Meeting Date: July 27, 2007
Meeting Location:LamarState College, Port Arthur, TX
- Meeting called to order by Jerry Mohn at 12:45 PM
Introduction and welcome by Jefferson County Judge Ron Walker and Jefferson County Commissioner Waymon Hallmark
- Minutes from May 4, 2007 meeting accepted and approved as written.
- Report of Treasurer by Larry Wise
Committee meeting held by telephone conference on July 23
Approximately $4,300 in bank account
There are currently nine corporate sponsors (see for list)
- Report of Membership Committee by Cameron Perry
The Texas Chapter will have a display to the upcoming ASBPA conference in Galveston
Since several of the Chapter’s corporate sponsors are also sponsors for the fall conference, invoices will be sent out January 1, 2008.
- Report of Education / Communication Committee by Larry Wise
Discussed Web site (
Subscribe to Yahoo email list for TSBPA notices and/or technical discussion
Plan to have a newsletter for the conference and requested from members news stories to publish.
Members are encouraged to contribute (send information to Larry Wise)
- Report of Technical Committee by Yu-Chun Su
Committee meeting was held July 23
The Technical Committee requested a time slot at the Fall Galveston conference
Current topics, news, and technical issues continue to be posted on Chapter Web page
Andy Elms from Apollo Environmental gave a presentation of completed geotextile projects at Starvation Cove and Silverleaf Resorts on west GalvestonIsland and repairs to the geotextile tubes on BolivarPeninsula.
Bill Worsham from LEAP Engineering gave a presentation on the Sabine Neches Channel erosion caused mostly from the wakes of ships and discussed the current status of the McFaddinBeach and Highway 87 area.
- Report of Legislative Committee - John Lee and Sidney McClendon
-Energy and Water Bills being discussed in Congress. Passed in the House but a delay in the Senate since it was referred to a conference committee.
-WRDA – last bill passed was in 2000. Good chance a new Bill will pass by the end of the year.
-ASBPA President Harry Simmons, Vice President Tony Pratt, and Board Member Robert Pinkerton, also Mayor of South Padre, testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans Committee on Natural Resources on July 14 in South Padre, Island.
State of Texas
-Texas Chapter requests interim study on ways to fund the Coastal Protection and Improvement Bill. Bill is designed to provide match funds for major federally funded shoreline restoration projects. Sidney McClendon will write a brief synopsis of the Bill and the Texas Chapter will request Galveston and Jefferson County Judges to send out to counterparts in other coastal counties.
- Report from GLO– Craig Davis and Melissa Porter
CIAP – State portion – still waiting for MMS. Delay also result in naming replacement for Railroad Commissioner, who is on three person oversight committee.
CIAP – County portion – no problems and deals directly with the GLO. For 2008, funding will be the same amount and GLO will move quickly with forms ready by the end of the year..
CEPRA V – funding is largest ever, $17.5 for two years. PGS’s dues 7/1 with 81 submissions – 3 were requests for demolition of homes on the beach and three were for demonstration projects. Phase 1 is underway with scoring and Phase 2 will begin in August.
CMP Grant Cycle 13: Opened April and accepting applications through October 10. To date, 25 proposals have been received.
- ASBPA National Conference
October 21-24 at GalvestonConvention Center
-Considering round table discussions for the October 23 lunch. The ASBPA will be looking for table hosts.
-Sponsors – goal is $120,000 and we are halfway there with commitments
-Field Trips for Sunday October 21.
- All day visit of shoreline restoration projects from the BolivarPeninsula to Surfside Texas
- Half day visit of historical sights in Galveston
Register on line at
Program is complete – Sessions arranged by Plenary and then Concurrent by time of day and they are given Session A, B, C, etc. There is also a Poster Session.
- Coastal Cities Update
No report
- Coastal Beach Cleaning
The Texas Chapter is doing a survey in how litter is handled by various Texas coastal cities.
- Next Meeting
The Chapter would like a meeting during the fall conference in Galveston.
- Meeting adjourned at approximately 3:10 p.m.
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