To:Larry Fitzwater

c.c.Baba Piprani

Jean Berubé

Douglas Mann

Ray Gates

Bruce E. Bargmeyer

From:Jake Knoppers


Subject:Progress of Work on ISO/IEC 18022 and Agenda Item for SC32/WG2 Seoul Meeting

Attached Files:(1) wg1n210r.rtf; (2) wg1n211r.doc; and, (3) wg1n214.doc

Due to problems with my Microsoft Outlook, I have had to put the e-mail message into a MS Word document. It is the following.


I am sending this note to you as convenor of SC32/WG2 and receiving the note from Ray Gates that due to resource/time constraints he will be finalizing the draft FDIS 11179-3, for review at the Seoul Editing meeting, en route to Seoul. This also impacts ISO/IEC 18022.

Please reply ASAP, since as of 12:00, Thursday, 25 April, I will be en route to Seoul and need to have your response before then.

Note:Explanatory Notes followed by Requested Action


1.It suffices to note that progress on 18022 did not proceed as anticipated after the Victoria Plenary. The key reason is that the time I have available for SC32/WG2 standards development work is limited. Since Victoria most of it has been dedicated to work with Ray Gates (and other Canadians) on trying to get 11179-3 to the FDIS stage, a process anticipated in Victoria to have been completed by February, 2002, but now targeted at being finalized during the Seoul Plenary.

2.Since 18022 needs to be harmonized with 11179-3, the pivot for the 11179 series standards, it did not make much sense to try to progress the 18022 work while "one of the two legs it is to stand on", i.e., 11179-3, is not stable.

3.The other leg on which 18022 stands is 14662 and 15944-1. 15944-1, reaching the FDIS ballot stage was also delayed but now is successfully completed. 18022 and 18038 are also closely related.

4.At the SC32/WG1 February Meeting, we spent a full half day going through the "new definitions" found in SC32 N0695, re: 1st WD of 18022 and SC32 N0696 re: 1st WD of 18038. This was a most useful exercise. The results are captured in SC32/WG1 N214. We also need to spend some time in Seoul reviewing key terms and definitions developed in support of 18022 as reviewed, changed and accepted by SC32/WG1 particularly those pertaining directly to "coded domains".

5.In addition, from a 18038 perspective, definitions are required for "official language" and "de jure language". The results of this development work and review by SC32/WG1 are found in SC32/WG1 N210r.

6.Finally, a key characteristic of Open-edi business transactions is that they are "rule-based". IT-enabled Coded Domains are also rule-based. However, we could not find any definition of what is a "rule" and "principle" in the context of commitment exchange/business transactions. Further, "rules" and "principles" are closely related and form a "family". Consequently, SC32/WG1, reviewed a draft document prepared for its February meeting and adopted working definitions "principle" and "rule". The results of this development work of SC32/WG1 are found in SC32/WG1 N211r, which is also attached.


1.Time Slot during SC32/WG2 Meeting

As Project Editor for 18022, I need 1 1/2 to 2 hour time slot during the SC32/WG2 meeting in Seoul to review key terms/definitions of 18022 pertaining to rule-based schemas and "Coded Domains". (Here I assume that the 11179-3 FCD edition/ballot resolution meeting will have been successfully concluded).

2.Distribution of Documentation

I leave it to you and Doug Mann to decide the best way to communicate the attached documents to SC32/WG2 participants, especially to those who will be attending the SC32/WG2 meeting in Seoul. Since SC32/WG2 does not have its own document register with an "enumerated" and referenceable document list, I leave this for you and Doug Mann to decide. I am not sure whether the attached three SC32/WG1 documents should be SC32 documents. If all the international participants and liaisons in SC32/WG2 are also part of the "sc32wg2-news" reflector, this could be a distribution channel.

3.Added Project Editor

In order to be able to progress ISO/IEC 18022 as quickly as possible following issuance of ISO/IEC FDIS 11179-3, I have asked David Clemis (Canada) to become a Co-Project Editor for ISO/IEC 18022. He has agreed. I note that there are other JTC1 projects have more than one Project Editor. One in JTC1/SC29 even has five (5) Project Editors. Could Doug Mann check in the procedures for adding a (Co) Project Editor. I assume we need a SC32/WG2 resolution on this.

4.Progressing ISO/IEC 18022 to CD Ballot

Based on the results of the SC32/WG2 Seoul Meeting and 11179-3 going to FDIS ballot, and with David Clemis as co-Project Editor, I would like to bring ISO/IEC 18022 to CD ballot status before fall, 2002.

We all recognize that the CD 18022 document will not be "perfect" and that additions and changes will be needed. The six month CD ballot provides ample time for comments aimed at improving the CD. It will, therefore, be requested in Seoul, that we have a SC32/WG2 resolution to this effect.

Feel free to give me a call on this matter at +1-613-234-3244 anytime prior to 12:00 EST Thursday, 25 April. After that I will be incommunicado until I reach Seoul, Korea the evening of 28 April.

For those of you copied-in on this e-mail, feel free to chime in.

Au revoir in Seoul,

Jake Knoppers