2015-2016Fredericksburg Agricultural Sciencesand

FFA Booster Club Scholarship From

Applicant’s Name

Phone Number Social Security Number Birth Date



City State Zip

DUE April 22, 2016

Date turned in: ______Advisor Signature: ______

The Fredericksburg Agricultural Sciences and FFA Booster Club will again be providing multiple scholarships for members who are graduating and seeking higher education.


  • Must have been enrolled in Agricultural classes & FFA member for minimum of 3 years. (Should a student have transferred in from another school, and had been enrolled in the required programs, those previous years will count towards the requirement.)
  • Must use the scholarship award 1 year from graduation or scholarship will be returned into the scholarship fund.

Applicant may use additional sheets of paper for any section of the application that requires more room for the information requested. (It is strongly encouraged to type your application.)

The scholarship committee reserves the right to not accept any late and or incomplete scholarship application.

After initial review, interviews maybe set up for further information. If needed, candidates will be contacted for interviews the week of May 4th, 2015.


Turn applications into Mr. Padgett or Mr. Bush. They will date and sign your application to verify when the application was turned in.

Applicant’s Name:

Parent/Guardian’s Name:

Parent/Guardian phone number: ______

School/College/University you plan to attend

Career Goals

1.) ACT/SAT scores High School GPA

2.)List your FFA offices(place an “x” in the appropriate spaces)

Year / FFA Office(s) / Local / Dist / Area / State / Nat’l

3.)List your FFA Awards (place an “x” in the appropriate spaces)

Year / FFA Award(s) / Local / Dist / Area / State / Nat’l

4.) List your FFA Activities (place an “x” in the appropriate spaces)

Year / FFA Activities / Local / Dist / Area / State / Nat’l

5.) List your school activities, awards, and/or offices(place an “x” in the appropriate spaces)

Year / School activities, awards, offices / Local / Dist / Area / State / Nat’l

6.)List your community activities, awards, and/or offices (place an “x” in the appropriate spaces)

Year / Community activities, awards, offices / Local / Dist / Area / State / Nat’l

7.) Discuss your work experience(s)

8.) Explain your need for this scholarship

9.) In a paragraph of 150 words or less, explain why awarding you this scholarship would be a wise investment.

Student’s Signature ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______Date:______

Advisor’s Signature(s) ______Date: ______

Scholarship Scoring Rubric

Point ValuePoints Earned

  1. High School GPA/SAT/ACT10 points______
  2. FFA Offices Held10 points______
  3. FFA Awards10 points______
  4. FFA Activities20 points______
  5. Non FFA School Activities/Awards10 points______
  6. Community Activities/5 Points______

Professional Organizations

  1. Work Experience10 points______
  2. Need10 points______
  3. Paragraph10 points______
  4. Organization and Presentation 5 points______

of Application

100 points______

Fredericksburg Ag Science & FFA Booster Club Scholarship Committee: