World History IPre-AP Syllabus

Ms. Monsour

Do you know who the United States modeled its government after?

Which empire created the catapult?

Do you know who shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning?

Welcome to World History I! If you don’t know the answers to the above questions, you soon will! Throughout this course you will be discovering the answers to those questions and many more new and exciting facts about ancient history! We will be exploring the development of civilizations and analyzing how their rise and fall has affected the world today, millions of years later. We will “travel” to many continents around the globe learning about different cultures and belief systems, not to mention the conflicts that resulted in years of turmoil and prosperity for many civilizations. There will be a strong focus on geography and geography skills throughout this course as well.

This course is designed as a preparation to AP World History II. Students will be using many different skills throughout the course that will help them be successful if they choose to take an Advanced Placement course. For example, students will be expected to take notes, read various sources, think critically, and write often! If students are dedicated to working hard and spending time improving their skills they can be successful in this course.

Materials needed:

*Binder with loose leaf paper *Notebook (with folders, 5 subject notebook will be fine) *2 pocket folder *Pens/pencils

* Index cards *Colored pencils

*Glue sticks *Highlighter

Please bring all materials to class unless otherwise noted!

Grading Policy:

Students will have a variety of ways to display understanding of learning objectives including homework, quizzes, tests, projects, essays and class work. All work will be graded on a point system. Students will be expected to monitor their own progress throughout the course. (You can keep a record sheet in your notebook)

Assignments are due on the date given. Studentsmay have opportunities to correct assessments for full credit at the teacher’s discretion and at the request of the student. Students will need to follow all procedures laid out in advance as explained in the attached Corrections Policy. Corrections are not automatic and/or mandatory. The deadline for all corrections is the end-of-unit assessment. NO corrections will be allowed during the last week of each quarter.

Students are encouraged to have a class partner. That person will collect notes, materials, or assignments given in class and give that to their absent partner. Ultimately, however, it is each student’s responsibility to get any information and materials missed. Students should check with Ms. Monsour for make-up work for assignments missed.

Late work will be accepted ONE CLASS PERIOD late with a penalty of 30%, the highest grade a student can receive on late work then is 70% if all correct! After ONE CLASS PERIOD the assignment will receive a ZERO. LCPS grading scale is listed below.

All grades will be based on Loudoun County Schools’ grading scale.

A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79% D = 60% - 69% F = below 60%

Not all assignments will be graded, but students may have feedback on their work through a Learning Progression Scale labeled 4-1.

4 / E: Exceeding standard. More than enough evidence provided that the student meets the standard.
3 / M: Meeting the standard. Evidence is provided that the student meets the standard.
2 / D: Developing the standard. Some evidence is provided that the student meets the standard.
1 / NYT: Not There Yet. The student shows no evidence of meeting that standard.


For students to be successful, they must be present in class. All students are expected to arrive ON TIME, which means in your seat when the bell rings! Tardiness will be handled in the following manner:

1st Tardy – Warning from the teacher

2nd Tardy – After school detention with the teacher

3rd Tardy – Referral to Administration


If a student has an excused absent they will be given time to make the assignment up. However, if a student received the assignment before missing school, I will expect the assignment upon return.

Classroom Behavior:

All students entering the classroom are expected to show respect toward the teacher and fellow students. Profanity, verbal, and physical abuse will not be tolerated! No food may be eaten in the classroom. Water is permitted.

Please consult your student handbook, as all other rules in the handbook will be enforced.

Social Science Fair:

All 9th grade students will be completing a social science fair research project. This project consists of a 4-6 page research paper, oral presentation, and visual display. Students will be given time in class to conduct research, but a large portion of the project must be completed at home. The Social Science Project is a multi-step project and students will be given a timeline of due dates closer to the beginning of the project. This will not begin until 2nd semester, tentatively, and it does account for a large portion of the student’s 3rd and 4th quarter grade! Details will soon follow.


If you have any questions or concerns at any point this year, please feel free to contactme: or 703-957-4300.Please allow 24 hours for a response.

I am always available before and after school for help sessions or meetings.

Also, if you know someone who has any experience with a topic relating to our course, please tell me! I always welcome guest speakers into the classroom!

Please read and review this syllabus with your parents. Your first homework assignment is to sign it, have your parent/guardian sign it, and return it to me at the beginning of the next class.

Keep this in the front cover of your folder or notebook and refer to it often!


Please return the bottom portion.

*I have read and reviewed the syllabus.

*Student signature: ______Date: ______

*Parent signature: ______Date: ______

9th Grade History Team Correction Policy

Throughout the year, students will be given an opportunity to make corrections on work. For students to be eligible for corrections, they must follow the given guidelines.

  1. All corrections must be completed on or before the end of unit test.
  2. The Correction Form must be signed and returned before corrections can be made.
  3. All unit work must be completed and given to teacher on the day of corrections.
  4. All correction meetings must be arranged in advance with your teacher. Corrections will be held before or after school at the teacher’s convenience.

No corrections will be allowed during the last week of each quarter.

All 9th grade teachers hold the right to modify or change the correction policy from time to time.

Correction Form

To be eligible for corrections, this form must be signed and completed in full by the day you have arranged to make corrections.

Student: ______Date:______

Parent/Guardian: ______Date:______

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. How did you prepare for the original assignment?
  1. What could you have done differently to be better prepared for the original assignment?
  1. What will you do different for future assignments?

Date of Correction Meeting:______