Unit 3 Review—The New Nation


1. Women’s responsibility in the new American government was to teach their children virtue

2. Written constitutions and creating bills of rights

3. Power to negotiate treaties with foreign countries, power to settle disputes between states, power to

oversee the army, power to settle Indian affairs

4. The Land Ordinance of 1785 created an organized way to settle land in the west by creating

townships; the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 created a means of governing these townships and

provided a means for the territories to become states

5. School for children

6. Western farmers protested violently due to fear that they would lose their farms to the banks

7. Any 2 will do:

1. VA plan called for a strong national government, NJ plan wanted to keep the states sovereign

2. VA plan called for a bicameral Congress; NJ plan had a unicameral Congress

3. VA plan called for a president to preside over the national gov’t; NJ plan had no president

4. VA plan gave national gov’t power to tax the states; NJ plan did not

5. VA plan greatly changed the Articles of Confederation; NJ plan did not

8. Great Compromise between big & small states; 3/5ths Compromise between northern & southern

states; 1807 slave trade compromise; adding a bill of rights

9. Sharing power between a national government and state governments

10. Called for the states to ratify the Constitution (and create a stronger national government); written

principally by Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay

11. Hamilton (Treasury), Jefferson (State), Knox (War), Randolph (Attorney General)

12. Created lower federal courts (beneath the Supreme Court), appointed judges to preside over these

courts, & gave shape to the Supreme Court

13. James Madison

14. Bill of Rights:

1. Freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly

2. Right to bear arms

3. Freedom for quartering troops

4. Freedom from undo searches

5. Right to due process; Freedom from double jeopardy & witnessing against oneself

6. Right to speedy trial & question witnesses against the accused

7. Right to trial by jury

8. Freedom from excessive bail or punishment

9. Guarantee of unspecified rights

10. Powers reserved to states & the people

15. Any 3 will do:

1. funding American debt at full value to encourage foreign investment

2. assuming the debts of the states

3. creating a national bank

4. creating a protective tariff to encourage American industry

5. creating an excise tax to increase revenue for the new government

16. (a) Hamilton supported England, (b) Jefferson supported France, (c) Washington supported American

neutrality (Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793)

17. The both dealt with foreign nations and they both dealt with western lands

18. Battle of Fallen Timbers

19. The location of the capital was a compromise to get Virginia to approve Hamilton’s assumption plan

(yes, you have to say assumption to get credit)

20. The “Elastic Clause” or the “Necessary and Proper Clause”

21. Democratic-Republicans (Republicans is also acceptable); James Madison, Aaron Burr, James

Monroe, George Clinton were also prominent members of the party

22. Federalists; John Adams, John Jay, Daniel Webster, John Marshall were also members

23. Congress (not the President!)

24. The Whiskey Rebellion

25. He warned against “entangling alliances” with foreign nations and political parties

26. (a) John Adams and (b) Thomas Jefferson

27. XYZ Affair

28. Election of 1796 or 1800, Whiskey Rebellion, Alien & Sedition Acts, XYZ Affair

29. Creation of the Navy or smoothing relations with France which led to Louisiana Purchase

30. the Virginia and Kentucky Resolves

31. Someone who supported strengthening the national government under the Articles of Confederation.

32. Rhode Island

33. 2-term presidency, creation of an independent cabinet, American neutrality, adding “so help me

God” to the oath of office

34. Recognition from Spain of a favorable Florida/Georgia border and access to the Mississippi River

through New Orleans

35. The structure of the Executive Branch

36. 12th-16th Amendments

12. Separate electoral ballots for president and vice president

13. Abolished slavery

14. All American citizens, regardless of color, are entitled to due process of law

15. Voting rights cannot be denied on due to race

16. Creation of a national income tax

37. Thomas Jefferson

38. Congress

39. Territories could apply for statehood once 60,000 people moved into the territory

40. Equal representation: 2 senators from every state

41. The all extend voting rights to more Americans

42. (1st) Washington, (2nd)John Adams, (3rd) Jefferson, (4th) Madison, (5th) Monroe

43. (40th) Reagan, (41st) GHW Bush, (42nd) Clinton, (43rd) GW Bush (44th) Obama

44. Serve two non-consecutive terms as U.S. president