Board of Appraisal – Application Committee

August 14, 2014

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Board of Appraisal

Application Review Committee Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. by James Heaslet

Roll Call

Mike Petrus

James Heaslet, Committee Chairman

Frank Ugenti


Jeanne Galvin, Assistant Attorney General

Jessica Sapio, License

Debra Rudd, Executive Director

Approval of the July 17th, 2014 meeting minutes

James Heaslet motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Mike Petrus seconded the motion. The motion passed 2 for, 0 against, 1 abstained (Ugenti).

AR12320 Michael F. Swart

Mr. Swart was present at the meeting. Frank Ugenti recused himself from hearing this matter. Mike Petrus stated he had no questions of this applicant and found no problems with the appraisals submitted. He motioned to recommend approval of his application to the full board. James Heaslet seconded the motion. The motion passed 2 for, 0 against, 1 recusal (Ugenti).

AG10024 Janice Peterson

Ms. Peterson was present at this meeting. After reviewing information submitted by the applicant related to her renewal, James Heaslet made the motion to recommend approval of this renewal application to the full board. Mike Petrus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

AR12311 Eric R. Ranta

Mr. Ranta was present at this meeting. Mike Petrus commented that other than the lack of a three year disclosure by the appraiser in compliance with the Ethics Conduct Rule any services regarding the subject property performed by the appraiser within the three year period immediately preceding an assignment, he found no issues with the reports. Mike Petrus then made a motion to recommend approval to the full board of Mr. Ranta’s application. James Heaslet seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

AR 12107 Destiny H. Kittelmann

Ms. Kittelmann was present at this meeting. After reviewing her additional files, Mike Petrus made a motion to recommend approval to the full board. James Heaslet seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

James Heaslet requested staff to send a copy of the newsletter article by Keith Russell, former Maricopa County Assessor, for any case that the appraiser has relied upon the assessor’s land value. There was additional discussion about creating a document citing the common errors noted in the appraisals. This is to be added to a future agenda for discussion.

The committee went off the record to review applicant’s files.

AR12319 Dave B. Foster

The committee requested that the applicant receive a copy of the audit review from the investigator, after the investigator revises the report regarding the view adjustment on the Arroyo Hondo report. By consensus they recommended the application for approval to the full board.

AR12324 Genevieve L. Konves

The committee discussed the multi-family residential report for the property in Flagstaff. Mike Petrus and Frank Ugenti were concerned about the lack of support or analysis for the estimated rents, and the GRM of 103 is outside the range of the sales in the sales grid. Mike Petrus disagreed with the comment that it was adequately supported and questioned if the appraiser understood multi-family residential appraisals. There was no analysis or support for the $50,000 on Comparable 2 for being a triplex versus a duplex. Frank Ugenti discussed the amount of reserves shown in the report. Mike Petrus made a motion to table this discussion, invite the applicant and her supervisor to come to the next Application Review Committee meeting if possible and to bring the work files for the three appraisals submitted. James Heaslet seconded the motion. All approved. Frank Ugenti then asked if the committee wanted to amend this motion to have the applicant include another small residential income appraisal. Mike Petrus agreed, and then amended his previous motion to include this additional report. James Heaslet amended his second and the committee voted again in favor of the motion 3 for, 0 against.

James Heaslet then summarized the committee’s recommendations into the record. He motioned for all items not previously discussed to be recommended for approval under items IV, VI, VII and VIII. All Items under IX were recommended to be closed without prejudice (see attached agenda). Mike Petrus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned.



August 14, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.

The Committee may go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, for the purposes of obtaining legal advice from the Board’s attorney on any matters listed below or to consider confidential material pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03 (A)(3) and A.R.S. § 38-431-03(A)(2), respectively.

I.  Call to Order and Roll Call

II.  Other Business

A.  Report on number of Arizona Appraisers, Property Tax Agents and AMC’s:

8/2012 / 8/2013 / 8/2014
Licensed Residential / 312 / 272 / 249
Certified Residential / 1142 / 1120 / 1110
Certified General / 797 / 779 / 790
August Totals / 2251 / 2171 / 2149
Nonresident Temporary / 83 / 73 / 96
Property Tax Agents / 379 / 343 / 336
Appraisal Management Co. / 153 / 162 / 170

B. Approval of the July 17, 2014 minutes.

III. Appraiser Renewal

10024 Janice M. Peterson

IV. Applications Reviewed for the First Time

A. Licensed Residential by exam unless otherwise noted

AL12327 Andrew C. Moeggenberg

B. Certified Residential by exam unless otherwise noted

AR12303 Cynthia Lynn Krei

AR12311 Eric R. Ranta

AR12314 Tami L. Berg

AR12316 Jacqueline A. Cambareri

AR12317 Michael A. Kiley

AR12318 David L. Goss

AR12319 Dave B. Foster

AR12320 Michael F. Swart

AR12324 Genevieve L. Konves

C. Certified General by exam unless otherwise noted

AG12315 Robert J. Kohlmeyer

AG12321 John Pino (by reciprocity)

AG12322 Samuel J. McGehee (by reciprocity)

AG12332 Christopher J. Alfaro (by reciprocity)

V. Applications for Reconsideration

AR12107 Destiny H. Kittelmann

VI. Applications for License/Certificate Already Issued

A. Reciprocity

22335 Richard L. Bailey

22338 Gary T. Holliday

32035 Chris E. Lantz

B. Nonresident Temporary

TP41543 Samuel J. McGehee

TP41545 Larry W. Foltz

TP41546 Janet M. Steuck

TP41547 Todd M. Deitemyer

TP41548 Todd M. Deitemyer

TP41549 Todd M. Deitemyer

TP41550 Reagan L. Hardwick

TP41551 Mark F. Roth

TP41552 Thomas J. Tener

TP41554 Adam R. Lair

TP41555 James W. Redford

VII. AMC Initial Applications

AM12329 AMC Direct Corporation

AM12338 American Valuation Corp.

VIII. AMC Initial Applications Reconsidered

AM12266 RBH Appraisal Management, LLC


Discussion and possible action regarding the closure of the files for the following appraisers who have not submitted or completed an application for their May 31, 2014 renewal. These appraisers have less than 30 days remaining in their 90-day grace period.

22240 / Larry F. Bontempo
31783 / Leonard J. Caligiuri
11510 / Randall W. Ihle
31785 / Zachary P. Moore
31897 / Don W. Peterson
31898 / Brett P. Prange
20177 / Timothy R. Prewitt
31902 / Elaine R. Septer
31899 / Waleta M. Spear

X. Adjournment

Copies of this agenda and additional information regarding any of the items listed above may be obtained 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting from the Arizona Board of Appraisal, 15 S. 15th Ave., Suite 103A, Phoenix, Arizona, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays. If a person with disabilities needs any type of accommodation, please notify the Board’s ADA Compliance Coordinator, Juanita Coghill, as soon as possible prior to the meeting at (602) 364-0098.