RationaleforCICO:“‘Check In, Check Out’(the name of your school’s program)is aschool-wide intervention forstudents who mayneed more positive adult attention and structured feedback to be successful in school. Students who aredisplayingfrequent minorruleviolationsacrossnumerous settings are often successful using this program. It is very important that this is aPOSITIVEexperience for the student to give them an opportunity to improve their behavior.”
Procedure:“Everyday, studentsusingCICO will check inat thebeginning of theday with (CICO coordinator) at the_____ (location of CICO), where they will receive their CICO card (name of your school’scardhere). They will carrythecard with them duringtheday. We ask youtogivethempoints after eachperiod or activity and brief, descriptive, positive feedback every time. If theydo not earn full points, weask that you includea brief descriptive correctivestatement describing why theydidnot earnthepoint(s), andpositive feedback about what they did well. At the end of theday, students will checkout with (CICO coordinator), who will also give positive feedback, and calculate their points for the day. The students may receive some typeof rewardbasedon thepercentageof pointstheyearn.
1. Ensure that thestudent has their CICO sheet with them. (If not, haveextrason hand so the student cancontinuetheCICO program with minimal interruption).
2. After each period, circle thepoints thestudent hasearned.
3. Give thestudent brief, specific, primarilypositive feedbackabout their behavior related to the school-wide expectations (seeexamplesbelow).
4. If not all pointswereearned, givebrief feedbackabout what needs tobedone betternext time.
NONexamples(Please do NOTdo these!):
Student doesnot earn full points; teacher is negative: “I can’tbelievehow youwere talking inclass today. Itoldyou five timestostop. Youarenotearninganypoints forthat period.Thatwasterrible.”
Student doesnot earnfullpoints; teacher uses sarcasm: “Whatwereyouthinking?So,youthink it’sok topokeotherstudents withpencils.”
Teacherpenalizesstudent forbehaviorfora previousperiodor activitythathasalreadypassedandbeenrated: “I can’t give youfull pointsforyourgoodbehaviorinreading, because youwerenot followingdirectionsearlierin math.”
Student earnsfullpoints;teacherdoesnotgivespecific feedbackonwhat thestudentdidwell: “Good work.”
Teacher circlesall pointsattheendof theday, insteadofaftereachperiodoractivity.
Student earns full points;teacherenthusiasticallygivesbrief, specific,positive feedback: “Wow! Youdidsuchanicejoboffollowingdirections,keepingyourhandsandmaterialstoyourself,and using kind words. I am impressed!”
Student earnsfullpointsforall but onearea; teacher givespositiveandbriefcorrectivefeedback:“Youreallykeptyourhandsandmaterialstoyourself, andworkedhardtoday. You received2s for those. Iamgivingyoua1forfollowingdirectionsbecauseI hadtoremindyouthreetimesto put your materialsaway. Youcanearna 2 nexttimeif youfollow directionsthe first time.”
Studentdoesnot earnfullpointsinanyarea: teachergivesbriefcorrectivefeedback, andremindsthe studentoftherules: “Youareearning0s todaybecauseI hadtoremindyoumanytimestokeepworking,tokeepyour hands toyourselfwhensittingnexttoJorge,and tousekind words withJanet. I knowyoucanearn2s. Just remember to workhard, keepyourhandstoyourself andusekind words.”