Name ______

Unit 1: American Beginnings


Chapter 1 ______(100)

Chapter 2 ______(100)

Chapter 3 ______(100)

Chapter 4 ______(100)

Overall Grade: Unit 1 ______(400)

Chapter 1: Three Worlds Meet

Section 1: American Cultures

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Civilizations / Achievements
The Olmec
Maya, Aztec, Inca
Hohokam & Anasazi
Adena, Hopewell, Mississippian

Section 3: African Cultures

Directions: Answer the questions below.

1.  What role did the African cultures play in the Columbian era?

2.  Why were these people easy targets?

3.  Why were these people seen as a better source of labor?

Section 4: European Cultures

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Reasons / How did each trend encourage European Exploration?
The Crusades
Rise of Nations
Sailing Technology

Section 5: Impact

Directions: Identify the impact each of the following had on the Exploration Era.

1.  Columbus

2.  Native Americans

3.  Africans

4.  Treaty of Tordesillas

Chapter 2: American Colonies Emerge

Section 1: Spain

Directions: Complete the Matching activity.

_____1. conquistadors
_____ 2. Hernando Cortes
_____ 3. mestizo
_____ 4. encomienda
_____ 5. St. Augustine
_____ 6. Ponce de Leon
_____ 7. New Spain
_____ 8. Pope’ / A)  Settlement in Florida. Oldest (European-founded) city in the United States.
B)  Conquered the Aztec civilization.
C)  Spanish settlement in what is today Mexico City.
D)  Mixed Spanish and Native American person.
E)  Forced system of labor upon the Native Americans.
F)  Spanish word for conqueror.
G)  Founded St. Augustine.
H)  Led a rebellion against the Spanish in New Spain.

Question: What effect did the destruction of the Armada have on Spain’s control of the New World?


Section 2 & 3: England

A)  Jamestown

1.  Who settled there? When?

2.  Who were their leaders?

3.  Who were their neighbors?

4.  What type of colony was it when it was first established?

5.  What did it later become?

6.  Why did the colony nearly fall?

7.  Who was John Rolfe? What was his importance?

8.  What impact did indentured servants and the headright system have?

B)  New England

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Colony / Founder / Government / Economy
Massachusetts Bay
Rhode Island
Section 4: Middle Colonies

Complete the charts below.

New Netherland (New York & New Jersey)

Population / Economy / Relations w/ Native Americans / Relations w/England
Proprietor / Population / Religion / Relations w/ native Americans
Chapter 3: The Colonies of Age


1.  Mercantilism

2.  Triangular Trade

3.  Middle Passage

4.  Stono Rebellion

5.  Enlightenment

6.  Great Awakening

7.  Proclamation of 1763

8.  Salutary Neglect

9.  Navigation Acts

Section 1: English Colonies

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Colonial Groups / Colonies / Economic Activities
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

Section 4: The French & Indian War

Directions: Complete the charts below.

The War

Why did France & Britain Fight a war? / Why did British Colonies fight? / Why did Native Americans fight?

Winners & Losers

What did Britain gain as a result of the war? / What did Britain lose?
What did the colonists gain as a result of the war? / What did the colonies lose?
What did France lose as a result of the war? / What did the war cost the Native Americans?
Chapter 4: The War for Independence

Section 1: The Stirrings of Rebellion

Directions: Complete the chart below.

A) The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in order to… / B) Colonists responded to this act by… / C) Britain responded to the colonists by…
A) The British Parliament passed the Townshend Act in order to… / B) Colonists responded to this act by… / C) Britain responded to the colonists by…
A) The British Parliament passed the Tea Act in order to… / B) Colonists responded to this act by… / C) Britain responded to the colonists by…
A) The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts in order to… / B) Colonists responded to this act by… / C) Britain responded to the colonists by…
A) The British Army marched on Lexington & Concord… / B) Colonists responded to this march by… / C) Britain responded to the colonists by…

Section 2: Revolution Approaching

Directions: Describe how each of the following helped start the Revolution.

1.  1st Continental Congress

2.  2nd Continental Congress

3.  Bunker Hill

4.  Olive Branch Petition

5.  Common Sense

6.  Declaration of Independence

Section 3 & 4: The American Revolution

Directions: Complete the Chart below.

Who won? / Why did they win? / What were the impacted results?
New York