Halo PrismFAQs
- What can my associate rep do if they are having problems logging in?
- Password Expired – Reset Halo Password
- Please contact PCSupport to reset the password or use the Domain Password Change page on the website
- In 2014, we are hoping to have a new authentication tool in place so we no longer have this issue of associate rep passwords expiring with no warning
- Browser Compatibility Issues – Try a different browser
- Best Browser – Chrome
- Good Browsers – Firefox, IE9, IE10
- Supported, but not best browsers at this time– IE11, Safari
- Domain Authentication Issues
- Try using for the username instead of just username
- Try resetting the browsers saved passwords/cache/history
- Why don’t the figures on the bottom match the data in the pane?
- This is a “Feature” of Halo
- This was brought up to the vendor as an enhancement opportunity
- They acknowledged other customers have requested the same concept
- Said they were working on adding a “Window Sum” feature
- The number in the “All” row of every window is made up of all the selections made in every other window in the view, not including itself
3.How can I view more than 1 year in the Rolling 12 Months View?
1. By Month
a. Add new columns to the right/left until you get into previous years
2. By Year
a. Change the period to Year instead of Month
Note: See 4.2 below.
- How can I recreate the 5 year history report on the sales dashboard?
- Can’t replicate formatting of SRS reports
- Check out the new report called “5 Year History”
- Modify the report to your needs/specifications and save it in your folder
5.Can we get some tips using Halo on a tablet?
1. Current Issue
a. Data does not update on the iPad when the date range is changed
i. This could be related to an issue with an older version of Halo
-Halo will be updated to the most current version later this week
2. Halo generally supports the use of browsers on tablets
a. Supported browsers on tablets
i. Safari
ii. Chrome
b. iOS 6+ recommended for iPads
6. Is there a way to see data with closed and moved account sales being reflected?
1. Permissions to data are set up based on current customers only. This applies to both REPS and AREPS.
If you have any more questions regarding data or features, feel free to contact Erik Rasmussen at or Greg Patten at .Erik will be taking over all the Halo efforts in the next few months. If you have problems with logging into Halo Prism or other technical issues, please continue to contact the SP Helpdesk line (ext. 4357) or email so your issue can be appropriately addressed in a timely manner.