Public Library

Collection Development Grant

Final Report Forms

Final Report

due by

September 15, 2017

This report must be completed, signed and submitted to the Missouri State Library by email, fax or mail:

Email to:

Fax to: (573) 751-3612 OR

Mail to:

LSTA Grant Program

Shay Young, LSTA Grants Officer

Missouri State Library

600 West Main, PO Box 387

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0387

Instructions for Final Report Forms

Public Library Collection Development Grants

The Final Report consists of the following items. All items must be submitted or final payment cannot be made. Please use the report forms furnished in this packet.

1.  Financial Report: Complete the top part of the form. List only LSTA Grant funds in the chart. Do not include local funds on the chart. Please use exact figures. Do not round.

LSTA Amount Approved—The LSTA amount approved for purchasing public library collection development materials as stipulated in the Grant Agreement.

LSTA Amount Spent—List LSTA amounts expended during the grant period for each category.

LSTA Unspent Balance—List what is left to spend. (LSTA Amount Approved minus LSTA Amount Spent)

2.  Payment Summary: Please list each invoice separately. Include only approved items as listed in the project budget. Use exact costs. Do NOT round.


Budget Category / Description of item or service / Quantity / Invoice Number / Invoice Date / Vendor / LSTA Funds / Local Funds / Total
Library Materials / Biographies for the adult collection / 15 / 123456 / 4/30/2017 / Books Galore / $334.62 / $0 / $334.62

3.  Narrative Report: Please complete the form and answer the questions to document the activities during this grant period. Use separate sheets; more than one question can be answered on each sheet. Include the grant number and library district name on each sheet. Attach to report form.

4.  Final Payment Request Form: This form was customized for each grant award and sent to the library district along with the fully executed grant agreement. Please complete all information on this form and submit it with the final report in order to receive the final payment for the grant. If all of the LSTA allowable funds were not spent please adjust the request for final payment total by subtracting the amount not spent (the “LSTA Unspent Balance” on the financial report).

Questions about the report forms or administration of this grant may be directed to Shay Young at , Becky Wilson at , Debbie Musselman at or by telephone at 1-800-325-0131.

Please submit all forms by email, fax or mail to:

Email to: OR

Fax to: (573) 751-3612 OR

Mail to:

LSTA Grant Program

Shay Young, LSTA Grants Officer

Missouri State Library

600 West Main, P.O. Box 387

Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0387


Public Library collection development grant


Grant Project Number:

Grantee Name:

Project Director:

Name of person(s) making this report:

Phone number with area code:

E-mail address:

1.  Total grant funds spent as indicated on the Final Financial Report:

2.  Total local funds spent on the project as documented on the payment summaries:

3.  Total number of people affected by the project during the grant period:

4.  Target audience. Select all that apply.

All ages / Ages 0-5 / Ages 6-12 / Ages 13-17
Ages 18-25 / Ages 26-49 / Ages 50-69 / Ages 70+
Intergenerational groups (excluding families) / Families / Immigrants/Refugees
Low income / Unemployed / People with disabilities
Library Staff, Trustees, or Volunteers / People with limited functional literacy or information skills / Non/Limited English-speaking persons

5.  Was the grantee subject to a Single Audit during the project grant period (i.e. received $750,000 or more in federal funds)?

REPORT CERTIFICATION: By my signature, I believe the narrative report is correct, accurately describes what happened during the grant period, and realistically assesses the impact the project had on library use and operation. I further believe the financial report and payment summary are correct, and that all items listed in the payment summary are for the purpose set forth in the award documents.

Signature of Authorized Individual

Title of Authorized Individual:





Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Include the question above each answer.

1.  ACTIVITIES: List the major activities carried out during this project.

2.  PROJECT CHANGES and ADDITIONS: Describe any variations from the original grant application that took place throughout the project. For example: What problems, if any, were encountered in implementing the project plan and how were they resolved? Were there any issues with the timeline? Document how the State Library was informed of and approved any major changes in scope.

3.  FINANCIAL STATUS: Describe any variations from the approved budget. Were all funds spent?

4.  OUTPUTS: Please provide statistical information on the project.

a.  Record the number of items added to the collection as a part of the project and their circulation in the chart below.

Average number of months the materials were in circulation
Number of print materials added to the collection
Number of times print materials circulated
Number of audio/visual materials added to the collection
Number of times audio/visual materials circulated
Number of electronic materials added to the collection
Number of times electronic materials circulated

b.  Please report any other statistics that were tracked and analyzed for this project.

5.  EVALUATION METHODS: Which of the following evaluation methods have you used? Check all that apply. If a survey was/will be used, please include a blank copy of the survey with this report; all surveys must be reviewed and approved by the State Library before being implemented.

Survey: Number of surveys collected _____

Statistical Comparisons

Interview/Focus Group

Participant Observation

Other (Please describe)

6.  OUTCOMES: Identify the overall impact the project has had on your library, the individuals served and your community. This includes changes in behavior, skills, knowledge, attitude, status, and life condition. If a survey was used, please summarize the results. (Attach a blank copy of any survey used.)

7.  IMPORTANCE OF FINDINGS: Briefly summarize the importance of the outputs, outcomes, and/or other reported results. How will the findings impact collection development in the future?

8.  PROJECT PROMOTION: In general, how was the project promoted within the library and community and how effective were each of the efforts? In particular, what attempts were made to attract previously underserved audiences to the Library and what were the results? Also indicate how the community was informed this project was funded through an IMLS-LSTA grant. Attach copies of the promotional efforts: newspaper articles, flyers, brochures, etc.

9.  PROJECT PARNTERS: If applicable, list all project partners.

10.  EFFORT LEVEL: Will the level of effort change following the end of the funding period?

11.  OTHER: Please share other comments as appropriate.

Missouri State Library – Library Services and Technology Act

Public Library Collection Development Grant Program

Final Financial Report

Include only LSTA funds in this chart. Please use exact figures. Do not round.

Budget Category / LSTA
Amount Approved / LSTA
Amount Spent / LSTA Unspent Balance
(To be subtracted
from final payment amount)
Library Materials

Library Services and Technology Act Grant Program administered by the Missouri State Library, a Division of The Office of the Secretary of State

Public Library Collection Development Grant

Payment Summary – Final Report

Grant Project Number:

Library District Name:

Please list each invoice separately. Include only approved items as listed in the project budget.

Use exact costs. Do NOT round.

Budget Category / Description of Item or Service / Quantity / Invoice Number / Invoice Date / Vendor / LSTA Funds / Local Funds / Total


Example Answers to Final Report Questions

1.  ACTIVITIES: List the major activities carried out during this project.

Library staff, in discussion with the Teen Advisory Board, reviewed the collection to identify gaps to fill in the children and teen collections in order to better meet needs and expectations. Input from the Teen Advisory Board had not been sought in the past. Areas identified for improvement included graphic novels for children and teens, especially to reach reluctant reader; Reader Award nominees in a variety of formats for youth in grades 6-12; and STEM resource materials to support homework assignments for youth in grades 6 to 12. Multiple book vendors were researched to obtain the best pricing. Titles were ordered, received and processed for circulation.

Library staff provided book talks at teen summer reading program events. As part of the summer reading program activities at the library, teens created video book trailers to introduce their favorite new titles to the children and teens in the community. These videos were posted on our library’s Facebook page.

Surveys were placed inside each book purchased through the grant to help assess project impact. Small prizes, funded locally, were given to children and teens who handed in a completed survey.

4.  OUTPUTS: Please provide statistical information on the project.

a.  Record the number of items added to the collection as a part of the project and their circulation in the chart below.

Average number of months the materials were in circulation / 3
Number of print materials added to the collection / 116
Number of times print materials circulated / 523
Number of audio/visual materials added to the collection / 15
Number of times audio/visual materials circulated / 37
Number of electronic materials added to the collection / 0
Number of times electronic materials circulated / 0

b.  Please report any other statistics that were tracked and analyzed for this project.

There were 23 videos created by the teens with a total of 627 views. The most popular video was on a teen graphic novel, Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. Use of the graphic novel collection steadily increased throughout the grant period, but particularly after the video book trailers were posted to Facebook.

The graphic novels were the most popular additions to the collection in that the 70 titles circulated 412 times during the grant period. Next popular were the Reader Award nominees, with the 30 print books circulating 90 times and the audiobooks circulating 37 times during the grant period. The 16 STEM resource books circulated 21 times during the grant period.

6.  OUTCOMES: Identify the overall impact the project has had on your library, the individuals served and your community. This includes changes in behavior, skills, knowledge, attitude, status, and life condition. If a survey was used, please summarize the results. (Attach a blank copy of any survey used.)

Staff observed the graphic novel collection was popular with reluctant readers, successfully encouraging these children and teens to read more during the summer months. Research shows that children and teens who read during the summer months help to reduce summer learning loss and are better prepared to resume school in the fall. Survey results showed that 75% of respondents increased their enjoyment of reading; 85% felt the amount of time they spent reading increased; and 30% felt they learned something new by reading a book or listening to an audiobook purchased with grant funds.

While the books purchased to support STEM homework assignments had little use over the summer, we anticipate they will be highly used in the upcoming school year. Moving forward, the library will be in a better position to support STEM homework.

7.  IMPORTANCE OF FINDINGS: Briefly summarize the importance of the outputs, outcomes, and/or other reported results. How will the findings impact collection development in the future?

Because of the popularity of the materials purchased through the grant, the library will regularly get recommendations from the Teen Advisory Board on what print books, audiobooks and other resources to add to the collection. It is important to meet the needs and expectations of this target audience if we are to stay relevant to them and keep them on the road to becoming lifelong learners and library users.

8.  PROJECT PROMOTION: In general, how was the project promoted within the library and community and how effective were each of the efforts? In particular, what attempts were made to attract previously underserved audiences to the Library and what were the results? Also indicate how the community was informed this project was funded through an IMLS-LSTA grant. Attach copies of the promotional efforts: newspaper articles, flyers, brochures, etc.

The library promoted the new materials by displaying them in a high traffic area of the library; a press release to local newspapers and radio stations; posts on the library's website and Facebook pages; book talks at teen summer reading program events; and video book trailers created by teens and posted on our Facebook page. Promotional flyers were developed and inserted in the local newspaper and mailed to the public and private schools throughout the library district. A copy of the press release and flyer are enclosed. You can view the book trailers at

10.  EFFORT LEVEL: Will the level of effort change following the end of the funding period?

The print and audio books purchased through the grant will remain in circulation until weeded from the collection due to timeliness and accuracy of the information and/or its condition.

Library staff will continue to improve the teen collection using local funds.