Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
Thanks again for your continued support!
Here's what the children will be learning next week:
Math — The class will be able to solve put together and take apart addition and subtraction word problems.

Reading — Students will be able to determine reasons provided by the author to support points in a text. Students will also ask and answer questions about informational texts. The informational books are centered on the topic of the ocean.

Writing — Students will differentiate between a fact and an opinion. They will begin to write an opinion piece by sharing their opinion and providing supporting reasons.

Science — We will identify and describe natural features of the ocean floor.

Social Studies — Students will be able to describe rules for taking medicine safely.
Spelling — Our focus will be on words that have an oo. Examples include mood and hoop.

Links to Check Out: (Reading/Social Studies) (Reading) (Reading/Social Studies) (Science) (Math) (Math) (Writing) (Reading)
We want to thank our parents for sharing helpful games and apps. Please let us know if you have any recommendations.
Friendly reminders:

Please send in your child’s permission slip and $7 for the Mad Science workshop on Wednesday, October 29th, if you have not yet done so. Here are the times—please just let us know if you are available to help:

·  9:15-10:15 AM (Mrs. Porter’s class and part of Mr. Gray’s class)

·  10:30-11:30 AM (Mrs. Oliva’s class and part of Mr. Gray’s class)

·  12:40-1:40 PM (Ms. Friedland’s and part of Mr. Gray’s class)

Next week you child will also be bringing home the permission slip for a field trip to Strathmore on Tuesday, November 18th. Please have your child bring the signed permission slip back to school as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful weekend!
-The Second Grade Team