Christian Life Private School
(Registered as Excel Christian School EMIS 700400162)
Code of Conduct
‘’I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’’
Phil 4:13
Revised: November 2017
Table of Content
Section A
1. Statement of faith…………………………………………………………………..3
2. Mission and Vision statements of CLPS………………………………………....3
3. Preamble…………………………………………………………………………….3
4. Purpose and goal of the Code of Conduct………………………………………4
5. Standards of admission……………………………………………………………5
Section B
6. Responsibilities of students………………………………………………………..5
7. Responsibilities of parents………………………………………………………....5
Section C
8. General School Rules…………………………………………………………...….6
v School attendance………………………………………………….7
v School uniform and appearance…………………………………..7
v Hair and personal hygiene…………………………………………7
v General Classroom Discipline……………………………………..7
v Discipline outside the classroom & other general discipline……8
9. Examinations and tests (Pace tests)……………………………………………....9
Section D
10. Categories of offences (Levels of offences and lines of authority per level)……….10
11. Disciplinary Procedures……………………………………………………………..11
12. Disciplinary steps…………………………………………………………………….11
13. Corporal Punishment………………………………………………………………..11
14. Appeal Procedures…………………………………………………………………..11
15. Random Searches and Seizures…………………………………………………..12
16. Annexure A (School Fees)…………………………………………………………12
17. Annexure B (School Uniform)……………………………………………………...13
18. Annexure C (After Care)……………………………………………………………13
19. Annexure D (Health, Safety and Emergency Information)……………………..14
20. Annexure E (Dangerous weapons)……………………………………………….15
21. Annexure F (ACE Education Guide)………………………………………………15
21.1. Learning Centre Rules and Information………………………………...... 15
21.2. Rewards and privileges……………………………………………………..17
21.3. Discipline……………………………………………………………………..17
Section A
In the divine inspirations of the Bible which is inerrant in the original writings, the only infallible and authoritative Word of God, the supreme and final authority in faith and practice.
In one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His
miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His personal future return in power and glory.
In the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, which provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer.
In the personality of the Holy Spirit, by whose regenerative work sinful man is born again. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is given to believers who seek it. The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling regenerate man is enabled to live a holy life.
In the creation of man in the divine image. His subsequent fall through sin
resulting in universal guilt and total depravity. The consequent necessity of personal salvation through Christ. The regeneration by the Holy Spirit as absolutely essential for personal salvation. The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ.
In a believer’s baptism by total immersion in water, in obedience to the command of God, in Mark 16:15 and Acts 8:36-39
In heterosexual relationships between and natural man and a natural woman within the confines of lawful matrimony, and the sanctity of marriage in accordance with Hebrews 13:4
In the resurrection of the just and the unjust, the one to everlasting life, and the other to everlasting damnation.
In the spiritual unity of all believers as comprising the true church, which has the duty to preach the Gospel to every creature.
2. Mission and Vision
To provide a sound, Christ-centred, Bible based academic education, thereby giving each learner the opportunity to strive for excellence in every sphere of live.
Our vision is to see our students excel In all areas of life whilst undergirding them with strong Christian character. We believe that children have a unique destiny in God and together with you the parent we hope to help the individual to discover God’s will for their life.
3. Preamble
This Code of Conduct is based on the following principles:
· Disciplined behaviour is essential for the well-being of all attending and involved with the school.
· Disciplined behaviour is essential for the successful achievement of the schools objectives.
· Christian principles that aim to establish a safe and secure environment to allow the school to function as a harmonious community.
· The code of conduct is aimed at promoting a climate of mutual self-respect, self-discipline and responsible behaviour.
· The code of conduct endures the following basic rights:
o The rights of learners to learn in a secure, non-threatening environment.
o The rights of educators to teach and maintain orderly learning environments.
· The code of conduct is subject to all relevant provincial and national laws, in particular but not restricted to, The South African Schools Act.
4. Purpose and goal of the Code of Conduct
This School is committed to providing an environment for the delivery of quality teaching and learning by:
· Instilling Christian values in every aspect of their school environment.
· Promoting the rights and safety of all learners and teachers and parents.
· Ensuring learners’ responsibility for their own actions and behaviours.
· Prohibiting all forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance.
· Eliminating disruptive and offensive conduct.
The Code of Conduct spells out the rules regarding learner behaviour at the School and describes the disciplinary system to be implemented by the School concerning transgressions by learners. The Code of Conduct applies to all learners while they are on the School premises or when they are away from the School representing it or attending a School function.
• CLPS desires to serve the community area by providing a Christian based education to those students and families desiring such.
• CLPS does not discriminate on the basis of race or gender in evaluating student applicants. Church membership shall not be a determining factor in the admission decision.
• CLPS is a private institution and reserves the right to accept or reject any
applicants’ academic and behavior record in making decisions regarding admittance. A consideration of admission is for families and students not to take offense at the Christian nature and influence of CLPS.
• The admission process involves:
- Interview with parent and child
- Diagnostic Testing
- Principal and parent meet to discuss results and recommendation
- If accepted, registration documents must be completed
- Payment of fees
- Placement in class
Section B
6. Responsibilities of students
A. Compliance with the Code of Conduct and related policies and any instructions given by the Supervisor (teacher) / monitor and/ or Headmaster of the School.
B. It is expected that learners show appropriate respect, courtesy and good manners to all adults, be they teachers, other staff or external visitors.
C. Courteous and sensible behaviour is expected at all times, in and out of the School.
D. Ensure punctuality and observe all/ any timekeeping requirements of the School.
E. Ensure a responsible and self-disciplined approach to all School related activities.
F. Respect and care for all school property and that of fellow learners, teachers and other staff of CLPS.
7. Responsibilities of parents
The School aims to have a good relationship and communication with the parent(s)/guardian(s). Parents/guardians are therefore welcome to discuss any situation that may be outside the confines of this document so that this relationship can be maintained. Whilst we understand that the parent(s)/guardian(s) except the school to provide the best education possible, the parent(s)/guardian(s) should also accept responsibility to assist the school on achieving this goal. To this effect:
A. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) must ensure that the learner has read and fully understand this document, referred to as the Code of Conduct and that he/she complies with it at all times.
B. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) must understand that it is they, and not the School, that are primarily responsible for laying down the moral, ethical and disciplinary framework within which the learner(s) must conduct him/herself.
C. Ensure that the learner arrives at school on set times in the mornings, that all other timekeeping requirements are observed and that learner attends all compulsory attendance functions and activities.
D. Ensure that learner(s) are collected from school on time (as per grade finishing time- see school hours), or if learner(s) is enrolled at aftercare before closing time of 17:30.
E. Encourage the pupil to adopt a responsible and self-disciplined approach to all school related activities.
F. Encourages the learner to participate in school and extra-mural activities.
G. Treats members of staff and other employees of the School with respect at all times. To this end, no foul language or verbal abuse will be tolerated.
H. Participates in the learning process, thereby assisting the learner with homework where necessary. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) are requested to check and sign the homework diary daily. The diary may also be used as a form of communication between parent and teacher, by providing feedback on concerns or queries to the Class Supervisor of Headmaster. (refer to Section C, 7.8. of this document – ACE Education Guide)
I. Attends Parent(s)/ Teacher’s meetings/ events and ACE information/ training sessions where possible.
J. Ensure that all school fees and any other monies that may be owed to the school are paid in full and on time. Refer to contract entered into between yourself and school.
K. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) must ensure the supervise the learner in his/her use of technological equipment, including cell phone usage and internet access. Access to undesirable information and material can affect the well-being and behaviour of a learner and his/ her peers.
L. Ensure that the school has the latest contact details of parent(s)/ guardian(s) at all times, for health, safety en emergency situations. (refer to Annexure B).
M. Ensure that the school is aware of any medical issues, allergies or other serious matters relating to the wellbeing of the learner(s).
N. When collecting or dropping off learner(s) ensure that you proceed with utmost caution when driving on/near the school grounds.
O. Ensure that, in the event of a learner transferring to another school, CLPS is given one month’s (30 days) written notice.
Section C
8.General School Rules
School Attendance
v Learners are expected to attend school every school day of the year.
v Normal School Hours are as follows:
Grade / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thur. / Fri.Crèche / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10
Gr. R- 1 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10
Gr. 2-3 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10 / 07:45-13:10
Gr. 4-7 / 07:45-13:50 / 07:45-13:50 / 07:45-13:50 / 07:45-13:50 / 07:45-13:50
Gr. 8-12 / 07:45-14:30 / 07:45-14:30 / 07:45-14:30 / 07:45-14:30 / 07:45-13:50
v Aftercare runs until 17:30pm SHARP. (see Annexure C)
v Parents/guardians should please phone the office when their child is not going to be at school owing to illness. This is to be followed up by a note from the parent when the child returns to school.
v Should a learner be absent for more than 2 days, a doctor’s letter is required when returning to school.
v Learners are expected to be at school on time, and should a learner be late for whatever legitimate reason, a note should be sent to the school.
v Learners are to remain on the school premises during school hours, and can only leave the school with a parent/guardian or another person designated by the parent/guardian, or otherwise, when under the responsibility of the school during a sports event, outside, or other activity or event.
v Learners may not leave or be taken off the school premises during school hours, unless the required documentation (at the office) and explicit permission from the Principal is obtained to this effect. Parents are encouraged to make dental and medical appointments for their children outside of school hours. Should it be necessary for the child to leave the school property during school hours, a letter should be given to the teacher beforehand.
v Crèche facilities are closed during school holidays.
v School Uniform And Appearance
Learners are to dress according to the school official dress code at all times.
(See Annexure B – School Uniform).
A. Learners are expected to look neat at all times when in school uniform or sports dress – on or off the school premises.
B. Learners (both boys and girls) may wear watches, which are modest in appearance. No other adornment such as bracelets, piercings, chains or beads may be worn.
C. Girls with pierced ears may wear studs/ sleepers. No other type of earrings may be worn and only one earring per ear is permitted. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
D. Learners may not wear any item of clothing, jewellery or other adornment which is not officially part of the school attire, unless stipulated as being admissible, in terms of the code of conduct.
E. Nails are to be kept short (not above tip of finger when hand held up) and neat. Girls may not wear nail polish, or make-up of any sort.
v Hair And Personal Hygiene
A. Hair must be kept neat, clean and combed at all times.
B. Dyed, highlighted, coloured hair etc are prohibited.
A. Boy’s hair must be kept neat.
B. Sideburns may not be longer than the middle of the ear and faces must be clean-shaved at all times.
A. Girl’s hair to be kept neat and tidy and off the face at all times when in school uniform.
B. Shoulder length or longer hair is to be tied back using appropriate (navy or same colour as hair) hair accessories: hair ties, elastics or clips.
C. Fringes are not allowed over the eyebrow if combed forward.
The above regulations will be used as a guideline and the final decision as to the acceptability of any particular hairstyles will rest with the school’s management/ board.
v General Classroom Discipline
A. Learners are expected to carry out all school related tasks or requests as given by the class Supervisor (teacher) or other staff member.
B. Learners are expected to display courtesy, good manners and behaviour at all times.
C. Learners are expected to present a positive frame of mind in the classroom and refrain from purposefully disrupting the class.
D. Learners are expected to attend classes and/or extra lessons as may be set out from time to time and can only be absent with the express permission of the class supervisor (teacher) or the Principal.