The Weekly Buzz

/ The Weekly Buzz
October 17, 2013
St. Bernadette School, 80 University Blvd East, Silver Spring, MD 20901 (301) 593-5611 voice (301) 593-9042 fax
From the Principal, Mrs. Wood
We are very happy to announce that the school is partnering with HoopEd to provide affordable mini-camps for students Ages 5 - 13 on our school days off. The first mini-camp will be offered on Nov. 4th and 5th during parent teacher conferences when there is no school for students.
From HoopEd
HoopEd is thrilled to become a part of the St. Bernadette’s school community by introducing to you our School Holiday Mini Camps. The 2013-2014 school calendar is filled with professional days and holidays where the kids are off of school but parents still have to work. HoopEd will fill the void by providing active and enthusiastic mini All Sports and Games camps for boys and girls of all ages and skill levels. Why spend this off time at home on the computer or watching TV when you can be exercising, improving skills and having a great time?
Although this is our debut of Student Holiday Mini Camps we are no stranger to the St. Bernadette’s community. We spend most of the summer right in your own backyard running All Sports and Games camp for your families and fellow Silver Spring families. Due to the hugely popular and successful All Sports and Games Camp this past summer, we wanted to continue providing families with safe and affordable camps throughout the school year. We’ll spend the days playing everything from soccer, flag football, kickball and basketball to playground games like dodge ball, capture the flag and the fan favorite...kick the can! These camps prove to be great fun for all ages and skill levels. We look forward to meeting more great campers/families from St. Bernadette’s and we are eager to get movin’!
Please feel free to take a look at our website or email us with any questions. Stay tuned for our camp date reveal coming soon!

2014 – 2015 ADW Tuition Assistance Applications Available Online
As a reminder, TADS Financial Aid and Assessment will continue to manage the application and assessment process for the Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program. The applications for the 2014 – 2015 Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program are now available online. The deadline for applications to be submitted is Friday, December 6, 2013. Families may begin applying online to TADS now at

Delayed Opening November 1st

Friday, November 1st is a delayed opening for school. School will begin at 9:45 am. Doors will open at 9:35 am. The late bell will ring at 9:50 am. Students will attend mass at 10:00am. Morning EDP will begin at 9:00 am for those students enrolled in this program.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 4th &5th. There is no school for students on either of these days. Parents will be sent a Sign Up Genius invitation via email to choose a date and time to meet with your child’s teacher.
Calendar Updates

Bake Sale
Do you like cookies, cakes, brownies and other delicious treats? Do you feel that we need to raise breast cancer awareness and work harder to find a cure? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, then look no further than the Breast Cancer Awareness Bake Sale! Sponsored by Mrs. Cuellar’s family in the St. Joseph House, this bake sale will be held October 18th during during lunch in the school hall.
Ben Zanger – 8th grade
Field Trips
Throughout the year each of our grades will be going on one or more field trips. If you volunteer to be a chaperone on a trip please note the following:
  1. Chaperoning a field trip does not count towards tier credits
  2. No siblings may attend field trips
  3. All chaperones must be Virtus compliant with the archdiocese.

Used Uniform Sale
As per the handbook, the winter uniforms will be in effect starting November 5th. This applies to both the regular and PE uniforms. Please see the handbook for guidelines. We will be having a used uniform sale on Sunday, October 27th after the 9:00 and 11:00 masses in the school hall. If you have uniforms to exchange please bring them with you to the sale.
Volunteers are needed with this. Please contact Polly Matthews at to help.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is just around the corner. There will be countless new and exciting books this year. Two of the titles that I know students will want are the upcoming Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck and the just published Rick Riordan book House of Hades. To help the St. Bernadette library please choose to purchase these books from our book fair instead of your local bookstore. A flyer will be sent home with all students that has more great titles. The book fair will be open on Sunday, November 3, after the 9:00 and 11:00 Mass, and during the Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 4 and 5. I hope to see you there. Mrs. Sprout
Development News
Are you a NEW FAMILY to St. B’s??
Welcome….We are so blessed to have generous, wonderful grandparents and important extended family who play an important role in the lives of our students. We welcome them into our St. B’s community. As a part of the Annual Gala, grandparents and important extended family are invited to participate by donating “Tag Days” for their grandchildren, offering “Grandparent Greetings” or being an “Auction Angel”. We also contact them with our Annual Fund initiative information. Please provide your grandparent/extended family information by emailing Shelby Whittier at with the completed attached form.

Volunteer to help:
Procurement/Donations– Help to GET the donations of items, services, gift certificates from local businesses/individuals to be auctioned in the Live & Silent Auction. Sometimes it’s as easy as emailing your friends & contacts!
2 Tier Points. Interested? Contact
Sign-Up Party Coordinator– Like to party plan? Dream up the theme, find a host, plan the menu. Guests pay a fee and all money goes to St. B’s! Contact
Co-Chair-in-Training – Have some good fundraising ideas? Want to put your own spin on the Gala? Learn the ins and outs from the pros – the current co-chairs, Leslie & Erica, then take over the Gala next year. 2 year commitment. 4 Tier credits.
DONATEto the Gala:
•Donate an Item, Service, Gift Certificate? What does the Gala need? Here are some ideas…..
  • Trips/Travel – ie. Donate a week at your 2nd home. Ask Grandma/Grandpa to donate their Deep Creek Lake house?
  • Unique Experiences – ie. Tour of the Naval Academy; See a recycling plant; Vet for a Day; Helicopter ride; Tour of police station.
  • Dining Experiences – St. B’s likes to dine out. Ie. Ask your favorite restaurant to donate a gift card. Sit at the Chef’s Table?
  • Libations – ie. Tequila tasting basket; Wines of California; Bourbon & Cigar basket.
  • Entertainment – ie. Sports tickets; Theatre; Spa….Always a home run!
•See attached DONATION FORM or contact
SPONSOR the Gala:
•Business owner? Know an individual or business that would like some marketing and exposure?
  • St. B’s is a loyal group of patrons -- we support businesses that support our school!
ADVERTISE at the Gala:
•Advertising in the Gala Program Catalog gives you or your business visibility to the entire St. B’s family community, faculty, staff and 250 Gala attendees.
  • St. B’s is a loyal group of patrons -- we support businesses that support our school!
To maximize profits and to provide full marketing perks to all our donors: Donation, sponsorship and advertisement DEADLINE -- December 15th.
Questions, comments, ideas? Please contact Gala Co-chairs: Leslie Flynn & Erica O’Neill at
Many THANKS TO the Gala’s first committed Sponsor!! Please THANK and PATRONIZE these generous businesses: