DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY, Rules and Expectations 2014/15
Ms. Carrick,

Welcome to the art department!

The following rules are designed to create a well-ordered, safe and productive environment for all.

1. Respect the rights of others and yourself to learn and work. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. NO cell phone!

2. Do your own work each class. All students are expected to work on their projects every class for the entire class period.

3. If you are absent, see the teacher for missed work. Make-up work is your responsibility!

4. Clean up your working area at the end of class. Store your artwork in your portfolio.

5. Certain tools must be signed out for students to use during the class period. The student signing out the tool is responsible for handling it carefully and returning it by the end of the period. Some tools, such as exacto knives and scissors can be considered weapons if removed from the classroom. If a tool is not returned by the end of class, security will be called, and students’ bags can be searched.

6. All textbooks must be signed out for student use at home. The student signing out the textbook must complete an obligation form prior to borrowing the textbook. The book must be returned to your teacher the following day. Unreturned books will be submitted as an obligation and the student will be responsible for replacing the book. ($70.00)

7. Any equipment (e.g. computers, tables, computer tools, mat cutters, etc.) that is broken through negligent or improper use will be repaired at the student’s expense.

8. Using copyrighted work (except with an artist’s written permission) will not be accepted as original student work.

9. All work that is produced in this department will be held to the standards that are in the North Penn Art Department Censorship Policy which states the following:

Students in a public school setting are a captive audience who can be exposed to art work involuntarily by simply walking by a showcase or down a hallway where art work is displayed. Because they are compelled and not volitional viewers they need to be protected from being exposed to works of art that they may find offensive or may have a negative influence on their behavior. With regard to that, the following subject matter is considered inappropriate and cannot be included in art work generated by a student in an art class:

·  subject matter that advocates violence or the perception of violence

·  subject matter that advocates the use of drugs and/or alcohol

·  subject matter pertaining to obscene gestures or language

·  partial and/or full nudity

·  subject matter with sexual connotations

•If you have any questions or concerns, the Art/Visual Communications Department phone number is 215-368-9800 ext. 1333, and my email is

•In order for students to complete assignments in an appropriate and timely manner, students are expected to provide some of their own materials. The following supplies are to be brought in by ______. Failure to do so will result in the inability to complete assignments, which will affect your grade.

_____ Digital SLR Camera OR 35mm SLR camera and film _____ no.2 pencils (minimum 2)

_____ sketch book or notebook or folder _____ USB Drive (4GB or more)


•Share this information with your parent(s), and ask them to fill in the information below. Sign the part below yourself, cut it on the line, and return it to your teacher.

I have read and understand the rules and procedures of the Art/Visual Communication Department.

Student’s Name (print) ______Class & Period ______

Student’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent’s Name (print) ______

Parent’s Signature ______Date ______

Mother’s or Father’s Work # ______E-mail (print clearly) ______

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Grading Policy 2014/15
Ms. Carrick,

Factors used in the determination of marking period grades include tests, quizzes, homework, and projects. The quarterly grade will be determined by adding all of the points you earned and dividing that total by the maximum total points available to earn. That number equals your percentage. The percentage is based on the school scale:

North Penn High School Grading Scale

The grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%.

Grading Scale for Marking Periods Final Course Grades

A+ 97 – 100% C+ 77 – 79% A+ to D course averages parallel the marking period grades.

A 90 – 96% C 70 – 76% E 50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+ 87 – 89% D 65 – 69% F Below 50% (Remediation not permitted)

B 80 – 86% F Below 65%

Mid-Term Exam (Full Year Courses) Final Grade Calculation (Full Year Courses)

Administered in January 21% for each marking period

10% of second marking period grade 16% for final exam

All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.


·  Homework (taking photographs, visual journals, research, etc.) needs to be done in a timely fashion since it is assigned to support and reinforce the learning that is happening in class. It is important that students take all assignments seriously and turn them in when due.

·  Notebooks or journals are required for use in class each day.

Quizzes and Tests

·  Quizzes and tests may be given throughout the year.

·  All major classes take a mid-term exam at the end of the second marking period.

·  All major classes take final exams at the end of the year.


·  At the introduction of each project, students will be given the objectives and requirements for that specific project.

·  At the conclusion of the project both the student and teacher will fill out an assessment rubric. On it are specific questions that are designed to help the student determine the quality of his/her work. The total of these points is the score earned. The number of objectives and requirements the student completes will determine the points earned.

·  All students must complete an assessment sheet for each project.

Due Dates

·  Each project, journal, or worksheet is due on the due date specified when the assignment is given.

o  Due to absences a grace period of 1 cycle (6 classes) with no loss of points will follow each due date, but work must be finished outside of class time (during study halls, lunch, or X-period).

o  Work that is past 1 cycle (6 classes) late will NOT be printed or matted and only graded digitally.

§  Point deduction: Lack of a print will result in a zero for the matting portion of the grade (approx. 10% deduction from project grade).

o  After 2 cycles, late work will lose matting points plus an additional 10% from the grade (approx. 20% deduction).

o  Work later than two cycles may not be accepted.

·  It is imperative that assignments be completed in a timely manner.

Graduation Project Requirement (Digital Photo 2 only)

·  In Digital Photo 2 the art criticism project may be used as your graduation project.

o  All students will be required to complete the art criticism assignment whether or not it is used to fulfill the graduation project requirement. Specific information about the project will be given out when it is assigned.

·  If you choose to use the course project to fulfill your graduation project you must notify the teacher during sign-ups at the beginning of the year.

o  You will be required to submit 2 copies of the written component while also submitting an electronic copy to a specified account at In order to receive credit for the graduation project you must earn a C or better on the project, you must pass the course, and you must attend all 4 marking periods of the course.