Bay Breeze Point Homeowners’ Association
c/o The Property Shoppe, 3149 Shore Drive, Suite B, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
757-496-1986 (Fax 757-496-1014)



*** Exterior Alteration Applications will only be accepted from property owners

and are valid only for the applicant submitting the application. ***


Step 1: Carefully review the approved HOA documents and guidelines before finalizing your plans for any exterior change or grounds alteration. Relevant information will be found in the Declaration of Covenants under Article VI. Architectural Control and Article VII. Use of Property, as well as in the Guidelines for the Construction of a Home and the Guidelines for Exterior Alteration. All of these documents can be found in the "Rules and Regulations" folder of the Bay Breeze Point HOA website (http://baybreezepoint-norfolk.org).

Step 2: Complete this Exterior Alteration Application. VERY IMPORTANT: You will need to include a plat survey with almost all applications, as detailed in the Guidelines. In addition, you will need to provide pictures, drawings, architectural plans and possibly material samples. The goal is to give the Architectural Review Board all the information they need to make an informed decision about your project. More information is better.

Step 3: Use the notification section to obtain signatures from adjoining HOA members that, in your opinion, may be impacted by your proposed change(s) to exterior structure and/or grounds.

Step 4: Submit your completed application to the Association Manager by mail, email, or fax.

Step 5: The Association Manager will time-stamp your application and forward it to the Architectural Review Board (ARB) for review. IMPORTANT: HOA documents give the ARB 30 days to process (review and respond) to your application. However, this 30-day period does not start until a complete application is received at the Association's Management Office.

Step 6: The ARB will review the application and will recommend approval or disapproval.

Step 7: The BOD will review the work of the ARB and endorse or overturn their decision.

Step 8: The Association Manager will then notify you whether the application was approved or denied. Appeals of disapproved applications are accepted by the BOD at the monthly BOD meeting.

Step 9: If your application is approved, you will need to complete the approved project within six months. It is requested that the Association Manager be contacted when the project has been completed so that the application can be closed-out and filed. Each project approval expires at the end of six months. If your project approval period expires before you start or complete your project, you must submit a new Exterior Alteration Application or seek approval for a project extension.


Updated: April 2014


Bay Breeze Point Homeowners’ Association
c/o The Property Shoppe, 3149 Shore Drive, Suite B, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
757-496-1986 (Fax 757-496-1014)


Estimated Start Date: ______

Estimated Completion Date: ______


____ Antennas/Satellite Dishes/like Devices ______Porch

____ Alteration ______Re-Siding and Restyling

____ Building/Room Addition ______Roof repair/replacement

____ Deck/Patio ______Shed and Tool Storage

____ Excavation ______Smokestacks and Chimneys

____ Exterior Color Scheme ______Swimming Pools/hot tubs/spas

____ Exterior Finish ______Fences/Walls

____ Gazebo ______Grading Repair

____ Green House ______Guttering

____ Exterior Lighting ______Landscaping

____ Mailbox ______New Construction

____ Newspaper Tubes ______Storm Doors







¾  Plat

¾  Plans and specifications (e.g., architectural plans)

¾  Physical survey showing exact location of alteration/addition or modification

¾  Illustrations or Photos of all new or replacement components such as Windows, Doors, Railings, Siding, Brick, Concrete, etc. Brochure pictures or camera photos will suffice.

¾  Color samples for any new painting to be done

¾  Your Contractor’s name and phone number

¾  Anything else that will help the ARB to understand and visualize your project.

4.  Notify Adjacent Property Owners:

As adjacent Property Owners I (we) have been informed about this exterior alteration application and about the right to contact The Property Shoppe with questions and/or comments.


Neighbor #1 (print) Neighbor #1 (signature) Date

Address Neighbor #1 ______


Neighbor #2 (print) Neighbor #2 (signature) Date

Address Neighbor #2 ______



Property Owner (print) Property Owner (signature) Date


Property Owner (print) Property Owner (signature) Date


If a homeowner begins alterations without first obtaining written approval of his/her plans, the homeowner does so at their own risk. If homeowner fails to submit an application or if the application is denied, or modified, the homeowner will be responsible for the cost of removing or altering the exterior change, plus the cost of litigation, if necessary. Appropriate permits and licenses must be obtained as necessary to comply with the City of Norfolk Codes and Ordinances. This application is non-transferable to new owner.


If the ARB fails to either approve or disapprove this application within 30 days after receipt by the Association Manager, the application shall be deemed approved and the applicant may proceed with the plans submitted. If an application is disapproved, the homeowner has the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Directors. The homeowner should contact the Manager for the procedures to file an appeal. Before filing the appeal, however, the homeowner should first consider why the application was disapproved. If the homeowner is willing to accept changes recommended by the ARB (if any are made), the homeowner may submit an amended application using the previously submitted application as a supporting document, and indicating the change that will be made to make the application acceptable. If information was missing from the application, the homeowner should resubmit the application with the required information. If any event, any application resubmitted will start the (30) day period again.


Updated: April 2014


Bay Breeze Point Homeowners’ Association
c/o The Property Shoppe, 3149 Shore Drive, Suite B, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
757-496-1986 (Fax 757-496-1014)

***********************COMMITTEE USE ONLY************************

Homeowner Name(s): ______

Property Address: ______

Project: ______

Date Application Received TPS: ______Assigned Tracking #:______

Date Application Forwarded to ARB: ______

Date Application returned back to TPS with decision:______

Date Application decision forwarded to BOD POC :______

ARB Committee Recommendation:______

ARB Signatures (minimum of two (2) required):


BOD Signature (if required): ______

Date of Final Decision: ______

Date approval/denial letter mailed to owner:______


Updated: April 2014