
Time called to order: 6:39pm

Absences: Joe Blythe, Ryan Choplin, Kara Cook, Andrew Hawkins, Julie Kinsey, Caleb Redman, Bobby Rhoades, Elise Vega

Guest Speakers: None

Student Concerns: None

Minutes approved as: Corrected

Corrections: Strike out “committee in the hole” in unfinished business and replace with “committee of the whole.”


President: None

Vice President: None

Treasurer: Please give me any receipts for purchases.

Advisor: The Renter’s Fair sheet is going around. Also, we need all senators to work a shift at the polls during our Representative elections.

RAC Director: The Renter’s Workshop is scheduled for March 28th in this room and it would be nice if everyone came. Also, everyone must attend the Renter’s Fair for at least a half hour on the 29th. Garrett and Will need to get together to figure out ads for these events. I will be picking up the new Housing Guides on Friday.


Terra- We passed approval for the Christian Sorority and also passed a bill about construction. There is a bill up for this week about sexual education on campus and I’d like to get everyone’s opinion on it tonight.


University: Due to the successful bill writing party we will really need to have a meeting to discuss the 9 bills in committee.

Civic Affairs: We will have meeting after this to discuss bills.

Internal Affairs: We interviewed Jorge Vega and will be putting up our big bill tonight.

Renter’s Advisory Council: I will be contacting my members and getting with Will this week to talk about ads for the Renter’s Workshop and Fair.

Public Relations: We will be meeting with RAC and advertising for the Renter’s Workshop and Fair.

Social Chair: None

Vice-Chair: None

Chair: Hope everyone had fun at the bill writing party. Everyone needs to thank Elise for letting us have it at her apartment. We got 14 bill ideas from the party. My top ten included post tenure review, dog park in the city, and block tuition and fees. I’d like to see at least half of these bills done by the end of Spring Break.


a)S06BL04-A bill regarding OCSA Standing Committees. Postponed indefinitely.

b)S06BL09-A bill regarding allocation of funds to SGA. Moved into committee of the whole, do-pass. Postponed until the next meeting.


a)Jorge Vega and Rebecca Williams sworn in as senators.

b)Legislation forwarded to committee

  1. S06RC10-A recommendation that people crossing Hall of Fame at Colvin crosswalk wear vests with yellow flashing lights since they don’t look both ways.
  2. S06RC11-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater to provide watercraft on BoomerLake.
  3. S06RC12-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater to build a larger skate park.
  4. S06RC14-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater to raise the minimum wage to $6.00 per hour.
  5. S06RC15-A recommendation that Bob Darcy and David Schmidly have a retreat in Cancun.
  6. S06RC16-A recommendation for the (insert exploitives) Schmidly to resign.
  7. S06RC17-a recommendation to the University to enforce no smoking near air intake and at entrances.
  8. S06RC18-A recommendation to the University to make the signs on buildings larger.
  9. S06RC19-A recommendation to the University to place benches in the entrance hall of the ColvinCenter.
  10. S06RC20-A recommendation to the University to raise the campus minimum wage to $7.00 per hour for entry level and $8.00 per hour for supervisory positions.
  11. S06RC21-A recommendation to the University to remove the urinals from the girls’ restroom on the west wing of the 4th floor of the Student Union.
  12. S06RC22-A recommendation to the University to offer an option for students to receive paper bursar statements.
  13. S06RC23-A recommendation to the University to lower the fountain pressure on Theta Pond on windy days.
  14. S06BL24-A bill amending the OCSA by-laws.


Emma-SAM apps are out, free t-shirts and a nametag.

Janis and Darren are engaged.


Motion was made to adjourn at 7:38pm.