Chinese Dynasty Game
Turn # / Category / Dice # Rolled / Outcome / Number of Cards Earned/Lost4 / Trade / 5 / New Trade Partners / +2 prosperity
+1 peace
Turn # / Category / Dice # Rolled / Outcome / Number of Cards Earned/Lost
Name: ______Section:______Date:______
Reflection Questions:
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, echoing the question.
1. What are the different categories for outcomes and events that affect the Chinese dynasties? Why do you think I chose these categories for the game?
2. What were some of the negative outcomes your dynasty endured throughout the game? What were positive outcomes? How did these outcomes affect your dynasty?
3. How did these positive and negative events that happened to your dynasty (from question 1) compare to real Chinese dynasties?
4. When and why did your team decide to use your bonus cards?
5. What do the words peace, prosperity, and harmony mean? Why do you think each dynasty must receive these successes in order to achieve the Mandate of Heaven?
Background Information and Rules
Goal: Your dynasty must achieve the Mandate of Heaven by earning 10 peace, 10 prosperity, and 10 harmony cards.
Each turn will focus on a different events chart with outcomes that can positively or negatively affect your dynasty. The annual events include army development, naval expeditions, tax revenues, agricultural events, infrastructure development, trade, religious events, and events which happen to the dynasty itself.
Each team must roll a dice and match their roll with the proper outcome. The results of the rolls on the events chart determines whether a team gains or loses peace, prosperity, or harmony cards each turn.
Each team will receive 5 bonus cards that can be used as “wild cards” for peace, prosperity, and harmony cards in the event of a negative roll. (One bonus card can replace a loss of a peace, prosperity, or harmony card if your roll requires you to minus a card.) Once the card is used it cannot be used again. You must decide which turns are most important to recover from a negative event.
In the event that die roll says you lose more peace, prosperity, or harmony cards than you have, your team only goes to zero; there are no negative levels of peace, prosperity, and harmony cards.
Group Member Roles:
Recorder: Fills in the team’s chart each round
Dice Roller/ Announcer: Rolls Dice for team, announces to class outcome of rolls
Retriever: Gets cards won, brings up cards lost from each round
Events & Outcomes Charts
Army Development
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Rival dynasty starts civil war -2 peace, -2 harmony
2 Rebel warlords start revolt -1 peace, -1 harmony
3 Barbarian raids -1 peace, -1 harmony
4 Ineffective recruiting for warriors no effect
5 Effective recruiting for warriors +1 peace
6 Surge of volunteer warriors +2 peace, +1 harmony
Naval Expeditions
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Fleet permanently lost at sea -2 prosperity
2 Fleet neglected -1 prosperity
3 Fleet sails off course no effect
4 Captured natives will not pay tribute no effect
5 Tribute paid by neighboring states +1 prosperity
6 New tributary lands discovered +2 prosperity
Tax Revenue
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Peasants revolt due to taxes -2 prosperity, -2 harmony
2 Corrupt officials steal revenues -1 prosperity, -1 harmony
3 Inefficient revenue collected no effect
4 Revenues equal expenses +1 harmony
5 Peasants prosper +1 prosperity, +1 harmony
6 Businesses boom for merchants +2 prosperity, +2 harmony
Agricultural Events
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Crop disease -2 prosperity, -1 harmony
2 Drought -1 prosperity, -1 harmony
3 Meager harvest -1 prosperity
4 Adequate harvest no effect
5 More land brought into production +1 prosperity, +1 harmony
6 Bountiful harvest +2 prosperity, +2 harmony
Infrastructure Development
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Infrastructure damaged by natural disasters -2 prosperity, -1 harmony
2 Infrastructure neglected -1 prosperity, -1 harmony
3 Infrastructure maintained no effect
4 New roads built +1 prosperity, +1 harmony
5 New canal built +1 prosperity, +1 harmony
6 The Great Wall is extended and improved +2 prosperity, +2 peace
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Hostile neighbors boycott trade -2 prosperity, -1 peace
2 Bandits disrupt trade -1 prosperity, -1 peace
3 Trade stagnates (stays the same) no effect
4 Trade within kingdom prospers +1 prosperity, +1 peace
5 New trading partners formed with neighbors +2 prosperity, +1 peace
6 The Silk Road extends trade to the West +3 prosperity
Religious Events
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Religious conflict breaks into war -2 peace, -2 harmony
2 Falling away from tradition -1 prosperity, -1 harmony
3 New religion created + 1 peace, + 1 harmony
4 New foreign religion introduced + 1 peace, -1 harmony
5 Religious toleration and blending + 1 peace, +1 harmony
6 Revival of ancient religions +2 peace, +2 harmony
Dynasty Events
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Weak ruler -2 prosperity, -2 harmony
2 Unpopular ruler -1 prosperity, -1 harmony
3 Concubine added no effect
4 Wife added +1 harmony
5 Heir to the throne born +1 harmony
6 New government building or monument +2 prosperity, +2 harmony
Random Events Chart
Directions: First roll dice: Roll 1-3, roll for a Good Event. Roll 4-6 roll for a Bad Event.
Good Events
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 Exceptional harvest +2 prosperity, +2 harmony, +1 peace
2 Gold discovered +2 prosperity, +1 harmony
3 Population increases +1 prosperity
4 Weak barbarians + 2 peace, +1 prosperity
5 Good weather +1 prosperity, +1 harmony
6 Popular ruler +2 prosperity, +2 harmony, +1 peace
Bad Events
Die Roll Outcome on Dynasty Results
1 War with a tributary state -2 peace, -1 prosperity
2 Famine -2 prosperity, -2 harmony
3 Tsunami -1 prosperity
4 Earthquake -2 prosperity
5 Flood -2 prosperity
6 Major barbarian invasion -3 peace, -2 prosperity