Kohl’s Ranch Homeowners Association

July 13,2013


The meeting was attended by 84 people.

The meeting was called to order by President Christian at 2:30 pm.

Bill Christian welcomed everyone to the meeting

A sign-in sheet was provided by the Larsons

New members:

-Jim & Vicky Pfeiffer, Alice Morganroth

-Condolences were offered to Lanna Sullivan on the death of her father. The deaths of George Alhman, Ginny Lempke and Freddie Brosie were noted.

Previous meeting minutes/approval:

-The minutes were reviewed by the members and approved. Instead of reading the minutes out loud at the potluck, 12 copies were placed on various tables during the potluck. Members were asked to read the minutes on their own.

Treasurer’s report:

-Jim Larson presented the report (copies were available)

-Year end balance: $28,276- includes: Firewise funds: $2036, An operating fund of $21,240 which included the road fund, and a “rainy day” reserve fund of $5000.

-Major expense this last year: Road repair on various sites: $1,875. This included dredging out ditches besides the roads on Buen Agua to handle rain run-off. Many thanks to Sam Choate from the lodge who “loaned” and operated a backhoe to aid in the project. There will NOT be any money from Diamond Resorts to pay for repairs of Short Road on the way to the stables. Diamond Resorts will be repairing the road at the end of the meadow just behind the water tower.

BUDGET FOR 2014 is based on last year, about $8000 in dues

-In the future: Bill would like to see the road reserve boosted to $40,000.

Guest speakers:

1.  Chief Jarvis, CKFD.

-2 weeks previous there was a lightning strike fire at Tontazona on the hill above the football field. The first bucket of water was on the fire in 10 minutes. A hot shot crew was called and the fire put out quickly, but it did burn 2.5 acres. This is an indication of how dry conditions are.

-it is important for cabin owners to trim overhanging tree branches on their roads (up to 12 feet) so that emergency vehicles can drive down the road. An email was sent to all residents who have overhanging trees and letters were delivered to them also.

-it is important to get rid of small bushes, to eliminate the transition field of vegetation that encourages fire spread to higher trees.

-SamSea (name?) presented information on Firewise grants. New grants are being given to large groups of people/larger areas of land. Applications submitted now are about 2 years away from funding.

2.  Doug Thorne, KRWC

-discussed stages of water conservation: we are at stage 1, voluntary conservation. If our water supply goes down, more stringent water conservation will be applied. Our supply is good right now.

-discussed new water rates : charges go up by 1000 gal increments of use, i.e.basic rate of @$21.50 for first 1000 gal, then extra $2.17 for 1000-2000 gallons of water use, then $3.97 for each 1000 gallons 2000-10,000 water used.

- New water meters are being installed and are electronic and last longer.

3. Scheduled speakers unable to attend: Sam Choate from the lodge and Lance from the stables.


Road repairs:

-Pot holes were fixed on Buen Agua with many thanks to Richard Wood and David Manor. Thanks also to Jim Larson for finding Payson Concrete. Repairs this year included dredging out ditches besides the roads on Buen Agua to handle rain run-off. Many thanks to Sam Choate from the lodge who “loaned” and operated a backhoe to aid in the project. There will NOT be any money from Diamond Resorts to pay for repairs of Short Road on the way to the stables. Diamond Resorts will be repairing the road at the end of the meadow just behind the water tower.

Last comprehensive road repair was in 2008. In 2014 we will look at some more permanent repairs.

Verizon reception appears to be present and excellent all over the subdivision. However, the signal seems stronger at certain times of the day. In the future GPS location will be available to ATT and Verizon customers.

Committee volunteers:

-volunteers are needed for the welcoming committee and for the road committee (which goes out and fills potholes). Interested parties are asked to contact Bill Christian.

Directory updates:

-members were reminded to sign in and give information on new contact numbers, email addresses. An updated directory will be available at the winter meeting.

Board of Directors/executive committee:

Richard Wood and Larry Stephenson have volunteered to serve on the HOA board. Juanita Saurer and Shari Tucker-Gasser are stepping off, as well as Jerry Brooks and they were thanked for their service. Susan Manor will continue to serve on the board.

The executive board:

President: Bill Christianson

VicePresident: Carolyn Ross

Secretary: Linda Ribnik

Treasurer: Jim Larson

Web master: Rafael Ferreira

Directory master: David Demaine


-Firewise volunteers are Bob and Karen Higel.

--Raphael put a PDF on the KRHOA website that can be downloaded and people can fill it out and get credit for clearing their lots,this translates into Firewise dollars.

2013 Dues:

-members are encouraged to pay their $100 dues soon. Payments can be given to or mailed to Jim Larson. We are down about 20 members from last year. Members are encouraged to talk to new neighbors, and old, and encouraging joining the association.

Winter meeting, 2013: Tentative date: Sat, Jan 18 or 25, whichever is okay with the Pyle Center in Tempe.

Lot clean up day: Saturday, June 1,2013, was a big success and many people were thanked.

-The CKFD has a trailer that can be “rented” for $30 to haul away forrest products to the burn pit. Interested homeowners should contact Chief Jarvis to arrange delivery of the trailer. Homeowners will need to load the trailer themselves and the fire dept will haul it away. If materials (i.e. pine needles) are put in plastic bags, please leave the bags untied.

Adopt a Highway clean up: was held on May 4, 2013, on Highway 260, from Mile marker 267-268. 14 people helped out and were thanked.

A last guest speaker: Tom Fraker, Retreat at Tontozona

-camp at Retreat at Tontozona has been a very big success, many different groups have held camp ranging from Football and Band camps to science camps, camps for disadvantaged youth. Some camps have been run by ASU students.

-almost 80 different organizations applied to hold their camps at Tontozona.

-A STEM (Science Tehnology Engineering and Math camp) will be held

-A family has been hired to run the camp. Parents have experience as forrest rangers, they have 2 children, ages 3 and 7.

-involvement by fund raising, or other volunteer efforts is encouraged

-visits to camp or campers (i.e. going to listen to a school band play) is not allowed due to privacy and legal reasons.

A raffle, gift card tree, drawing was held.

-Many thanks to Jim Larson for soliciting the gift cards!

Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.