The Hunger Games

Chapter 1


1. What is the reason for the Hunger Games?

To punish the Districts – as a reminder that the Capitol can destroy them

2. What does District 12 produce?


3. What is a tessera? Explain how this puts people in increased danger?

A token for grain in exchange for your name being put in the reaping an extra time

4. What does Katniss do to support her family since the death of her father?

She hunts for food to trade for supplies

5. Who is the first person chosen to go to the Hunger Games?

Primrose Everdeen – Katniss’ sister

6. Describe Katniss. Explain her family situation.

16 yrs old. Dark hair. Brown eyes. She is a good hunter with bow and arrow. She supports her sister and mother. Father died in a mine explosion.

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the events of Chapter 1.

In chapter one, we are introduced to District 12, the country of Panem, the hunger games and the reaping. Katniss is the narrator of the book. At the reaping, Primrose Everdeen (her sister) is chosen for the hunger games.

Character / Description / Relationship to Katniss / Importance to chapter
Effie Trinket / “maniacally upbeat” p. 7 / Reads names for hunger games / introduced
Mother / Light hair and blue eyes, daughter of apothecary/healers / Mother
Father / Coal mine worker, died in an explosion / father
Prim / Sister with light hair/blue eyes / sister
Gale / Brotherlike / Friend
Madge / Daughter of mayor / Friend/classmate
Haymitch / Past winner of THG for District 12

The Hunger Games Name:

Chapter 2 Date:


1. What is Katniss' connection to Peeta?

When she was starving he tossed her 2 loaves of bread

2. What are the differences in volunteering between districts? Why?

It is a great honor to win – some districts train you from birth.

3. Why does seeing the dandelion after her father's death give Katniss hope?

Spring time = food, hunting

4. Explain the sacrifice that Katniss is making.

Sacrificing her life for her sister.

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 2.

Katniss volunteers in place of her sister for the hunger games. Then Peeta Mellark is drawn. We learn that Peeta had given Katniss bread when she was starving.

Chapter 2 Character Tracker:

Character / Description / Relationship to Katniss / Importance to chapter
Peeta / Age 16, Boy tribute / Classmate, gave her bread / Boy tribute for hunger games

The Hunger Games Name:

Chapter 3 Date:


1. Who visits Katniss in the Justice building? What are two items given to her?

Mom and Prim, Baker, Madge, Gale.

1) cookies 2) mokingjay pin

2. What are Mocking Jays?

Cross between a Mockingbird and a Jaberjay. Jaberjay’s were created by the Capitol to record enemy conversations.

3. What is the significance of Haymitch to Peeta and Katniss?

He is their mentor – he gets them sponsers and tools to use in the games

4. Describe what happens after the anthem is played.

They discover Haymitch is their mentor.

5. How are District 12’s actions at the reaping described by the TV commentators?

Page 46 – “The commentators are not sure what to say about the crowd’s refusal to applaud…. One says that District 12 has always been a bit backward but that local customs can be charming.”

6. Where is the Capitol located? Where geographically (which state or states) in North America would it be located?

The Rockies – Colorado

7. Why is Katniss so focused on her appearance in front of the reporters?

She does not want to look weak

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 3.

Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Justice Building where they have one hour to say goodbye to family. Her mom and Prim, the baker, Madge and Gale visit her. Gale and the Baker say they will take care of Prim. Then, Katniss and Peeta get on a train headed for the Capitol. They shower in hot water for the first time and eat rich food.

Chapter 3 Character Tracker:

Character / Description / Relationship to Katniss / Importance to chapter

The Hunger Games

Chapter 4


1. How does Katniss' attitude towards Peeta change?

Page 49 – she says he is kind and can’t let him be her friend because she thinks she will have to kill him.

2. How do the District 12 tributes get Haymitch to take them seriously?

Peeta throws his liquor glass, Katniss stabs the table with a knife, then throws the knife at a wall and it sticks.

3. What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them?

4. Why did Katniss put up a “wall” between her and her mother?

Because her mother distanced herself, shut-down, and neglected her and Prim.

5. What deal does Haymitch make with the tributes?

Page 58 – “You don’t interfere with my drinking, and I’ll stay sober enough to help you.”

6. How might Haymitch’s demeanor foreshadow what will happen during the Hunger Games?

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 4.

The Hunger Games

Chapter 5


1. How does Katniss describe the Capitol accent? In the “real world,” what do we think of people that talk like that?

The Capitol accent is very high-pitched and annoying and fun to mock. In the “real world” we find it condescending and annoying.

2. Why do new comers like Cinna get assigned District 12?

Newcomers are assigned to D.12 because they have no experience so they give them to the worst district.

3. Compare and contrast the Hunter/Gatherer lifestyle of Katniss in District 12 to Capitol life.

In D.12 she has to hunt and work for everything to eat. While in the Capitol food arrives arrives at the push of a button.

4. Describe tradition District 12 costumes and how this year is different?

Normally they are dressed up to look like coal miners but provocatively. This year, Peeta and Katniss are dressed up like fire.

5. Describe the interaction between Peeta and Katniss.

He is really sweet and friendly to her, but she is suspicious of his kindness.

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 5.

In Chapter 5, Katniss is being waxed and plucked, and washed. Then she meets Cinna who looks more normal than any other person in the Capitol. He decides to dress her and Peeta in tight leotard with a flaming cape. They impress the crowd.

Character / Description / Relationship to Katniss / Importance to chapter
Flavius, Octavia, and Venia / Stylist team for Katniss, lives in the Capitol / Stylist / stylist
Cinna / Stylist professional for Katniss
Portia / Stylist pro for Peeta

Chapter 6


1)  How does Katniss feel about Effie’s description of the “barbarism of your district?”


2) What is an Avox? What penalty is levied on them?

It is a Servant with no tongue. The people Cut out the tongue.

3) What does Haymitch think of Peeta and Katniss hand holding?


4) How did Katniss know the Avox?

She saw her before in the forest.

In a brief paragraph (3-5 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter

Katniss and Peeta are at The Training Center. They are in the penthouse on the 12th floor. Katniss takes a shower. They eat dinner with Haymitch, Effie, Cinna, and Portia. Katniss recognizes one of the servants. She discovers the girl is an Avox, she saw her in the woods when hunting with Gale. In the woods, she was picked up by a hovercraft. Katniss tells Peeta about this on the roof of The Training Center.

Character / Description / Relationship to Katniss / Importance to chapter

Chapter 7


1) Why would meeting the other tributes make Katniss queasy?

The other tributes are much bigger than her.

2) What is Peeta’s assessment of Katniss’ skill with a bow? How does Katniss react?

Peeta says she is amazing with a bow and arrow. Katniss reacts by getting upset and they argue over their skills.

3) What advice does Haymitch share with Katniss and Peeta?

Haymitch says not to show all their strengths and skills at the group training.

4) What does Haymitch demand of the District 12 Tributes in public?

He demands they be together every second and act like friends.

5) Who are the Gamemakers? How did Katniss’ private session go?

The Gamemakers are the ones who design the Hunger Game. Katniss became angry because the Gamemakers were not paying attention to her so she shot the apple from the pigs’ mouth. This got their attention.

Chapter 8


1. What does Katniss believe will be the consequences of her actions at the private audition with the Gamemakers?

She thinks they will “sic” wild and starving wild animals on her in the game, or that they will punish Prim and her mom, send her mom to jail and Prim to the community home, or they will turn Katniss into an Avox.

2. What is the significance of the score given to each tribute? What is Peeta and Katniss’ score?

A 1 is really bad and a 12 is the highest score. Peeta scores an 8 and Katniss scored an 11.

3. How did Katniss meet Gale? How did they become a team?

They met in the woods when Katniss was inspecting a rabbit in a snare. They then taught eachother hunting knowledge and became a team, sharing their “spoils”.

4. What role does Gale serve for Katniss? How does that compare/contrast with Peeta?

He is her partner in hunting and gathering. He is her closest friend. Peeta is not her friend, she thinks.

5. What change in plans does Haymitch announce to Katniss?

That Peeta wants to train alone.

Chapter 9


1)  Describe Katniss’ conflicted emotions about Peeta?

Katniss feels angry and betrayed by Peeta deciding to be trained separately.

2)  What is Effie working with Katniss on? Haymitch?

Effie works on helping Katniss with her girliness – walking high heels and posture. Haymitch helps her work on her interview.

3)  What is the point of the interview? Why is Katniss having so much trouble with it?

The interview is to get sponsors. Katniss struggles with it because she doesn’t want the people to know about her life because they will be betting on her death.

4)  What is Katniss’ costume for the interview?

She wears a yellow, red, orange dress that looks like fire.

5)  How does Katniss’ interview go?

Her interview goes good.

6)  What bombshell does Peeta drop in his interview?

Peeta admits that he has a crush on Katniss.

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 9.

In chapter 9, Katniss feels betrayed by Peeta because he says he does not want to train with her anymore. She then trains with Haymitch and Effie to learn to walk in heels and how to interview. Her interview goes well once she decides to act like she is talking to Cinna. Peeta says in his interview that he has a crush on Katniss and the crowd goes wild for them.

The Hunger Games—Part II

Chapter 10


1)  What effect has Peeta’s comments had on the crowd?

The crowd are shocked and they “awwww”.

2)  What is the condition of Peeta’s hands?

Peeta’s hands are cut because Katniss shoved him and he fell into an urn which broke on the floor.

3)  Why do the games start at 10 am?

The games start at 10 am because the people in the Capitol get up late in the morning.

4)  What is Haymitch’s final arena advice?

Haymitch says to run like heck and stay alive.

5)  Who is Titus? How did cannibalism play with the audience of the Capitol?

Titus was a tribute from District 6 a few years ago who became a cannibal and was considered a lunatic because he would kill people and eat their hearts and then their bodies. The audience does not approve of cannibalism.

6)  What happened to the arenas after the Games?

They become historic landmarks. People go there on vacation and do reenactments, visit places where people died, and stay for a month.

In a brief paragraph (6-7 sentences), summarize the significant events from Chapter 10.

Chapter 10 begins with Katniss becoming embarrassed at the interviews by Peeta saying that he loves her. Then, back at the Training Building, she gets off the elevator and shoves him, causing him to hurt his hands. She realizes she feels bad and that he actually helped win her favor with the Capitol. The next day, they head to catacombs where she is given a uniform, and a tracking device in her arm. The chapter ends with Katniss being “launched” into the arena.

The Hunger Games

Chapter 11

1)  What is the Cornucopia?

Page 148 – a giant horn shaped like a cone, twenty feet high with a curved tail. Supplies are in and around the cornucopia.

2)  What does Katniss see in the Cornucopia that she feels was meant for her?

Bow and arrow

3)  Describe the opening moments of the Games.

Katniss is distracted by Peeta, who is shaking his head at her. She struggles to decide whether to run for the pack/bow and arrow, or to run for the woods. As she reaches the pack, a boy gets stabbed in the back right next to her. A girl then throws knives at her as she runs for the woods.

4)  How many died the first day and how many are left?

11 died the first day, 13 have survived.

5)  What woke Katniss up the first night? What happened to the tribute responsible for waking up Katniss?