A Competition for Talented Enthusiastic AmateurFurniture Designer/Makers
This Competition is for people who design and/or make furniture as a hobby. For the Competition we recognise Amateur furniture design/makers as persons who do not use this activity as their major source of income. The Trust wishes to encourage people to use wood from the New Forest to make the highest quality furniture. From whatever is in stock it makes available 1”boards of oak, beech and other species to Amateurs who will make a commitment to use the wood to make a piece for this Competition, at a reasonable price. To ensure that commitment is honoured we will require those accepting timber to accept an invoice for any taken from us. That invoice will be presented for payment if the person who took the timber does not submit a piece of furniture in the competition that year.
Prizesfor 2012
The Amateur Furniture Makers Competition
Best Competition Piece*
The People’s Choice**
ThisAmateur Competition is organised in parallel with an “Exhibition of Fine-Crafted Wood” to be held at the New Forest Show on 24th, 25th and 26th July 2012. The Exhibition will include pieces made by Professional bespoke furniture craftsmen and furniture from a Competition for Trainee furniture makers. The Judges will select pieces by Amateurs to take part in the Exhibition. All pieces selected to take part in the Exhibition will be automatically entered in the competition for the ‘People’s Choice’.The winning Amateur piece may be judged the *Best Competition Piece.
**The‘People,s Choice’ winners are chosen by adults and children visiting the Exhibition, who vote to say which Exhibit they liked best.
From this it can be seen that Amateur Competitors have the potential to win three prizes; they could win one of the Amateur Competition prizes, the People’s Choice prize and even the Best Competition Piece prize.
Note – the Organisers want to having the winning pieces on show at the New Forest Museum and Visitor Centre after the Exhibition – see Rules.
A Competition for Amateur Furniture Designer/Makers
Kathy Gulliver, Robert Haydon, Jackie Neylon, Harry Oram, Tony Roberts, Toni Shaw, Donald Thompson,Richard Manley.
JUDGESfor 2012
James Ryan is the designer-manager at the Edward Barnsley Workshop and he designs all the furniture made there. He has received six Guildmark awards from the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers for pieces he has designed and his work has been selected for Design Nation. James also works as a free-lance and has designed three ranges of furniture for Ercol. He is a liveryman of The Worshipful Co. and serves on its Guildmark Award Committee.In 2008 and 2009 he organized the annual gathering of the forum members, which were each attended by more than a hundred furniture makers from around the country.
Martin Griersonstudied design and cabinet making at London’s Central School of Arts & Crafts (now Central St.Martins) and then spent 5 years as an assistant to leading architects and designers. This experience has lead to a good understanding of buildings, and architects ideas about design. He started his workshop after 15 years practicing as a free-lance designer to the furniture industry.
Martin set out to make proper pieces of furniture that exploit traditional forms of construction but are, never the less, expressions of today.
He always seeks an appropriate form for eachpiece, relating it to its surroundings, either by contrast or closely related style. He works closely with clients to achieve furniture that will live up to their expectations and aspirations.Their input is a strong influence in helping the creation of a new design for them. He believes the success and beauty of a design lie as much in the consistent attention to detail and choice of materials as in the overall concept.
After graduating from Buckingham College, Richard Williams went to work for the well renowned maker Martin Grierson, where he was involved in 'special project furniture'.
In 1990 he took the decision to be a self-employed designer and maker, running a busy workshop. In 2003 Richard was awarded an honourary Master of Arts Degree by Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College. ‘The overriding motivation for me and for my team of craftsmen is to create beautiful furniture that not only fulfils its intended function, but gives pleasure to all who experience its qualities. Attention to detail in design and construction, the beauty of the natural materials, and excellence of craftsmanship in the making of every piece are daily uppermost in our minds.’ ’We are proud to have been given eight Guildmark awards from the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers.’
Talking to the public
If any competitor would like to spend half a day talking to the public we can arrange for an Entry Ticket to the Show for that day. Please let us know if this is desired so that we can organise the tickets.
The Talk
Matthew Burt has agreed to give a talk for Competitors while judging is taking place.
Rules Governing the New Forest TrustFine Crafted-Wood
AmateurFurniture Designer/Maker Competition 2012
Qualifications of Entries: Only work by the entrant will be considered in judging. The Entry should be recognisable as a piece of furniture. Entries constructed from kits will not be eligible. Misrepresentation will result in rejection or disqualification, at the discretion of the judges. Preferably the timber used should be from New Forest woodlandsor similar, however, in order to permit craftsmen to fully use their imagination and flair this rule will be interpreted as permitting no more than 10% by volume or surface area of other sources to be used.
Eligibility: For the purposes of the Competition ‘Amateur’ means someone who does not make furniture as theirmainsource (not exceeding 20%) of their annual income,
Entry: Only one entry is permitted for each competitor. The Organisers’ decision on whether an application is accepted as an entry is absolute and final. A preliminary round of judging may be undertaken to determine which pieces should be judged at the Exhibition. Competitors will receive a receipt for their application and if accepted, an Official Entry Number.
Application Form: A separate Application form must be completed by each competitor. An Application form is attached to this document. An Application form canalso be downloaded from .
Photographs: Experience shows that it is not easy to get a good quality photograph at the Exhibition and we need very good studio photographs when publishing the results of the Competition and the Exhibition.The Organisers would like to have a photograph of each entry included when submitting an Application form. If the Application form is submitted by email then a jpeg file should be attached. If this is not possible, please send us your Application form noting “photograph to follow”. The Organisers reserve the right to use these photographs and any taken by them at the Show to publicise the Competition and its results. We regret that we will be unable to return any hard copies of photographs.
Description of the Entry: Detaileddimensions and description of each entry must be submitted on the Application Form, naming the wood species used, it source, design background to piece, surface finish, etc
Entry Fee: An Entry Fee of £20is required for each Competitor. All Competitors will receive a plan of the Showground, a Vehicle Pass andon request a ‘any day’ admission ticket to the Showground.
Deadline for sending Application Forms: To facilitate proper preparation for the Competition applications should be made as early as possiblebut no later than midnight on 31st May 2012.
Submission of Entries at the Exhibition Entries for judging must be received by the Competition Organisers at the New Forest Show between 1000 and 1200 on Monday July 23rd 2012. Competitors or theirdesignated representative must present entries in person. The Competition Organisers will provide each entrant with a receipt upon delivery of the entry to the contest. This receipt must be returned to the Organisers in order to retrieve the entry at or after 1600 on 26th July 2012. Entrants are expected to insure their entries while they are on the Showground.
Sales: Competitors are permitted to offer their entries for sale while at the Exhibition. The terms of any sale are the responsibility of the Competitor and not the Organisers. Entries shall stay on show at the Exhibition until 1600 hours on 26thJuly 2012. If the winning entry has been sold it should still be available for display, as set out below.
Judging: The Judges will assess entries for artistic design, makeability and craftsmanship, ergonomics in use, and sustainable use of timber in any preliminary heat and a final to be judged on 23rd July 2012. They will determine which entries shall be placed in a first position. They may determine that no entry can be awarded that position. The Judges decision will be final. There will also be a ‘People’s Choice’ classto be determined by visitors to the Exhibition; the winner of this class will be the entry receiving the most votes from the public.
After the Exhibition: Arrangements will be made for the winning pieces to be displayed for tourists in the New Forest, for two months, from the beginning of August to September 2012. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Organisers accept that the winning pieces cannot be displayed as indicated.
New Forest Show 24th, 25th,26th July 2012
Entrants name…………………………………………………………………………
Post Code…………….Tel. No………………Email ………………………………
Description of the entry – Please include any special features, especially those that might not be apparent in a photograph. A good description helps the judges with their determination. On a separate sheet please explain the concept you have adopted for making this piece. The concept is a great help to the judges in assessing the work. A photograph should be attached to this entry form and it is helpful in determining display space requirements.
Description & Dimensions / PhotographAttached(√) / Photograph
To Follow(√)
“I confirm that I have read the rules of the Amateur Fine Crafted-Wood Competition 2012and agree to be bound by them. I confirm that I do not sell furniture as a main source of my annual income and that the information I have provided is true and correct. I also agree that the Competition Organisers may freely publish pictures and text describing my entry.“
The entry fee of £20is enclosed with this form by cheque payable to New Forest Trust Ltd.
Signed ……………………………………………… Date ……………………
By no later than 31st May 2012 – complete this form and attach a photograph of your piece of furniture, and send it;
by e.mail to :
or by post to :The New Forest Trust, New Park Farm, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QH
Cheques, etc. should be made out to ‘New Forest Trust Ltd’