Biography: Peter C. Moore

Born and raised in suburban New York City, Peter attended public schools through the 8th. grade and then went to St. Mark’s School in Massachusetts from which he graduated in ’54. After 4 years at Yale, he attended Jesus College, Oxford and got his M.A. in theology, finishing his theological studies at E.T.S. in Cambridge, Mass. in ’61.

Peter then served as vicar of an industrial parish outside of Pittsburgh for 2 years before becoming the Director of the Council for Religion in Independent Schools in N.Y.C. At the same time he started FOCUS, Inc. a ministry to private secondary schools in New England that has expanded over the next 50 years to involve 30 staff in 10 regions from Boston to North Carolina. FOCUS touches hundreds of students weekly in scores independent secondary schools. Also Peter and his wife Sandra developed a beautiful conference facility for the FOCUS ministry on Martha’s Vineyard Island, Mass.

Peter left FOCUS in 1985 and became Rector of “Little” Trinity Anglican Church, Toronto, where he, his wife, Sandra, and their three children lived for a decade. While there he received his Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Seminary.

In 1996 Peter became the fourth Dean and President of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. While there he completed a capital campaign that raised $14 million for the seminary.

Retiring in 2004, Peter became Chairman of Anglican Relief and Development Fund, and began The Fellows Initiative based in Sewickley, PA. – an organization helping large churches establish internship programs for post-college students. In 2005 he was asked by the Board of FOCUS to return as (interim) Executive Director. He served as FOCUS Director from 2005 to 2008.

During the summer of 2008 he and Sandra moved to South Carolina where he became Associate for Discipleship at St. Michael’s Church in downtown Charleston. They have three grown children.

Peter is the author of four books, and editor of two others. These are: Disarming the Secular Gods – How to Talk So Skeptics Will Listen (IVP), A Step Further – the Journey in Discipleship (this includes DVDs and is an 8 or 16 week course), A Church To Believe In (Latimer), From Dry Bones – Reflections on an Unpredictable Life (XLibris), and Can A Bishop Be Wrong – Ten Scholars Challenge John Shelby Spong (ed.), (Morehouse). He received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Nashotah house in ’03.

Peter C. Moore

721 High Battery Circle

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

