Yorkshire and Humberside Forum of FCAs Meeting

13June 2008

The Bar Convent, York

1.Terms of reference

The Forum was set up as a delegate-based group representing local Foster Care Associations in the North and East. The nominal geographical coverage extends from Lincolnshire to Northumberland and from East Riding through North Yorkshire. A maximum of two delegates per FCA are invited to attend. Foster carers are only eligible to attend as delegates of their local FCAs. It was agreed that meetings should continue on a bi-monthly basis, held in York for the time being given its ease of access.

2. Foster Carer Support

This had been raised as an action point at the April meeting.

It was reported that carers in one local authority were being paid to provide respite care for other foster carers who needed cover to attend training, go shopping etc. Although not a large sum of money, the principle of paying for this type of support seems to be in place.

Other FCAs reported that their foster carers provided this type of cover on a purely voluntary basis.

It might be useful to establish whether Local Authorities would be willing to pay for this cover to be provided.

ACTION: FCAs to enquire as to whether their Local Authority might provide this type of support to foster carers

3. Permissions

The following action points were carried forward.

  • Establish the existence of grievance / complaints procedures in Local Authorities and obtain copies where possible
  • Contact Local Authorities to check if there is any policy in place that covers delegated powers of foster carers.

4. Child Workforce Development Programme

Discussion of the implementation of the CWFD programme again revealed huge variability with one FCA reporting that nothing much had been started at all. Doubts were raised about the capacity of Local Authorities to process the evidence of foster carers who were attempting to complete the workbooks. Once again the need for national standards was voiced.

Consideration of the professional development programme led into a more broadly-based discussion about skill-based payment. Bradford FCA recognised that training was necessary to maintain skill levels and that progression should be conditional on additional training being undertaken.

Middlesbrough FCA pointed out that foster carers were still being encouraged to pursue NVQs. There was a local £150 per week skill/fee payment.

Richmond FCA reported no skill level differential. North Yorkshire payment rates were distributed (for information these are listed here)

Age band / Basic / Foster carer premium
0 – 4 / £ 121.73 / £ 44.59
5 – 10 / £ 138.67 / £ 55.37
11 – 15 / £ 172.55 / £ 66.71
16 - 17 / £ 209.93 / £ 77.98

A specialist scheme is in existence for which carers are paid £467.32

Some discussion centred on the premium payment which was in all probability the foster carer fee.


  • It was agree that FCAs would circulate details of local payment schemes for their Local Authority
  • Ask the Fostering Network about national guidance. Local FCAs to continue to monitor the situation

5. Kinship / family & friends

Bradford FCA introduced this topic and pointed out the need for Local Authorities to treat family & friends carers in the same way as they did “stranger carers”. This arose out of a judicial review of a Manchester case.

There are some fundamental differences between types of foster carer. The approval process for family & friends can be one month whereas stranger carer’s approval will take significantly longer. There are differences in training requirements.

The discussion raised a number of questions –

  • Are family & friends carers eligible for the Fostering Networkmembership?
  • Are family & friends carers part of the membership of your FCA?
  • Are they covered by the Fostering Network membership benefits (e.g. legal insurance cover)?

ACTION:FCAs might care to review their local position and to consider the implications of treating kinship carers and mainstream foster carers equally

6. Conciliation

Bradford has a grievance procedure. Currently some 20 foster carers are subject to an allegation of some sort of whom only seven are being supported by the local FCA.

York reported on the apparent absence of any local conciliation process.

ACTION: It was agreed that the Regional Forum should consider organising a training event for FCA Committee Members to help develop such a local service for the benefit of their foster carers

7. Mileage and Travel

Against the background of rising costs of fuel, a brief exchange of views on the subject of mileage allowances revealed some differences of opinion and practice.

The point was made that foster carers should be treated on a par with social workers who use their car for work. However, this led on to the subject of what constituted “normal” car usage for which foster carers received a payment within the Looked after child allowance. Is transport to/from school an extra or part of the standard package?

Differences in mileage rates emerged (from £.37 to £.45 per mile).

ACTION: FCAs to circulate details of their local mileage/transport allowances.

Next meeting

Saturday September 6th 10.30 – 12.30 at the Bar Convent, York.