The admission process is as follows:
- A tour of the school with School Official;
- Completed application and a meeting with School Administrator with parent/guardian and student;
- Pay non-refundable registration fee to the Business Office or through RenWeb online;
- Schedule a time for entrance testing, grades K – 12; on the day of entrance test, the school administrator will need the following:
- Check/cash for testing fee ($35.00 – check made to Heidelberg Academy)
- Completed application (previous school address/phone number required)
- Official copy of transcripts;
- Official Copy of birth certificate;
- Copy of Social Security card;
- Original Mississippi Certificate of Immunization Compliance;
- Signature from parent/guardian on a release document allowing Heidelberg Academy to request the student’s discipline file/history from the previous school;
- Official copy of the most recent report card;
- Official copy of achievement test scores.
(It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain and deliver the above information)
- Student must receive approval of the Admissions Committee; the parent/guardian will be notified of the decision on admission by a school official in a prompt manner.
- Students in grades 1 – 12 shall pass the admission test administered by assigned school official;
- Incoming high school students must be able to fulfill Heidelberg Academy’s graduation requirements;
- The student must have grades from former school that indicate probable success at Heidelberg Academy;
- Student shall hold an exceptional background report as stated by school officials of former location (including behavior and proper actions);
- Entrance age is set by state law (students entering Kindergarten shall be 5 by September 1st of the year of application); No student will be enrolled who has reached age 19 by September 1st of the year of application;
- New students will be considered based on the dated receipt of a completed application and payment of the registration fee. Each application will be dated, initialed, and time recorded to determine priority;
- The school administration may accept a student for enrollment on a temporary basis provided said student has met all requirements as designated by the enrollment policy; however, the Board of Directors will officially consider and approve all educational contracts;
- The registration fee for a student will be refunded if the student is not admitted to Heidelberg Academy.
- Completed and signed application;
- Registration and testing fees paid;
- Screening evaluation completed;
- A copy of academic records from previous school submitted;
- A copy of all required documentation submitted;
- Entrance examination completion;
- Administrative interview with student.
- Completed and signed Education Contract;
- Bank draft or credit card information submitted;
- Original Mississippi Certificate of Immunization Compliance;
- Certified copy of birth certificate complete with state certification number;
- Student’s Social Security Number.
The Mississippi Certificate of Immunization Compliance, the certified copy of the birth certificate, and the social security number for the enrolling student must be presented at the time of enrollment unless the student is transferring from a Mississippi school where records are being requested.
Home-schooled students wishing to enroll in Heidelberg Academy must meet the following requirements when applying for admission:
- Home-schooled students, grades 1 - 12, will not be allowed to enter Heidelberg Academy any later than thirty calendar days after the beginning of the school year. (Appeals will be considered by the accrediting commission of MAIS);
- Home-schooled students must meet all of the requirements for new student admission.
- Elementary students must meet grade level expectations on reading and mathematics curriculum-based placement tests. Results from previous standardized achievement tests are requested, if available.
- Middle school students must demonstrate grade level performance on standardized achievement tests, if available. If standardized achievement tests are not available, the student may be subject to a proficiency test in all subject areas to determine mastery/placement.
- Heidelberg Academy will accept high school credits from an approved home-schooled program; however, if the student has not been enrolled in an approved program, proficiency in a subject area must be demonstrated for the school to validate any credits or to establish placement. As stated, in the MAIS Accreditation Manual under the section titled, “Home School and Non-Accredited School Transfers, “Students should earn their last eight academic credits at the school from which they plan to graduate.”
Unless specifically stated below all stipulations and requirements of New Student Admission will apply to students requesting re-admissions to Heidelberg Academy.
- Any student who leaves Heidelberg Academy in “good standing” (academically, financially, and behaviorally) and attends an accredited school but subsequently applies for re-admission during the same academic school year may be re-admitted without entrance testing/screening;
- Any student who leaves Heidelberg Academy in “good standing” (academically, financially, and behaviorally) to be home schooled and applies for re-admission may be re-admitted without entrance testing/screening if both the day of leaving and the day of return occur within the first fifteen (15) days of the academic calendar.
It would be the joy and pleasure of Heidelberg Academy to accept all applications into our K-12 programs; however, the class size is limited in each section/grade. Students may be placed on a waiting list when the maximum enrollment for a section/class is reached.
Families are encouraged to plan a year or two out to secure a place for their child, particularly the four year old Pre-K class and the five year old Kindergarten.
A student may secure a chronological position on the waiting list for a section/grade by completing steps 1-4 of the New Student Admission Process as listed. When a space comes available, a call will be made and 48 hours given to accept the position. The registration fee is non-refundable if classroom space is available and the parents are offered a contract. The fee is only refundable if the admission is not granted.
- Retained students –a determination for the retention of elementary students will be made prior to the end of the third nine weeks;
- Current students and pre-K/Kindergarten siblings have priority during priority registration period;
- New Applicants will be accepted as space becomes available based upon date and time of application and payment of the registration fee as well as successful completion of an assessment test.
- No student will be accepted who has a record of academic failure, discipline problems, or who has not met the criteria for successful completion of the standardized assessment test as stated previously in the enrollment procedures. The Board of Directors will consider appeal on individual cases as submitted by request.
- All students are expected to maintain standards of academic achievement and general citizenship relative to the requirement established. Failure to do so will be just cause for the student’s withdrawal from Heidelberg Academy.
- When a student reaches a point where Heidelberg Academy can no longer contribute to the educational advancement of said student, and/or said student fails to take full advantage of educational opportunities offered him/her, and/or said student continuously violates school regulations, the student will be requested to withdraw from Heidelberg Academy during the present year and will definitely lose his/her priority for admission the following year. The Board of Directors will evaluate the recommendations of the administration concerning each student’s resent and future enrollment at Heidelberg Academy.
- Paid registration fees and a signed contract are required for a student to be eligible for any type of tryouts relative to the next school year.
- Athletic eligibility requirements of the MS Association of independent Schools must be followed concerning all athletes.
REBEL READING (New Student Admissions)
Qualified students are admitted into Rebel Reading, regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic identity, or place of origin. Students seeking admission have a primary diagnosis of dyslexia. No student will be admitted with behavioral issues or severe receptive and expressive language disorders or with IQ’s less than average. While most dyslexics have attention issues, those with severe attention problems will not be admitted. Students, who have not been diagnosed with dyslexia, may be tested at Heidelberg Academy by appointment.
- Contact the school for information about Rebel Reading. Questions regarding the potential student’s
Psycho-educational evaluation will be asked. No studentwill be admitted into the program without a complete psycho-educational evaluation stating a diagnosis of dyslexia.
- Parents should schedule an appointment to tour the school. The potential student is encouraged to
come on this visit. Any previous psycho-educational evaluations should be brought to the meeting and left for review.
- If the student qualifies for Rebel Reading, parents must complete the application with a non-
refundable $100.00 application fee.
- Students accepted, with an application on file, will be placed on a waiting list if space isn’t available.
- Enrollment is complete when all records are on file, fees are paid, and the first tuition payment is made.
* Admission tests are given to all students, but the admissions board considers thedyslexia evaluation as the determining factor for admission.
* After the admissions board reviews a psycho-educational evaluation andfinds an additional phonological awareness screening is needed, the screening will be conducted by the Heidelberg Academy Certified Academic Language Therapist at an additional cost of $100.00.
HEIDELBERG ACADEMY admits all qualified students regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity,or place of origin.
Heidelberg Academy has a comprehensive Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy. The purpose of the policy is to educate the students who attend Heidelberg Academy regarding the problems of drug/alcohol abuse and aid these students in leading healthy responsible lives.
Details and procedures for implementation of the drug-testing phase of the policy for students are as follows:
- To educate the students, faculty, and patrons regarding the dangers of drug abuse.
- To deter and prevent drug usage.
- To identify persons associated with Heidelberg Academy who may be using illegal drugs.
- To insure any chronic dependency is recognized, addressed, and appropriately treated.
- To promote the health and academic progress of each student.
- To encourage the development of responsible life styles and positive community role models.
- Administrators, faculty employees, and the Board of Directors will be tested randomly.
- All students enrolled in grades 7 – 12 will be required to participate in the random drug-screening program. Consent to the student’s participation is a condition of the enrollment contract. ANY STUDENT WHO REFUSES TO PARTICIPATE WILL BE DISMISSED FROM SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY.