"To what extent was the American withdrawl from Vietnam caused by the weakness of the South Vietnamese army?"





1. South Vietnamese failings

Corruption and decay of South Vietnamese government. Government represented narrow interests (Buddhist monks protest) murder of Diem, little changed - Thieu gained power, but represented the army and the business class (esp Chinese), rather than the masses.

Many South Vietnamese casualties during war.

Sympathy with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese in many rural areas in particular.

Social and economic impact of war on South Vietnam.

Other factors

Public opposition in America

Debate : Public opposition supported by the press was arguably the main reason for withdrawal. Was he war lost at home?

Vietnam was a media war, images showed the public the brutality of war. Images of napalmed villages etc, damaged American claims to the moral high ground. Media embedded – on Tv every night. Walter Kronkite. Reactions to Tet and Mai Lai massacre

Extent of the opposition is debated. Probably a minority in 1965, but growing by the time of Tet offensive in 1968. Oct 1969: largest anti-war protest in US History.

Protestors in every major city in America and other parts of world

Unpopularity of the draft.

However there was pressure for escalation of conflict from 'hawks' in America as well.

American government and decision making

USA a democracy: public pressure and perception mattered. Nixon noted extent of opposition: withdrawal of 60,000 troops in 1969, policy of Vietnamisation. Peace with honour.

Economic cost of the war: US deficit of $1.6 billion in 1965 increased to $25.3 billion in 1968. Tax increases unpopular.

North Vietnamese strengths / tactics

  • A hard peasant life bred determined soldiers.
  • Viet Cong enlisted for years unlike American troops who signed up for a year.
  • Belief in their cause of Communism also a factor. Great determination.
  • Viet Cong knew the jungle, survived in atrocious conditions, developed effective tactics and were more effective in winning the 'hearts and minds' of civilians than the Americans.
  • Support of Chinese and Soviet aid from 1965 of importance.

American military tactics

  • Mass bombing had no real effect according to the Jason Study by MIT in 1966, owing to the agricultural nature of North Vietnam and the widespread jungle cover.
  • Soldiers brave, but a minority did not believe in the war.
  • Difficulties dealing with the conditions and knowing which Vietnamese were the enemy led to stress and confusion.
  • Short commissions for officers and rotation of troops led to loss of expertise in the field.