Nominations Sought by February 6, 2015for


The Chamber of Commerce NDSU DistinguishedFaculty Service Award Selection Committee is seeking nominations for2015.The recipient for this award will be selected in Spring2015and recognized at the annual “Celebration of Faculty Excellence” in May.The recipient of this honorwill receive a cash award and will enjoy permanent recognition of this award.

The award has been designed to recognize NDSU faculty members with the rank of full professor (excluding deans, vice presidents, directors, and chairs/heads) who haveattaineddistinctionin their profession. In evaluating nominees for this high honor, the committeewill especially focuson the nominees’ substantial service contributions to the community and the region, in addition to their achievement as scholars, teachers, and/or artists during their time at NDSU. Such service activities may be in the form of active participation or leadership in volunteer organizations that serve the community and the region, or activities that directly benefit the community.Substantial professional achievement by nominees leading to recognition, not only at NDSU and North Dakota, but nationally and internationally as well, will play a significant role in guiding the committee’s deliberations.Besides communityservice,characteristics of nominees that will contribute to their strengths as candidates include the following:

  • superior teaching, and other types of interaction with students;
  • a distinguished record of publicationsor other scholarly contributions;
  • awards, offices in national organizations, and editorships;
  • financial and other support for scholarly activities from external sources

Nominations will be accepted from any member of the University. A candidate’s curriculum vita and a letter of nomination addressing the criteria,especially the candidate’s community service activities, along with two letters of support (one of whichspecifically addressescommunityservice activities) should be sent via email to Melissa Lamp, , on or before February6, 2015. For more information about the award or the nomination process, call Melissa Lamp (231-6133) or one of the following committee members:William Perrizo(231-7248), Jim Parsons (359-0519), Margaret Fitzgerald (231-8280), Won Koo (231-7448), John Stern (235-7593).

Previous winners: Faculty Distinguished Service Award (change in title): Mukund Sibi, chemistry and biochemistry; Carol Archbold, criminal justice and political science, 2013; no award given, 2012; Herbert Snyder, accounting and information systems, 2011. Distinguished Professor Award:Dennis Cooley, philosophy, 2010; Robert Littlefield, communication, 2009; William Perrizo, computer science, 2008; Donald Schwert, geosciences, 2007;no award given, 2006;Kevin McCaul, psychology, 2005; no award given, 2004; Won Koo, agribusiness and applied economics, 2003; no award given, 2002; Ray Miltenberger, psychology, 2001; Tom Isern, history, 2000; no award given, 1999; Will Bleier, zoology, 1998; no award given, 1997; Jay Leitch, agricultural economics, 1996; Gregory McCarthy, chemistry, 1995; Larry Leistritz, agricultural economics, 1994; James Grier, zoology, 1993; John Enderle, electrical engineering, 1992; James Tilton, animal and range sciences, 1991; David Danbom, history, 1990; Allan Ashworth, geosciences, 1989; Harriett Light, child development and family science, 1988; Mark Gordon, chemistry, 1987; Karl Lucken, agronomy, 1986; Philip Boudjouk, chemistry, 1985; Bert D’Appolonia, cereal science and food technology, 1984; no award given, 1983; Ithel A. Schipper, veterinary science, 1982; Zeno Wicks, polymers and coatings, 1981; Gabriel W. Comita, zoology, 1980; John Nalewaja, agronomy, 1979; S. S. Mann, agronomy, 1978.