Tuesday, Mar 17 2015
Call to order & roll call
Chair Stokes called to order at 10:32 and noted attendees participating via GoToMeeting and phone.
Present: Ann Zeibel (HRHS), Linda Stahl (Plaintree), Maggie Pando (TDWCL), Buzzy Neilsen (HRCL), Brent Mills (Sage), John Schoppert (CGCC), Ryan McGinnis (LaGrande PL), Cheryl Hancock (Harney Co. PL), David Sale (Sage), Dea Nowell (USCLD), Mary Martin (Sherman Co. PL), Mary Finney (Pentleton PL), Jeff Vanuerek (TDWCL), Beth Longwell (Sage) Mary Reser, Delia Wallis (Hermiston Library), Ann Hutchinson (Lake County LD), Darlynne Johnson (Ontario Comm. Lib).
Additions / deletions from from agenda (action)
Cheryl Hancock amend the agenda for a new item – discuss adding learning express marc records to the catalog. Buzzy add agenda item for changing the time back to 10.
Approval of Jan. 20, 2015 minutes (Action)
Approved as distributed.
Open Forum for the general membership
None added.
Sage Staff (Longwell/Mills)
Sage system report update: Beth and Brent have submitted an activity report dated March 2015, included to the board packet as Attachment.
Brent highlighted items – worked with server configurations, server availability should increase quite a bit. Posted to wiki new training materials, including a 70 circulation manual, hiring, front line staff, customizing receipts generated through evergreen. Beth added cataloging/circulations logins almost complete. EOU borrowing instructions sent out by Beth.
Budget Committee financial statement (Stokes/Longwell)
Stokes/Longwell The Feb-March financial statement was not available at the time the packet was distributed. It will be shared and reviewed during the meeting. – Perry went over line items in the posted budget.
Cataloging Committee (Samuels/Trunnell/Sale)
David Sale discussed cataloging train timelines. Beth will present findings from the cataloging survey.
Circulation Committee (inactive)
No report.
Courier Committee (Longwell)
A new Chair for is still needed. Dan Feil of UCSLD may be willing to become Chair. Beth plans to schedule a meeting. They have met, plan on meeting every other month. Ie.. better communication between libraries, every library has a member on the circ listserv for calling out for bags, etc. Dan became the chair of the courier committee, as proposed, Dan was voted in as chair.
Development Committee (Longwell/Mills)
No report.
Governance / Personnel Committee (Stokes)
No report.
Nominating Committee Stokes
Per the Sage Bylaws, this committee must be composed of at least two outgoing representatives of the User Council. In preparation for the next fiscal year, determination of the committee is on the agenda (See VII.iii.)
No discussion.
Special Committees
No reports.
Previous Business:
Increasing checkout limit (Longwell / Mills
Mills Brent reports the Sage member survey on increasing the maximum checkout limit from 35 to 60 items has finished. The vote was close but the majority of respondents favor increasing the limit (16 yes, 12 no). The Council may discuss taking a vote on the matter at this meeting or putting it on the agenda for the May 2015 meeting which would give all members due notice and time to communicate with their Council representatives.
Dea mentioned that since only 28 libraries responded to the survey, that a vote should be put off. Buzzy mentioned that since responders included the majority of public libraries then a vote should proceed. 50 is the number settled on for checkout limits. Perry motions to make effective immediately to increase from 35 to 50 checkouts, Linda seconds. Passes unanimously.
Catalog Survey Report Sale
No report available at time the packet was distributed. The survey was approved by the Council at the January meeting and has been available on the OPAC for 6- 7 weeks.
–Beth reported that the survey was taken down, results were positive, with a high approval rating. Beth will post a highlight report of the survey. With the report Beth will put together recommendations – notably increased bibliographic information -for the survey that the council will then vote on. David will use the results for further training.
Evergreen Conference Sponsorship
Nielsen At the January meeting, Buzzy Nielsen suggested Sage become an official sponsor of the 2015 Evergreen Conference which will be held in Hood River, May 13-16. This would be an opportunity for Sage to display its logo and market itself as a prominent member of the Evergreen user community. The Council will consider sponsorship in the amount proposed by Buzzy (not available at time packet distributed).
Recommended action: approve the proposed expenditure in the amount of $XXX for Sage to be an official sponsor of the 2015 Evergreen Conference.
-Buzzy suggested a contribution of $1 – 2,000 – a higher contribution gets a registration fee waiver for one attendee, and a larger logo presence. Money would come from the general funds. Linda moves to provide funds, Ann seconds for $2,000 to Evergreen conference.
New Business:
Approval of Sage Budget FY2015 – 2016 (action) Stokes
VII.i.a FY2015 – 2016 Proposed budget
VII.i.b. FY2015 – 2016 Proposed membership fees
Attached is the 2015-2016 proposed budget and member fee schedule. Both were posted on the Sage Wiki on January 20 with minor corrections noted at the January meeting. The posting was announced on the general Sage listserv with a note highlighting the 8% increase of member fees.
Recommended motion: Approve the proposed member fee schedule for FY2015 – 2016 totaling $197,381 and FY 2015 – 2016 budget in the amount of $407,891.
-Ann mentioned the population info is off. Motion to approve the fee schedule made by Darlene, Dea seconded. No objections, approved.
Approval of Sage Software Use Policy
Sage Software Use Policy
In October 2014 Baker County Library District acquired a GoToMeeting user license for use by the Sage Library System to facilitate remote meetings at lower cost than the previous TelSpan telephone subscription. The annual license was paid with Sage funds. Anticipating there may be questions on whether the Sage GoToMeeting license could be used by other library groups such LEO or a multi- branch Sage library for its own communications, the Sage Software Policy is proposed to define appropriate access and ensure compliance with the Term of Use agreement.
To date, besides usage for Sage User Council and Committee meetings, usage has been authorized for the Ready2Learn LSTA grant project and Sage staff (Brent Mills) for coordination of the 2015 Evergreen Conference.
It was crafted using elements from a KCLS software policy and the BCLD PersonalUse of District Resources policy. GoToMeeting is not specifically referenced so that it would still be applicable in the event an alternate application is used in the future and may provide guidance on Sage resources in general.
Recommended motion: Approve the proposed Sage Software Use Policy [as presented / with changes].
– David commented that the policy looked good. Dea motioned to adopt this policy, seconded by Delia, no objections, policy adopted.
Nominating Committee for new councilors
With the new fiscal year beginning in July, six councilor terms are expiring. Terms are for two years. A Nominating Committee is needed to replace the following representatives:
Circulating schools: Delia Wallis (Hermiston)
Public Libraries under 5,000: Theresa Chandler (Elgin) Pat Florenzen (Vale)
Public Libraries 5-15,000: Amy Hutchinson (Lake Co)
Public Libraries over 15,000: Darlyne Johnson (Ontario) Resource-sharing Partners/Special Libraries: Linda Stahl (Planetree)
– two volunteers are needed from this group, Darlene and Dea volunteered, as well as Perry. These people will make calls to ask for new council members.
Added Items
Adding learning express marc records to the catalog:
Should we just go through the State Library to import these records? There was consensus with a generic authentication token. Brent will contact the State Library to follow up.
Changing meeting time back to 10:00AM:
Buzzy suggests that the time moves back to the earlier time due to staffing issues. Perry will draft a document for the next meeting to reestablish 10:00AM starting time.
Agenda items for next meeting Stokes
· Annual Membership Meeting
· Location?
· State of the Sage Library System report
· Presentation of candidates for open positions – next meeting will be May 19th, this meeting will be a membership meeting, so we should do it on Friday, May 29th was mentioned. Buzzy suggested we have it at 1PM, Hermiston has a larger space, so it was suggested. Plan on May 29th, 1PM in Hermiston for the general Sage meeting.
Review of task assignments
Brent will contact state library about Learning Express Library records import.
Nominating committee established and will start collection nominees.
Perry will get the announcement of the budget sent out.
Buzzy will check with Evergreen conference about payment.
Beth will put out cataloging surveying results, and sent out courier changes.
50 item checkout limit will begin this week, Beth will implement that.
Motion to adjourn by Ryan, Darlene seconded, adjourned at 11:51am.
Next meeting May 29th.