Gibson CV: September, 2015


Kyle Gibson, PT, PhD, OCS


Teaching Professor

Department of Physical Therapy

University of Missouri

801 Clark Hall, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211



Doctor of Philosophy, Health Education and Promotion,May 2008

Dissertation Topic: Pain and Function in Knee Osteoarthritis:

Are They Related to Local Intrinsic Factors?

University of Missouri.

Master of Arts in Exercise Science: Human Biomechanics, May 1997

Thesis Topic: Calculation of Net Tibial Shear During Two Styles of Forward Lunge.

University of Missouri.

Bachelor of Science: Physical Therapy, May 1989

Northern IllinoisUniversity.

Licensure Information/Registration Number:

State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts of Missouri, Physical Therapy License NO. 107885.


Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties-1995; Recertified June 2005; Recertified June 2015

Academic Employment and Positions Held:

2016-Present, Teaching Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

2011-Present, Chair, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri

2011-2016, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

2010-2011, Interim Chair, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri

2010-Present, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

2008-2010, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Advanced Rehabilitation Research Post-Doctoral Fellow, Health and ActivityRehabilitationResearchTrainingCenter (HARRTC), Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,University of Missouri.

2008-2011, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

2007-2010, Associate Chair, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

2002-2010, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Physical Therapy, School of HealthProfessions,University of Missouri.

1997-2008, Clinical Instructor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

1997-2002, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

1995-1997, Lab Assistant (Volunteer), Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri.

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Sayers SP, Gibson K, Mann B. Improvement in functional performance with high-speed power training in older adults is optimized in those with the highest training velocity. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Accepted for publication.

Sayers SP, Gibson K. High-speed power training in older adults: A shift of the external resistance at which peak power is produced. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (2014 Impact Factor 2.075).28(3):616-21.2014.

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. An evidence-based recommendation for the inclusion of specific local intrinsic factors in the study of knee osteoarthritis. TheKnee. (2011 Five year impact factor 1.627) (2012).

Sayers SP, Gibson K. Effects of high-speed power training on muscle performance and braking speed in older adults. J Aging Res. (2012 Acceptance Rate: 35%). 2012:426278. Epub 2012 Feb 28.

Sayers SP, Gibson K, Cook CR. Effect of high-speed power training on muscle performance, function, and pain in older adults with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot investigation. Arthritis Care & Research. (2012 impact factor 4.749).64:46-53. 2012; Jan 2012

Sayers SP, Gibson K. A comparison of high-speed power training and traditional slow-speed resistance training in older men and women. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. (2010 Impact Factor: 1.46 ) 24(12): 3369-3380, 2010.

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA.Measurement of varus/valgus alignment in obese individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism (Arthritis Care & Research). (2009 Impact Factor: 6.8) May 2010

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. Accuracy of a non-radiographic method of measuring varus/valgus alignment in knees with osteoarthritis. Missouri Medicine. (2009 Acceptance Rate: 60%) March/April 2009.

Wilson, D. J., Gibson, K, Masterson, GL. Kinematics and Kinetics of 2 Styles of Partial Forward Lunge. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 17, 387 – 398. 2008. (2008 Impact Factor: 0.8)

Wilson DJ, Smith BK, GibsonK, Choe BK, Gaba BM, Voelz J. Accuracy of digitization using automated and manual methods. Physical Therapy. 79(6): 558-66.(1999 Impact Factor: 1.2) June 1999.

Wilson DJ, Smith BK, GibsonK. Accuracy of reconstructed angular estimates using the Ariel Performance Analysis SystemTM. Physical Therapy. 77(12): 1741-6.(1999 Impact Factor: 1.2) December 1997.

Published Abstracts of Peer Reviewed Presentations:

Sayers SP, Gibson K. The effect of high-speed power training on peak power production in older adults.In Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 45(5 Suppl), 2013. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. May 2013.

Sayers SP, Gibson K. The effect of high-speed power training on braking speed in older men and women.In Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 43(5 Suppl), 2011. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. June 2011.

Sayers SP,Gibson K, Minor MA. The effect of high-speed power training vs. traditional

slow-speed resistance training on muscle performance in older men and women.Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, 2010.

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. Local intrinsic factors that predict pain and function in knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Orthopedics & Sports Physical Therapy. 40(1):A52-A-98. . January 2010

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. Accuracy and the effect of obesity in two non-radiographic methods to measure varus/valgus alignment in knees with osteoarthritis (OA). Arthritis & Rheumatism. 58(9): S604. September 2008.

Sayers SP, Gibson K,Minor MA. The impact of muscle power and movement speed on functional performance in men and women with knee OA. Arthritis & Rheumatism.. 58(9): S604. September 2008.

Peer Reviewed Presentations (not cited above):

Gibson K, Echelmeyer, D. Use of sport video analysis software improves feedback on physical therapy psychomotor skills assessment. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Platform Presentation. San Antonio, TX. January 2017. Accepted.

Gibson K, Krug J, Bridges J. A Win-Win-Win: Benefits of a Pro Bono Clinic Integrated into a PT Curriculum. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Poster Presentation. Anaheim, CA. January 2016.

Krug J, Bridges J, Gibson K. Expanding a pro bono clinic and adding it to a physical therapy curriculum. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Two Hour Symposium. Indianapolis, IN. January 2015.

Gibson K, Sayers SP. High-speed power training in older adults: Achieving peak power at lower external resistances. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. January 2013.

Martin D, Gibson K. Application and Modeling of Evidence-Based Practice Using the PICO Format during Clinical Education.American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Poster Presentation. New Orleans, LA. February 2011.

Fitzgerald K, Oatis C, & Gibson K. Putting ACR Osteoarthritis Guidelines into Practice: Clinical Application for the Hip and Knee. American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Scientific Meeting. Clinical Symposium. Atlanta, GA. October 2010.

Sayers SP,Gibson K, Minor MA. The effect of high-speed power training vs. traditional slow-speed resistance training on muscle performance in older men and women.International Academy of Nutrition and Aging (IANA) Conference. Podium Presentation. (Non-Presenting Author). Albuquerque, NM. July 2010.

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. Local intrinsic factors that predict pain and function in knee osteoarthritis. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Poster Presentation. San Diego, CA. February 2010.

Gibson K, Blow C. Small group activity vs. traditional admission interview: Prediction of early problem based learning success. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Poster Presentation. Las Vegas, NV. February 2009.

Gibson K, Sayers SP, Minor MA. Accuracy and the effect of obesity in two non-radiographic methods to measure varus/valgus alignment in knees with osteoarthritis (OA). American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Scientific Meeting. Poster Presentation. San Francisco, CA. October 2008.

Sayers SP, Gibson K, Minor MA. The impact of muscle power and movement speed on functional Performance in men and women with knee OA. American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Scientific Meeting. Poster Presentation. San Francisco, CA. October 2008.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:

Dannecker EA, Sayers SP, Gibson K, Minor MA. Exercise and pain. Newsletter of the Midwestern Pain Society. June 2006.

Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations:

Bright Z, Locke A, Gibson K. Comparing and Contrasting Different Forms of Arthritis. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. University of Missouri Extension. Columbia, MO. February, 2016

Baggett K, Mengwasser P, Gibson K. Physical Therapy Management of Common Sporting Injuries. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. University of Missouri Extension. Columbia, MO. February, 2016

Killen T, Spackler J, Gibson K. Fall Prevention in the Older Adult. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. University of Missouri Extension. Columbia, MO. February, 2016

Chae K, Van de Ven C, Gibson K. Examination and Treatment of the Shoulder. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. University of Missouri Extension. Columbia, MO. February, 2016

Gibson K, Krug J. Salary negotiation at your first job. Missouri Physical Therapy Association, Spring Meeting. Osage Beach, MO. April 2012.

Gibson K. Unique Usage of Tegrity as a Teaching Tool. TeAchnology! Conference. Panel Discussion Member. University of Missouri. Invited for March 2011.

Ailor S, Gibson K. Problem Based Learning. Wakonse (National) Conference on College Teaching. Concurrent Session Presentation. Shelby, MI. May 2010.

Willingham-McLain L, Gibson K. Peer Review of Teaching. Wakonse (National) Conference on College Teaching. Concurrent Session Presentation. Shelby, MI. May 2010.

Gibson K, Bridges J. Salary negotiation at your first job. American College of Sports Medicine, Central States Region Annual Meeting. Columbia, MO.November 2009.

Krug J, Gibson K. Gait Evaluation. University of Missouri Health Education Summit for Underrepresented Minority Students. University of Missouri. June 2009.

Stockham S, Gibson K. Problem Based Learning. Wakonse (National) Conference on College Teaching. Concurrent Session Presentation. Shelby, MI. May 2009.

Gibson K, Krug J. Salary negotiation at your first job. Missouri Physical Therapy Association, Spring Meeting. Osage Beach, MO. April 2009.

Gibson, K. Local intrinsic factors and knee OA: impact on function and pain. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Chairman Grand Rounds.University of Missouri, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. December 2008.

Krug J, Gibson K. Gait Evaluation. University of Missouri Health Education Summit for Underrepresented Minority Students. University of Missouri. June 2008.

Gibson K.Gardening with Arthritis. ColumbiaGarden Club. February 2008.

Gibson K. Arthritis and Exercise. Senior Teacher Educator Partnership (STEP) Conference, School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia. 2007.

Gibson K. The Role of the Physical Therapist as Defined by the Disablement Model, Rheumatology Grand Rounds, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine. 2004.

Gibson K. Parameters of normal human locomotion, and clinical gait evaluation. Orthotics Review Course for Physicians and Surgeons. School of Medicine,University of Missouri-Columbia. 1997.

Gibson K. Parameters of normal human locomotion, and clinical gait evaluation. Orthotics Review Course for Physicians and Surgeons. School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia. 1996.

Funded/In Review Grant Activity:

Title: Reducing the Burden of Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Conditions (CEMRAC)

PI: Gibson, K

Funding Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Date of Award: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016; 7/1/2016 – 6/30/2017

Total Award: 2016-17: $47,758 (CDC = $31,506; State of Missouri = $16,252)

Role: Primary Investigator

Title: Patient-specific rehabilitation in knee osteoarthritis.

PI: Sayers, SP

Funding Source: MU Research Board

Date of Award: 2014-2015

Total Award: $34,306

Role: Co-I (5% FTE)

Title: Small group activity vs. traditional admission interview: Prediction of early problem based learning success.

PI: Gibson, K

Funding Source: Catalyst Fund, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri

Date of Award: 12/2008

Total Award: $2,114

Role: Primary Investigator

Title: High speedresistance training in older men and women with knee osteoarthritis.

PI: Sayers, S

Funding Source: The AmericanCollege of Rheumatology Research and Education Foundation

Date of Award: 2006-2008

Total Award: $100,000

Role: Co-Investigator

Title: Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center

PI: Minor, M

Funding Source: National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Date of Award: 10/1/03 – 9/30/2008

Award #: H133B031120

Total Award: $4,000,000

Role: Co-Investigator, Project 2

Title: Postural strategies in reach tasks for input cue evaluation in vestibular rehabilitation following stroke.

PI: Wilson, D

Funding Source: Roger S. Williams Foundation

Date of Award: 1997

Total Award: $10,000

Role: Co-Investigator

Current Research Activity:

Title: Patient specific rehabilitation in knee OA.

PI: Sayers, S

Funding: $34,000

Date: 2015-Present

Source: University of Missouri Research Board

Role: Co-Investigator

Continuing Education Workshops Presented:

Gibson K. Lower Extremity Biomechanics Theory and Evaluation. 4 Contact hours. University of Missouri, Clinical Instructor Education Series, St. Francis Medical Center, Cape Girardeau, MO. October 2011.

Gibson K. Orthopedic Physical Therapy for the Extremities: A Review for the Non-Orthopedic Therapist. 9 contact hours. Missouri Physical Therapy Association Spring Conference,St. Louis, MO. Invited. April 2010.

Gibson K. Physical Therapy Examination of Ligamentous Knee Injuries. 4 contact hours. MU Physical Therapy, Back-to-School Weekend,Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions,University of Missouri-Columbia. 2004.

Gibson K. Orthopedic Physical Therapy for the Extremities: A Review for the Non-Orthopedic Therapist.20 contact hours. MU Physical Therapy, Back-to-School Weekend,Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions,University of Missouri-Columbia.2003.

Membership in Scientific/Professional Organizations:


American Physical Therapy Association, 1989-Present; Orthopedic Section, 1989-Present; Education Section, 2000-Present; Geriatric Section, 2015-Present

Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals, 2008-Present.

Offices Held

Chair, Central District, Missouri Physical Therapy Association, 2009-2011

Consultative and Advisory Positions Held:

2015-Present Physical Therapist, MU Family Medicine Senior Assessment/Geriatric

Evaluation (SAGE) Team Member

2015-Present Physical Therapist, MIZZOU Therapy Services/SHP Faculty Clinic

2005-2015 Physical Therapist, School of Health Professions Faculty Clinic

1999-2005 Physical Therapist, Peak Performance, Columbia, Missouri.

1997-1999Physical Therapist, Rusk Rehabilitation, Columbia, Missouri.

1992-1995Physical Therapist, MontroseMemorialHospital, Montrose, Colorado.

1989-1992Physical Therapist, St. Mary-Corwin Hospital, Pueblo, Colorado.

Service to the Profession:

Reviewer of Scholarly Works

Abstract Review Committee, Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association: June 2009-Present

Reviewer for professional journal, The Journal of Rheumatology: 2012-Present

Reviewer for professional journal, Arthritis Care & Research: 2009-Present

Reviewer for professional journal, Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine: 2009-Present

Grant Review Committee for the Missouri Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association: 2003

Physical Therapy Education

Exam Development Committee, The Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy; 2012-2015.

Item Writer National Physical Therapist Board Exam, Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy; 2007-2008

Service to the University:


Scholarly Activity Committee, 2009-Present

Curriculum and Instruction Committee, Chair: 2002-Present

Interview Committee, Member: 1998-Present

School of Health Professions

Policy Committee, Chair: 2009-2011

Curriculum Committee, Member: 2005-2008

Curriculum Committee, Chair: 2000- 2001

Curriculum Committee, Member: 1997- 2000

School of Medicine

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research Committee, Member: 2008-2010

University of Missouri-Columbia

General Education Task Force, Member: 2009-2011

Campus Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: Aug 2001-May 2005

Program for Excellence in Teaching Advisory Committee Member 2002-2003

Freshman Interest Group Co-Facilitator: Fall 1998

Honors and Awards:

School of Health Professions nomination for Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (winner will be announced Fall of 2017)

Wakonse Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. 2009.

William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. 2009.

School of Health Professions Faculty Member of the Year. 2009.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Shannon O’Toole, Heather Schaefer, Rebecca Forst, Jillian Jaksich. 2009.

Catalyst Award for Scholarly Activity-School of Health Professions, University of Missouri. $2000.00. February 2009

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Amber Cathey, Frank Messina, Jamie Reichert, T.C. Roope, Bradley Willis. 2008.

Nominated School of Health Professions Faculty Member of the Year. 2008.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Cynthia Halbrook, Hayley Utz, Daniel Hodgson, Kristy Knoblauch. 2007.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Ellen Williams. 2006.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Dawn Myers. 2005.

Nominated for Athletic Department Professor of the Year by Ingrid Werner. 2004.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Katherine Carroll, Wesley Eberlin, and Rebecca Gardner. 2004.

AmericanCollege of Rheumatology, Research and Education Foundation, Health Professional Graduate Student Research Preceptorship Award. $4000.00. March 2004.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Mike Miller and Travis Neff. 2003.

Honorary Coach, University of Missouri-Columbia Softball Team. 2002.

Undergraduate Honors Convocation Mentor for Jason Schrumpf. 1999.

Outstanding Physical Therapy Student Award, Northern IllinoisUniversity. 1989.

Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Northern Illinois University, BS in Physical Therapy. 1989.

Continuing Education Attended:

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. Anaheim, CA February 2015.

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. Indianapolis, IN February 2015.

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. San Diego, CA February 2013.

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. Chicago, IL. February 2012.

Wakonse Teaching Conference. Shelby, MI. May 2010.

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. San Diego, CA. February 2010.

Commission on Accreditationin Physical Therapy Education, Self-Study Workshop. Philadelphia, PA. October 2009.

Educational Leadership Conference, Education Section, American Physical Therapy Association. Philadelphia, PA. October 2009.

Wakonse Teaching Conference. Shelby, MI. May 2009.

Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association. Las Vegas, NV. February 2009.

American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October 2008.

Educational Leadership Conference, Education Section, American Physical Therapy Association. Phoenix, AZ. October 2008.

Educational Leadership Conference, Education Section, American Physical Therapy Association. Pasadena, CA. October 2007.

Past Teaching Responsibilities:

Course #/Name: 7570 Bridging the Clinical-Research Gap (3 Cr Hr)

Role in Course: Lecturer/Case Writing Mentor

Location in Curriculum: Spring, 6th Semester

Course Description: This class focuses on theories of clinical decision making and Evidence-based Practice, their applications to the clinical setting and dissemination of such information to colleagues in professional forums.

Dates: 2000-2008

Course #/Name: 7980 Case Management I (3 Cr Hr)

Role in Course: Lecturer/PBL Instructor

Location in Curriculum: Spring, 6th Semester

Course Description: Evaluation and team approach to physical therapy management in adult medical and surgical conditions: cardiopulmonary, rheumatic, oncologic, integumentary or wound care, including major burn injury. Psychosocial and ethical issues incorporated. Problem based; laboratory.

Dates: 2005, 2006

Course #/Name: 8390 Case Management II with Laboratory (5 Cr Hr)

Role in Course: Lecturer/PBL Instructor

Location in Curriculum: Fall, 8th Semester

Course Description: Complex orthopedic problems in persons of all ages; supervision, reimbursement, ethical/legal situations; community programs for injury prevention; work capacity evaluation/work hardening; consultation. Problem-based format; laboratory.

Dates: 2004, 2005

Course #/Name: 7(4)980 Clinical Evaluation and Procedures (3 Cr Hr)

Role in Course: Course Coordinator

Location in Curriculum: Fall, 2nd Semester

Course Description: Principles and procedures of basic evaluation methods and documentation: muscle strength, range of motion, muscle balance, posture, neurologic tests.