Table E-57. Incredible yearsadaptation, healthy caregiver child relationship outcomes

First Author, Year / Comparison Groups / Measures / Caregiver-Child Relationship / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 2) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 3) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 4)
Linares, 200631 / G1: Two-component IY
G2: Usual care / Parenting Practices Interview (PPI); Parent Self-Report
/ Positive Discipline Scale:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 4.80 (0.85)
Foster parents: 4.60 (0.76)
Intraclass correlation (ICC)=0.15
Between group, p=0.13
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR
Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 4.95 (4.80-5.11)
G2: 4.71 (4.50-4.92)
Effect size (d): 0.40
Between group, p< 0.05 / Appropriate Discipline Scale:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 4.90 (1.10)
Foster parents: 4.40 (0.88)
Between group, p=.01
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR
Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 4.63 (4.40-4.85)
G2: 4.78 (4.48-5.08)
Effect size (d): 0.23
Between group, p=ns (nr)
/ Clear Expectations Scale:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 5.80 (0.94)
Foster parents: 6.10 (0.77)
Between groups, p=.06
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR
Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 6.05 (5.88-6.22)
G2: 6.12 (5.89-6.35)
Effect size (d)=0.04
Between group, p=ns (nr) / Harsh Discipline Scale:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 2.20 (0.82)
Foster parents: 1.80 (0.57)
Between group, p=.00
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 1.82 (1.69-1.96)
G2: 1.87 (1.68-2.06)
Effect size (d)=0.09
Between group, p=ns (nr)

Table E-57. Incredible yearsadaptation, healthy caregiver child relationship outcomes (continued)

First Author, Year / Comparison Groups / Measures / Caregiver-Child Relationship / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 2) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 3) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 4)
Linares, 200631 (continued) / G1: Two-component IY
G2: Usual care / Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI )
G1: 4.93 (4.76-5.11)
G2: 4.54 (4.30-4.77)
Effect size (d)=0.59
Between group, P:<0.01
Condition x Parent Interaction
Biological (mean)=5.06
Foster (mean)=4.36
p<0.05 / Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI )
G1: 4.78 (4.52-5.03)
G2: 4.81 (4.47-5.15)
Effect size (d)=0.01
Between group, p=ns (nr) / Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI )
G1: 6.27 (6.09-6.45)
G2: 5.91 (5.66-6.15)
Effect size (d)=0.54
Between group, P:<0.05 / Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 1.92 (1.77-2.07)
G2: 2.04 (1.83-2.25)
Effect size (d)=0.20
Between group, p=ns (nr)
Linares, 200631 (continued) / G1: IY
G2: Usual care / Family Functioning Style Scale (FFSS); Parent Self-Report / Flexibility in the co-parenting relationship:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 11.50 (5.30)
Foster parents: 11.40 (4.00)
Intraclass correlation (ICC)=0.17
Between group, p=.90
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR / Mutual social support in the co-parenting relationship:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 15.70 (7.10)
Foster parents: 12.70 (6.20)
Between group, p=.01
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR / Problem solving in the co-parenting relationship:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 8.2 (3.9)
Foster parents: 7.60 (3.60)
Between group, p=0.25
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR / Total Composite score:
Baseline score, by caregiver type
Mean (SD)
Biological parents: 35.80 (15.20)
Foster parents: 31.80 (12.60)
Between group, p=0.09
Baseline, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (SD)
G1: NR
G2: NR
Between group, p=ns (nr)

Table E-57. Incredible yearsadaptation, healthy caregiver child relationship outcomes (continued)

First Author, Year / Comparison Groups / Measures / Caregiver-Child Relationship / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 2) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 3) / Caregiver-Child Relationship (Part 4)
Linares, 200631 (continued) / G1: IY
G2: Usual care / Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 12.58 (11.63-13.52)
G2: 11.48 (10.24-12.71)
Effect size (d)=0.42
Between group, p<0.05
Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 15.10 (13.60-16.61)
G2: 14.58 (12.32-16.84)
Effect size (d)=0.10
Between group, p=ns (nr) / Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 15.43 (13.83-17.02)
G2: 14.37 (12.23-16.52)
Effect size (d)=0.34
Between group, p=ns (nr)
Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 12.03 (11.02-13.05)
G2: 11.78 (10.29-13.28)
Effect size (d)=0.05
Between group, p=ns (nr) / Between group, p=ns (nr)
Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 8.86 (8.06-9.65)
G2: 7.98 (6.93-9.03)
Effect size (d)=0.52
Between group, p<0.05
Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 8.72 (7.94-9.49)
G2: 8.48 (7.33-9.63)
Effect size (d)=0.00
Between group, p=ns (nr) / Post-Intervention score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 37.20 (34.05-40.34)
G2: 33.85 (29.65-38.05)
Effect size (d)=0.48
Between group, p<0.05
Follow up: 3 months post intervention end score, by treatment group (combined across caregiver type)
Mean (95% CI)
G1: 36.02 (32.92-39.13)
G2: 34.73 (30.10-39.35)
Effect size (d)= 0.06
Between group, p=ns (nr)
