December 6, 2012

City of Kingsley minutes


Becky BeldChris McCoyJayne SchneiderPaul Stratman Steve Emery Tom Schlindwein

Lt. CabreraPhyl BreuerRita Eichert

Ryan Taliaferro (resident)Marilyn WhislerEd Fallon (Park Community)

Cole Emery (guest)

Mayor Beld called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

November minutes were read by each commissioner. Chris made a motion to accept the minutes with changes as discussed. Jayneseconded and the motion was passed.

Lt. Cabrera issued an overall report for Neighborhood Security:

There was a monetary burglary at the Speedway around 12:30 AM in the last month.

A citation was written to a motorist ignoring a Stop sign and found to have marijuana in the car. An additional 8 citations were written for similar traffic issues.

Becky reviewed an overview ofStrathmoor police activity sent earlier that included multiple house checks.

Treasurer’s report:

  • Municipal Road Aid Savings acct XXXX4646 showed a balance of $46,839.69.
  • Money Mkt General Savings acct XX264 showed a balance of $66,339.78.
  • Checking acct XX-XXX-487 showed a balance of $42,962.26.
  • First Capital Bank MRA Checking acct XXX593 showed a balance of $3,575.76.
  • Republic Bank CD XXXXXXX9-24 was $24,421.78
  • Republic Bank CD XXXXXXX3-36 was $52,884.92.

Paul made a motion to pay the regular monthly bills and these also:

  • Wayne’s Lawn Service Snow removal retainer$ 926.25
  • Strathmoor PolicePolice service$ 897.50
  • Susan MelcherMulch$ 87.60
  • NSAPPolice Service$ 980.00
  • Greenhaven Tree CareWitchhazel support$ 55.00
  • Tom SchlindweinCopy paper$ 5.79
  • John HuberProperty tax reimbursement$ 332.26
  • Jayne SchneiderPostage and newsletter$ 206.42

Beryl seconded and the motion was passed. Jayne did not vote

Atty Emery swore in new commissioners Paul Stratman, Beryl Brown, Chris McCoy and Jayne Schneider for the upcoming term beginning in January 2013.

The tree removal permit applicationdiscussed in October was submitted from:

R T Riney2600 Kings HwyDead pine tree, declining locust tree

Nobuilding permit applications were received.

Commissioner’s concerns:

  • All commissioners completed the Proof of Receipt for open meetings and managing records.
  • Becky suggested changes in the alignment of duties. Beryl would be responsible for sidewalk maintenance and police contact. The newsletter and the welcome meeting with the new residents would be moved to the City Clerk. Jayne would take over all postcard creations/mailings.
  • Becky would like to identify long range plans for the City and begin planning how to fund those plans.

Jayne made a motion to authorize Chris and Tom to reinvest the 36 month CD from Republic to a CD at an alternate federally insured savings institution and to move the MRA savings account to First Capital from Republic. Paul seconded and the motion was passed. Chris did not vote.

8:44 PMPaul made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Berylseconded and the motion was passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Whisler