California Department of EducationNutrition Services Division

Special Services and Support BranchJuly2009

Management Bulletin NSD-SNP-11-2009Page 1 of 2

California Department of EducationSchool Nutrition Programs

Nutrition Services DivisionManagement Bulletin NSD-SNP-21-2010, November 2010



NationalSchool Lunch Program
For agencies thatserved60 percentor more free and reduced-price (F/RP) lunches during school year (SY) 2008-09
NOTE:The commodity value per lunch is $0.2025 / Sec. 4*
Sec. 11** / $0.2800
$0.0000 / Sec. 4
Sec. 11 / $0.2800
$2.0600 / Sec. 4
Sec. 11 / $0.2800
TOTAL / $0.2800 / TOTAL / $2.3400 / TOTAL / $2.7400
For agencies thatservedless than 60 percent F/RP lunches during SY 2008–09
NOTE:The commodity value per lunch is $0.2025 / Sec. 4*
Sec. 11 / $0.2600
$0.0000 / Sec. 4
Sec. 11 / $0.2600
$2.0600 / Sec. 4
Sec. 11 / $0.2600
TOTAL / $0.2600 / TOTAL / $2.3200 / TOTAL / $2.7200
Meal Supplements (After-School Snacks) under the NationalSchool Lunch Program
For agencies that serve meal supplements in after-school care programs / Base1
Additional2 / $0.0600
$0.0000 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.0600
$0.3100 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.0600
TOTAL / $0.0600 / TOTAL / $0.3700 / TOTAL / $0.7400
School Breakfast Program
Basic Breakfast For approved sites that served less than 40 percent F/RP lunches during SY 2008–09 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
$0.0000 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
$0.9200 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
TOTAL / $0.2600 / TOTAL / $1.1800 / TOTAL / $1.4800
Especially Needy (Severe Need) Breakfast For approved sites that served 40 percent or more F/RP lunches during SY 2008–09 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
$0.0000 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
$1.2000 / Base1
Additional2 / $0.2600
TOTAL / $0.2600 / TOTAL / $1.4600 / TOTAL / $1.7600
Special Milk Program / Per Half Pint / $0.1775 / Not Applicable / Average Cost Per Half Pint
State Meal Programis available to districts, schools, or county offices of education not participating in the abovefederal meal programs, which claim reimbursement only for meals served to children eligible forF/RP breakfasts and/or lunches, and that certify compliance of Education Code sections 49430, 49430.5, and 49430.7.
CaliforniaState (meal) reimbursement is also available to the following agencies participating in theabove federal meal programs for the F/RP lunches and breakfasts they serve to qualifying students:
  • Prop 98 agencies: Public charter schools, school districts, and county offices of education only, with annual certification of compliance of Education Code sections 49430, 49430.5, and 49430.7:
  • Prop 98 agencies withoutannual certification:
  • All other (or Non-Prop 98) agencies
(except Residential Child Care Institutions): / Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable / $0.2195
$0.1562^ / $0.2195

*Section 4 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act provides cash to states to assist schools in purchasing food for all school meals and is equal to the amount of “Paid” reimbursement for all the National School Lunch Program reimbursement levels.

** Section 11 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act supplements Section 4 payments and provides additional cash assistance to aid schools in providing F/RP lunches.

1Base reimbursement is equal to the amount ”Paid” reimbursement for meals or snacks. For afterschool snack and breakfast programs, it does not differ depending on the percentage of needy students in the school. When calculating reimbursement, this amount (by program type) is to be multiplied by the total number of meals or snacks claimed for reimbursement.

2 Additional reimbursement supplements the “base” reimbursement. When calculating reimbursement, the applicable amount for the reduced-price or free category is to be multiplied by the number of meals or snacksclaimed for reimbursement in that category.

^Non-Prop 98 State reimbursement rate was reduced from $0.1566 due to a reduction in the 2010-11 State meal appropriation.

Jack O’Connell – State Superintendent of Public Instruction