2) / Basic user / (A2) / Basic user / (A2) / Basic user
Organisational, social, technical, computer and other skills and competences / Organizational leadership
-Understands organizational mission; understands ethics & public good; concerned with public trust
-Understands how to use decision making to support mission
-Able to gather and synthesize information on internal and external environments, etc
-Understands administrative law
-Understands project management
-Demonstrates skill in team building and management, etc
-Adept in coalition building
-Understands community building
-Establishes collaborative relationship and projects
-Able to manage change
-Understands creative processes
-Comfortable with risk taking
Interpersonal abilities/personal characteristics
-Able to work well in teams
-Able negotiator
Specific skills:
Communications skills
-Effective in public presentations
-Able to facilitate groups
-Knowledgeable about technical report writing
-Understands grant writing
-Understands proposal writing
-Able to write in-depth research reports
-Fluent in one of more languages in addition to English
Analysis/research skills
-Understands demographic analysis
-Understands stakeholder analysis
-Able to conduct budget/fiscal analysis
Planning skills
-Understands spatial analysis (physical, social, economic, demographic)
-Understands systems analysis and design
Computer skills
-Able to use statistical packages
-Understands SPSS database packages
-Skilled in word processing (Windows XP, Windows 7)
Applications (Dreamwweaver, CorelDRAW, Flash, etc)

